
Fuck marriage!

Okay, I'm just going to introduce myself a little. I'm Luna actually Lunabella in full, though people call me Bella I go with Luna.

Well, life is not fair to me, in my high school and college days I was the hottest and the most popular girl, I'm still a hot cake but then I could date five boys at a time but now..... Pretty much of a long story.

Everyone around me is married, even my little siblings. It's not as if I don't wanna get married or I haven't planned on doing so it's just I don't have a lasting relationship. Either he's a cheater or a fraud, the annoying part is I caught you cheating I'm the one who is meant to end our relationship but no it's the other way around. I even tried to turn tables around by cheating but guess what the one I was cheating with and the person I cheated upon broke up with me and they got married, gay to be precise.

The most annoying part is any wedding I attend they is always a disaster, either the wedding doesn't end well or it end half way or it doesn't even happen. On my best friend Audrey's wedding she actually begged me to not attend and unfortunately for me and fortunately for her it went well. It's not like I wanted it to be a disaster but it kind of proved I was the bad luck since then I don't attend weddings because no one invites me.

It became a blast when I heard fat Rowley from college was married, but not until I saw how well he had changed. He's even a body builder and trust me one punch from him and you'll be flying out of the room. I also heard big Nancy got married to a model, I thought she has also changed until I saw how big she still was. The point is they're married but I'm not and I'm already in my late twenties.

Well, this summer I thought if joining a Catholic club, turning myself to a nun but he didn't go so well as I couldn't live their kind of life.

Well, I was coming back from the office when I stopped by at Audrey's. As I got in I saw a smile curve up her lips.

" What's up" I asked dropping my handbag on the center table

" What were your plans this summer?" She asked

" Laying in bed"I said

" Well, change of plans we're going to Vanecia" she said

" Vanecia, I've never heard of that" I said

" But now you've heard. So start packing" she said

" Wait, Vanecia for what?"I asked

" Do you remember Hillary Jones from college?" She asked

" How will I forget her" I said

" You know she's married to James Connor?"

" Wow, lucky her"I said sacastically as I sank in the sofa munching a bag of chips

" Seriously"

" Alright, I'm all hears"

"Good, they're having their wedding anniversary at the fancy royal delux hotel that just opened in Vanecia"

"Great" I said sacastically and Audrey gave me the 'not cool' look

"Look, I get it. But what do you expect me to do there"I asked

"I don't know, maybe find a suitor" she said

" I'm not going"I said getting up and taking my bag

"What, why?"she asked

"So the main idea is for me to get married, why?"I asked

" You are not getting younger " she said

" I don't wanna get married anymore, what's the use of marriage" I said

" Listen, to you it has no meaning but to people..

"That's the point, people, people, people.... It's my life not theirs it's not like it's affecting anyone"

" It is, do you think it's easy to listen to people saying your best friend hasn't married at her age, she is a bad luck, stay away from her, she has been cursed, what is she doing that she isn't married yet, what will you do about her situation, you are giving your self bad name by staying with her!"she yelled

"So you are ashamed of me, I get it now. I'm not forcing you to be friends with me in fact I free u from this stupid friend ship" I said turning around to leave and I met Simon by the door.

"Hey" he said but I just passed beside him and left

" I said too much" Audrey said falling on the couch and Simon sat beside her as he cuddled her

"Yeah, but it's not your fault. You should have controlled yourself"he said patting her gently.

What else remained for me, I lost my best friend because of marriage. Fuck marriage!