
Five dogs

We got back to the villa, and I went straight to our room. I went to the balcony to receive from fresh air and I saw Charlie downstairs trying to cage to the dogs.

" Easy there" I said and he looked up

" They might be a bit stubborn but they are caring" he said

" That's why you're going easy with them" I said

"Exactly, I don't wanna hurt them. You know if you get to know them, you'll understand what I'm talking about" he said

" No, I don't have any good experience with dogs"I said

" Maybe during your free time, I'll help you to them better" he said

" That's not a problem" I said

" Hey, can I take them for a walk" Longe said

" Sure buddy, you can have them but be careful" he said

" I'll go change first"Longe said.

On his way he bumped into Lisa who was making a phone call.

" Hey, watch it!" She said

" Sorry" he said

" Sorry my foot, will sorry stop you from hitting me again" she said

"Can you hear yourself?" he asked

" Don't talk to me that way,I'm older than you" she said

" And so what?", You were actually the one who hit me yet I apologized and you're still complaining" he said

" You are just like your sister" she said

" At least she's better than you, which means I'm better than you. You're just some low life bitch who can never find someone to date so you don't want your brother to life because you... Oops, I think I said too much" he said as Lisa just looked at him and walked out in tears. Her mood changed, and he is the reason.

" What have I done?" He said going after her.

She sat by the pool crying and Longe sat beside her.

" Look I'm sorry, I said too much I shouldn't have said that" he said

" No, you're right" she said

" Of course I'm right..... I mean that what people think" he said

" I don't get why I can't liked by anyone even Lucas doesn't like me." She said and he gave her the' are you serious right now" look.

" you must be joking about not knowing why people don't like you" he said

" Maybe I do" she said

" Maybe?" He said

" Fine, but I just feel being a harsh person...."

" You're pretending to be a tough so you'll cover up your pain" he said cutting her short.

" Longe, are you still taking the dogs for a walk" Charlie asked

" Yeah, I'll be right back" he said and then he came back with four dogs.

" Get those dogs away from me" she said

" It will be nice going out with five dogs, don't you think" he said

" I don't know for you" she said

" I was thinking of making you the fifth actually" he said and he burst into laughter

" You.... Argh! ." She said

" Sorry, come with me for a walk it will help you feel better" he said

" Not with those dogs" she said

"Take one" he said giving her the rope

" No," she said

" You're afraid of a dog, you're not fun" he said

" I'm not afraid" she said collecting the rope

" Now that's much better" he said

" Come on, I'll show you around the town" she said.

They walked about with the dogs,they stopped at an ice cream shop, bought some sat on on top of the building, ate the ice cream as they were enjoying the landscape view. They took another route home, Longe plucked some flowers and gave all the five dogs. When they got back, they caged the four dogs and the dogs really enjoyed their day.

" Maybe we could go for a walk tomorrow as well" she said

" sure, anytime"Longe said biding her good bye.

I followed Charlie to his room and we both spent our time writing a song, or should I say he thought me out to write a song.

" I wouldn'tt know you were much of a singer if I didn't see those guitars" I said

"I'm into a lot of stuffs, singing, basketball, even gaming." He said

" So what do you do for a living?" I asked

" I'm a professional Singer and basketball player" he said

" Wow!" I said

" Wait till you here my brother's job" he said

" What are their jobs?" I asked

" Aaron is an artist, he's a wonderful artist. Craft, drawings and so on. In short he designed this building" he said

" He's an architect" I said

" What's the difference?" He said

" There is a difference" I said