
you're a married woman

" OMG!" I exclaimed

" How did it happen" I added

**After the truth or dare**

Aaron escorted Audrey to her room, and she was about to bid him good night

" You won't even invite me in" he said

" That will be another day, I'm feeling sleepy" she said

" Alright, sleep tight" he said leaving.

Later that night Audrey woke up to get some water but they wasn't water in the jug so she went to the kitchen to get some. On coming back, she met Aaron room door opened and the lights were still on. She peeped in and saw him sleeping, she entered and helped him put off his suit and his shirt then she put on the AC tucked him in the bed and off the light. Just as she was about to go,he dragged her back to the bed.

" Stay with me for tonight" he said

" So you were awake the whole time" she said

" Not exactly" he said

" Fine, let me close the door" she said getting up.

" Alright, couldn't you sleep" she asked laying down beside him

" No," he said

" Why?, Is there something on your mind that you're thinking of?" She asked

" Yeah,"he said

" And that is?" She asked

" You" he said

" I mean, you said something earlier about being married. That's what I was thinking of" he said

" Oh, don't I look married" she asked

" No, you look like a virgin" he said

" I am actually" she said

" Why?" He asked

" I'm not yet sure of my husband, if it's over a year then I might give in" she said

" Do you think he's cheating?" He asked

" I'm not sure, but this number keeps calling at night, he saved the number as REPORTER." She said

" And?" He asked

" He's always lying about his whereabouts. They was a time I saw him at a restaurant, I called him to tell him to get something for me as well but before I could say anything, he was like he's in a meeting he can't talk right now. And few other times like that" she said

" I won't jump into conclusion if I were you" he said

" You know you're such a nice guy and I really can't relate with you... I'm sorry" she said

" It's okay" he said embracing her

" Just this once" she said

" Huh, what are you saying?" He asked

" Let's have sex just this once" she said

" No way, you're a married woman and a virgin' he said

" I'm begging you, if I want to lose my virginity then I'll lose it to someone I can trust" she said

" Don't trust me that easily" he said

" No matter what you say you can't change my mind" she said

" Stop being adamant" he said

" Just this once" she said

" No" he said

But to start it was awkward, he stood up pacing up and down the room.

" Alright, I'll leave then" she said and he noticed an injury on her leg

" How did this happen?" He asked bringing out the kit

" It must have been when I went to the kitchen" she said

" You're so careless" he said cleaning up the wound

" I like you and I want you" she said

" Stop it, Audrey you're better than this" he said

" No, you're better than this. You're better than hiding your emotion inside you, just pour it out. What's so difficult to say I like you and I want you" she said

" How is the leg?" He asked ignoring what she said

" You're better than keeping what you feel inside you, some thing you might end up regretting" she said

" Audrey, you're a married woman. I can't even if I want to" he said

" I'm giving you the permission to do whatever to me" she said

" You're out of your mind, you're not thinking straight right now" he said

" I am, just fucking do what you always want to and stop being a coward" she said faustrated and he just looked her in the eye

" I don't want to do something I'll regret, I don't want to be the cause of your sadness" he said

" You're the only reason why I'm smiling right now, please" she said and they was ultimate silence between them till he pinned his lips to hers