
Just ride on me

Then it landed on Audrey and Hilda.

" Truth or Dare" Audrey asked

" Truth" Hilda said

" Do you like Luna?" She asked

" What kind question is that, of course I like her"she said putting her thumb on the lie detector machine and it showed green that means she wasn't lying. She actually likes me, she must have a big heart to like the girl, her husband took away her virginity.

We spun the bottle around again and this time it landed on Lucas and Longe

" Truth or Dare?" Lucas asked

"Dare" he said

" I dare you to say what's on your mind" Lucas asked

" That's may be hard" he said

" Say it" Lucas said

" Fine, Lisa" he said facing her and then he went down with one knee

" Will you be my girlfriend?"he asked as he stretched his hand out to her and everyone was speechless even Lisa except me of course.

" Yes" she said dragging him up and pinned her lips to his

" Awwn, so cute" Tessa said

" Take good care of her if you don't want me to beat you to a pulp" Lucas said and everyone laughed except me of course. I had something on my mind that was troubling me.

We spun the bottle around again and it landed on Tessa and Aaron

" Truth or Dare?" Tessa asked

" Dare" he said

" Go into an empty room with any girl for five minutes and by the time you come out the girl must be red" Tessa said

" So which should I pick" he said looking around.

" Audrey" he said

" I'm not in for this" she said

" Come on Audrey don't be a fun killer" Celine said and Audrey reluctantly stood up and Aaron lead her to an empty room

" Look, as I said before I'm not in for this. I'm a married woman and...

" Shush, I'm not the type that will force you into something you don't wanna do. Here, you can apply this and wait till five minutes is over" he said giving her blush from the cupboard

" Oh, thanks" she said applying it softly.

After five minutes they went back and it looked as if they actually did something

" She's completely red, nice one bro" Charlie said giving him an high five

We spun the bottle around again and it landed on Travis and me

" Truth or Dare?" He asked

" Dare" I said because I was daring

" The closest boy beside you will decide what you'll do to him" Travis said and I turned, Audrey was beside me then Celine, then Charlie and by my other side was Tessa, Lisa, Tania, Ciara,Lucas.

" I think it's Charlie" Lisa said

" So Charlie what do you want Luna to do?" Travis asked

" Nothing much, just ride me" he said

" Ride him?, He called that just. Was he out of his mind"I thought as I frowned inside of me

" Oh, nice one" Luther said giving him an high five

" We're waiting Luna" Tania said and I walked slowly to him as he sat on another room away from people.

I crossed one of my legs over him, sitting on his lap, his dick pressing against my pussy. I put on hand on his shoulder and the next thing I knew Fred was playing work by Rihanna and Drake.

" I hope you enjoy this" he whispered in my ear before sucking on them and I swallowed my moan inside. Then I began to move forward and backward on his lap, more like I was twerking in a slow motion on his lap and he grabbed my ass cheeks smooching them to his heart content.

" You're making me get turned on" he moaned in my ear

" You were the one who asked for this so deal with it" I said and then he grabbed me by my waist making me my movement more slow and pleasuring. He brought his hand to my breast kissing and bitting it from the cloth and I turned my hand upward giving him space and also enjoying it and still grinding on his lap. I tried to control my moan as his tongue moved to my nape sucking it. And then five minutes was up, I stood up immediately and adjusted my dress.

" I wish this moment could never end" he whispered in my ear before going out of the room.

I summed up courage and went back to outside, I noticed how Celine staring daggers at me but I ignored

We spun the bottle and it landed on Lisa and Charlie

" Truth or Dare?" Lisa asked and I almost had an heart attack. If he picks dare, I'm doomed

" Truth" he said and I let out a sigh of relief

" Do you truly like Celine?" Lisa asked