
Welcome to Heathergate •ORIGINS•: The Calm before the Storm

Before Welcome to HEATHERGATE- the start of this love story, more about the roots of this incredible passionate love story, more about Ada and Cree, the base of their incredible love story and what made this relationship to become the most read novel.

Chacha_3290 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

NINE: That voice shouting inside my head

parallel lives.

Hauling winds, twirling clouds, dragging leaves on the ground, plus long darker nights were an announcement of the end of warm hot season. The once bright sun turned into a paleish yellow tone color, product of the air contamination of the neighbouring coal producing factories.

This essential material it's what made The Firefly take off easy and fast navigating once at sea.  Fanleaf Forest Park, an important section for producing the best coal in the planet, necessary for The Firefly to perform very well, was due for service. Cree had to take it in for service and upgrade the internal hydraulic system. There, this important upgrade was essential for The Firefly's performance.

Benjamin, in charge of upgrading the famous The Firefly, eager to find out the secrets of the best travelling machine, was about to come true. His eyes wide opened when just the doors to the mountain hangar opened up, revealing the direction for The Firefly to lodge and anchor safely.

'She looks majestic! - said Benjamin to himself, not missing any part of this ship as it enter the loading dock to be anchored. Benjamin got excited just thinking both were to spend the whole night together- like being in a blind date. Just the two of them. Nobody else.

Cree looked sad. First time they both were to be separated. His company for many years and assignments, separated. She was to be disconnected and shut down for service and upgrade. So, after anchoring her safely, shut her down and walked out of the ship. He gave her a gentle tap, jumped out to the dock and walked away.

Cree had to look for a place to spend the night, so headed out to Barlow Manor, inside Fanleaf Forest Park, known for having the most ancient trees in the continent. These trees famous for their strength to outcome the worst drought in the region; became the staple in the region, strong and thick, the favourite place both Ada and Cree to go and spend together...and much more.

But this time Cree was alone.

It was going to be hard for him. His companion, his lover, his complete heart desire was absent. Far away this time.

Cree sighted.

Ok - he goes, not everyone wins all the time

Cree checked in and proceeded to his room for the night.

On the other side of the world, a lonely heart sighted as well. Great memories shared, intimate moments they both became one, that moment they became vulnerable, down to one heart and soul, until no more is left in them, and only giving up in their own arms.

Lonely night for Cree

Even the moon felt lonely. No bright stars next to the moon as usually showed company to the moon. The night, long, empty and indescribably empty made it's slow show to the very few ones that noticed her fainted company.

Cree, accompanied by this lonely fading lady, also slowly fell asleep.

The alarm clock made its debut early morning. Cree's waking with new spirits and the eagerness to be out and about, in his element, helping these new plans and developments to finally come true.

But still, Cree still felt something was missing.

Benjamin had worked very hard the whole night, to have The Firefly ready for Cree to continue his quest.

When Cree showed up, found Benjamin fell asleep on deck.

-okay Ben, time to go and enjoy this new full of energy young lady! You can join me for the test drive!

-of course, said Benjamin with a big smile

The Firefly came out of the hangar, blessed by the sun dawning over the mountains, proud showing her new energy, time for testing. Place chosen:

Crimson Falls

Whisperwood Gardens

They were to test the power of pushing to the max The Firefly going up the falls defying gravity. Exciting for both. Exciting to see her speed and push.

This lady responded quickly and the big push against gravity showed off her ability to change gears going up the falls,against the rigorous strong waterfall.

Just about to get to the waterfall bottom, an unexpected wide log pushed its way towed away by the raging waters, hitting the side main front, provoking The Firefly loose its balance. The rapid raging falling water took this strong lady out of balance, pushing it to the bottom of the falls.

Everything went black at the moment The Firefly touched rock bottom flipping on its side as she fell to the bottom of the falls, making Cree an Benjamin fall off as well

Total silence

Everything felt peaceful

Everything felt cold

Everything muffled

Everything left his senses

Everything left his body

A peaceful feeling invaded him

Cree felt finally giving himself to that lovely peaceful feeling

Then everything went black

No more listening

No more hearing

Complete darkness

Cree just felt letting go.....

Cree's last recollection, trying to come up to surface to get more oxygen to his lungs, but feeling short to reach the surface was the last recollection he had. That made him panicked and started to cough.

The nurse on duty came to check on him because of his coughing and tried to calm him down. His blurry vision made him delirious, thinking he saw Ada, he called out her name.

He didn't know where Ada was, what she was doing. He missed her. Lots, he longed for her touch, her smile, her long black hair, her body, her warmth. Even when he closed his eyes. Ada's was always present. A tear came out of his eyes as the doctor came to apply morphine on him. The nurse thought his delirious acting needed to be calmed down. Cree was afraid of loosing her.

Cree slowly fell down to sleep

Cree slowly and peacefully started to calm down.....

On the other side of the planet, Ada's ability to think was uncomfortably affected. Something bothered her, not quite sure what it was , but for certain annoying. A call came in, making her brake her train of thought.

It was a call from the hospital. He had a list of contacts to call in case of an accident. Ada's umber was there.

That confirmed Ada's premonition. She didn't think twice, she immediately left on her way to the hospital.

Once there, she confirmed her premonitions, Cree was sitting on the side of the hospital bed looking down, defeated. There was no brightness on his eyes.

-hello love, Ada softly murmured to Cree.

Cree's look wasn't right, he looked sad, his look lost, defeated

-it's me Ada, love

Said Ada

Cree looked up to where the voice came from….