
Welcome to the Akashic Records Office

A man get a second chance working as a contractor for the Akashic Records Office. See as he travels from world to world, as he saves worlds from corruption and occasionally picks up the groceries.

Lord_Hallow · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

It's Not the Size That Matters...

The store bell rings as two children enter a dusty shop.

'Ahhh Ollivanders,' thinks Lucien, 'I wonder if he is as creepy as he's portrayed in the films...'

"Look who we have here," the young wandmaker announces, "you must be the Black twins. Getting ready for Hogwarts, are you?"

Orion looks at Lucien, who shakes his head, to take the lead.

"Yes sir, we received our letters over the weekend. Our mother told us to come and get paired with a wand while she handled some other errands down the alley."

"Ahhh good, good," says Ollivander pointing to Orion, "you first lad! Are left or right-handed?"

While Ollivander fits Orion for his wand, Lucien takes a look around the shop to see what kinds of accessories they sell that weren't mentioned in the book.

Soon a smug Orion comes back with his new wand, "eleven inches, cherry with dragon heartstring. He says it's great for combat!"

"...And do tell, who will you be fighting brother?" chimes in Lucien while Orion just grumbles something about annoying younger brothers.

'I guess it's my turn'

"Hello sir, my name is Lucien and I'm right-handed," announces Lucien to Ollivander.

"Yes, yes, let's get you measured up," Ollivander says while fiddling with a measuring tape.

Soon Lucien was measured and Ollivander begins to bring out wand after wand with varying reactions ranging from barely a fizzle to outright destruction.

"Son, none of these wands suit you, unfortunately. Please follow me into the back and I will let you take a look at some of the older wands we haven't been able to pair up with anyone yet. I'm quite confident we will find you a match!"

Lucien follows Mr. Ollivander to the back of the shop into a small storage room.

"Now, close your eyes and let me know if you feel a pull in your magic toward any of these wands," explains the wandmaker.

Lucien closes his eyes and begins to feel a pulse to the left of him. He points to the box letting Ollivander know he felt a connection.

"How extraordinary! Rigid, sturdy, at eleven and a half inches. This wand is made from the fang of an extinct magical canid, the Dire Wolf. At one point in time, the dire wolf roamed the world with almost no natural predators... though unfortunately they were hunted to extinction by humans. With the core of a thunderbird feather, this wand is highly domineering and should serve you faithfully for the rest of its life."

Lucien grabs the wand and his magic erupts shaking the building at its foundations.

"I must say, this is the most excessive reaction I've seen so far from a pairing. I hope it suits you well young Lucien," says Ollivander with a smile.

'Finally, a wand!' he thinks with a huge smile. 'Now, let the show begin.'


"Lucien, for the last time, you cannot have a lethifold as your familiar!" shouts an exasperated Melania.

"But Mom! This way I would never need a jacket and no one would ever bother me. It's a win-win! All the other familiars here are boring."

Melania just shakes her head and ushers them out of the alley. 'Sometimes there is no reasoning with Lucien.'


'It's been three months since I got my wand, but I still haven't been able to find a familiar, and school starts next month.'

'But enough of that! Pocket, turn on video recording.'

Lucien is standing in a green lush meadow with white mist swirling around. In front of him there is a gigantic floating metal platform with equipment mimicking the interior of the Wakandan Design Group's laboratory. On top of the large platform, there are holo-tables, monitors, hard light displays, along with the rest of the technology used and created by the Wakandan super genius.

'Man, this was a great choice. It was totally worth 85,000 credits. Shuri's lab has practically everything I'll ever need when it comes to technology. Now I just need to think about how I want to go about redesigning the Kimoyo Beads for use with magic and building myself a sweet vibranium nano-armor.'

"Now for the finishing touches," says Lucien as he uses AoE to create a volleyball-sized sphere of vibranium.

'Pocket, remove the Tower Genie spell scroll from the inventory.'

A scroll materializes in front of Lucien, which he opens before placing the sphere over a column where it hovers.

Pointing the scroll towards the ball, Lucien activates the scroll with a flash of bright blue light. As the light died down, the surface of the vibranium began to glow with brightly colored blue runes. The runes shone across the realm before they simmered down to a nice dull blue. The etchings continue to throb blue light as they continued to absorb mana from the atmosphere.

'I knew vibranium would work better than the crap they use in Magus world.'

Lucien closes his eyes to cultivate his mana, unsure of how long the process might take.

Around an hour later a small voice can be heard in the surrounding, "Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"

After opening his eyes sees the sphere pulsing with mana, reminiscent of a heartbeat.

"Hello there! I'm Lucien, I created you to help me along my journey. Pocket, please transmit the information packet."

After a moment, the vibranium core started to beat faster with a larger intake of mana before slowing back down to its previous state.

"Ahem, thank you for that Master Lucien. That felt like water in a desert!" says a disembodied voice.

"Oh, where are my manners! I'm going to call you Aurora from now on if that's alright with you... and please call me Lucien or sir if you must."

The sphere hums with excited energy before speaking in a now feminine voice, "Thanks Lord Lucien! I have a name!"

"...I think we're regressing," mumbles Lucian with a sweatdrop.

"Aurora, please connect to the lab around you. You will find many things that may be fun to play with as well as holographic and hard light displays."

"Got it!" Aurora says affirmatively.

"Once you are done please upload yourself to my pocket and scroll! This way you can speak to me via thought and I can show you around the Harry Potter world. The technology right now is super boring, but we only have a month till we leave for Hogwarts! This world is the perfect launching pad and we must take as much advantage of it as we can!"