
This bitch

The next morning, I woke up because of the sound of the bell. It's probably the big bell, in front of the building. Birds were chipping and I checked the time it was already 8:00.

" Gosh!, I overslept" I said standing up from the bed.

As I opened my door, Audrey also opened her door.

" Good morning" she said

" Good morning, where's Longe?" I asked

" Probably outside, he's not a kid stop worrying" Audrey said

" What of Tessa?" I asked

" You got to be kidding me" Audrey said as we both stood in front her bed looking at her snoring and sleeping anyhow.

" With that loud noise, she didn't even move" I said

" She needs the sleep, she's finally free from family and work stress" Audrey said

" Yeah" I said as we went out.

I showered and slid into one of Audrey's Jean and off shoulder top.

" I think we need to go shopping today" Audrey said as I came out of my room with her clothes.

" It suits me right?" I asked

" Yeah, better than me" she said

The door bell rang and I went to the door to check who it was.

" Hey, it's you" I said

" Good morning, I noticed you didn't come for breakfast so I brought you guys on for you" Davis said gesturing the waiter to bring in the food.

" Oh, that so thoughtful of you" Audrey said from inside

" Thanks, for everything. You've really helped a lot" I said

" Sorry for eavesdropping but I heard you wanted to go shopping" he said

" Yeah" Audrey said

"You can take my card, I heard from your brother that you left your luggage including your money and card" he said

" No, I can't. I'll just use Audrey's" I said

" My card was blocked, remember" she said

" True" I said

" Guess, you got no choice" he said

" I'll just..... Thanks" I said collecting it.

" Anytime" he said he leaving

" OMG! Is that a black card?" Tessa asked as she came out of her room

" Yes" Audrey said

" I'm so loving this holiday," she said eating out of the food

" You haven't even brushed" I said

" I'm hungry" she said

" Go and bath, you stink" Audrey said pushing her into the bathroom

" Meet us downstairs" I said as we left the room after eating.

" I still think we're dreaming" I said

" Me too" Audrey said

" Hey Bitches" Lisa said approaching

" I told you I saw her" I whispered to Audrey

" Hey, bye" Audrey said as we walked past her

" I'm not done talking to you" she said going after us.

" What do you want?" I asked

" Um... Nothing. Just want to inform you to stay out of my way" she said

" We were never in your way, you were the one following us" Audrey said

" What are you and brother even doing here in the first place?" I asked

" We know the owner of this place and trust me you don't wanna mess with us" she said

" I wish" Audrey whispered

" What did you say?" She asked

" Guys, I can't believe the shower was hot and cold" Tessa said approaching

" Oh my" Lisa said

" Holy shit!, What the hell is she doing here?" Tessa asked

"I told you" I said

" Well, good luck with enjoying your stay here" she said grinning her teeth before leaving

" I can't stand this girl" Tessa said

" Same here" Audrey and I said in unison

" Hey ladies, need a tour around" a guy handsome to be precise said as he approached us

" I don't mind" Tessa said

" You guys should carry on I have something to do" I said getting a phone call and Tessa left with him.

" Is it from the office" Audrey asked

" Yeah" I said and she collected my phone

" We're on holiday, put work aside for now and relax" she said taking me outside to the pool

" Wow!" I exclaimed

" This place is on fire 🔥" Longe yelled he went down the water slide and fell into a pool full of sexy ladies

" Oh hey ladies" he said winking and I shooked my head before moving on.

"Alright, I'll you to have fun. I got some business to do" Audrey said going to meet the hot guy at the bar stand

" Hey" she said resting on the stand

" Hey" the guy said smiling

On the other hand I was walking around drinking a cup of soda and I got a message on my other phone. It was from the office, it won't hurt to just read the message. I brought out my phone and was reading the message, all of a sudden, some one pushed me into the pool.

I started struggling in the water, it's not like I can't swim but I was caught unaware and water got into my nostrils.

" Hey help, that lady is drowning" some one yelled

Oh no!