
Banks family tree

Few minutes later, I met myself I the hands of a charming young guy.

" Are you okay?" He asked as he brought me out of the water and wrapped a towel around me.

" Yeah, I'm fine. My phone" I said searching for it and to be honest I was shattered when I saw it, it was totally damaged. That phone cost me a lot.

" I'm sorry" a little girl said

" For what?" I asked bending down to her level

"I didn't see you there and when I noticed you I couldn't stop quickly so I pushed you in the pool" she said

" It's okay" I said

" Your phone has been damaged because of me" she said

" What's your name?" I asked

" Anna"she said

" Well Anna, at first I was angry but you apologized already and now I'm not" I said

" Alright, what's your name?" She asked

" Luna" I said

" Luna, you're now my friend" she said

" Uncle Charlie, Luna is very nice thanks for saving her" Anna said before running off then I faced Charlie

" Thanks a lot" I said

" I should be thanking you" he said

" For what?" I asked

" For being Anna's friend" he said and I was confused

" Oh?" I just said

" Let's get your clothes changed" he said

"Pardon?" I said

" You haven't gone shopping and you left your luggage at home, so I'll get you something to wear from my closet." He said

" How did you know?" I asked

" Your brother said it" he said

" How many people did he tell exactly?" I asked

" Everyone, Your brother made a special announcement at breakfast today, he said that was why you didn't come to eat" he said

" What a brother I have" I said grinting my teeth in anger. I'll deal with him later.

" Shall we?" He asked

" Sure" I said following him to his room

His room was very big, and awesome. He had guitars in one side of his room, basketball in another, his pictures in one side of the wall with trophies.

" Um Charlie, how are you related to the owner of the hotel." I asked

" They're my parents" he said

" And how do you know Lisa?" I asked

" Alright, I'll show something after you've changed" he said opening his closet and my mouth was wide open.

"For how long will you stay here?" I asked

"Just for summer holidays" he said

I looked around and after much guessing in my mind I finally picked a big blue and white Lakers jacket and a baggy trouser to match.

"Here" he said putting a blue and white Lakers face cap on my head.

" And here" he said giving me a big sole Airforce Snickers. I looked like a gold drippin nigga.

"Come on, let me show you to the museum library" he said

" Wow, there's a museum and the museum has a library" I said as he lead me there.

"Here it is, the Banks family album" he said putting it on the table. The book was big, we sat as he opened the book.

" This book contains the picture and note consisting of their date of birth, schools, achievement, girlfriends and boyfriends,likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests of all the people related to the Banks family. The first is James Banks, my forefather. He was a renowed lawyer in his time and then his wife Hillary Banks, was the daughter of a minister.

Then the generations of them till my parents. My Dad James the third named after his grandfather James junior, named after our forefather James.

Then my mom Mary Clinton Banks, her parents Maya and Robert Clinton, noble Royal's from their tribe..."

" She's a royal, so you're also Royal's" I said

"Yeah, then my dad's younger brother Uncle Tom and his wife Gift Richard Banks, daughter of a famous business man gave birth to Lisa and Lucas. My dad's elder sister Rose Banks, a single mother gave birth to Travis Banks. And my dad's younger sister Flora Banks who died of cancer during her college days. Then we the children of My mum. The eldest son Davis Banks, then Amaya Banks also dead, then Richard Banks, Charlie Banks, Aaron Banks. And for the second wife of my Dad, Julie Banks, she has a kid Ciara Banks. And Amaya daughter Anna Banks who has a second mother from her father Hilda Banks. The rest empty pages are for the wives and husband of we the singles" he said winking before closing the book

" To be honest, your family is big, complicated and influential" I said

" You bet, so wanna go shopping" he asked

" Sure" I said as we went out of the library