
Chapter 2

"Good Morning Satoru-kun, Iruma-kun!" Sullivan open the bedroom door and said.

"Good morning Garnd-pa.""Good morning old man." They both said at the same time While Iruma saying Grandpa, Satoru saying old man.

"Ohh It's nice to hear that while it's also sad to hear old man." Sullivan said while happy and sad at the same time.

"Today is the first day of school so let's go to dinning room and have a nice breakfast." Sullivan said to both of us.

"Okay" Both brother said.While Iruma was nervous but Satoru was excited.

Both changed dress while Iruma wear blue school dress Satoru wear white shirt,dark pants and black shoes. Then Iruma was walking towards dinning room while Satoru was checking his system panel.

[Suzuki Satoru

Completed template:

Jujutsu Kaisen World

Gojo Satoru: 100%

Reward for template completion

Gorgon bloodline.

New template:

One Piece World

Shanks: 10%.]

I have gain my new template, but I don't have time to fight shanks enemy because of my New bloodline, I have now wings on my back like Sullivan, My bloodline magic is petrification. Which is pretty cool to be honest. My magic reserve and physical strength also increased due to my bloodline.

Satoru directly teleport to dinning table and sat on the chair.

"Ohh, It's you satoru can't you just walk when you're at home!" old man protested while swinging his hands.

"Okay, old man and can you just sit down And don't pinch my face causally." While I activate my technique, his hands didn't pass my technique.

"'sob sob' can't I touch my precious grandson face 'sob sob'!" He said while like a fountain water is flowing from his eyes.

"Okay, just once." Satoru said while Sullivan who was crying immediately gave a happy smile and pinch his face non stop.

Then Iruma entered the room. Sullivan also pinch Iruma face while opera brings the break fast while demon world food looks kinda of scary it's taste delicious.

Then Iruma and Satoru ate their breakfast,at last they drink demon tea with that. Three of them clean their hands and face.

We can now see Iruma, Satoru outside the gate.

"Then, we'll be going...." Both brother said They walked towards the school.

"Be careful! On your way out~!!" Old man said while swinging his hands

"Please take care." Opera san also said.

While Old man take ot his camera said he wants to follow us and make video of our first day of school. While Opera grabbed his jacket and drag him home to finish his work.

We are getting close to school then some students are singing scary song. Iruma got scared and hide behind my back.

"Haha brother why are you scared? They will not eat us until they know about us being human, even if they want to eat us they have send old man or someone as powerful as him, but I doubt old man will fight us. So, don't worry about it." Satoru said to his brother while teasing him.

"b-but." Iruma was trying to say something.

"Don't worry, Just have fun." I said while rubbing his face.

Then we arrived at school gate, there are student council are saying good morning to everyone loudly.

Then as we entered some fan girls are seeing me with Heart on their eyes and saying good morning to me.

While I just nod my head at that.

"Good morning, Satoru-sama!, Iruma. I've been waiting since six hours and six minutes earlier." Asmodeus said while being Infront us in his one knee to show his respect.

"Good morning Asmodeus-kun." Satoru. While Iruma also said good morning while also saying six hours?

Asmodeus said he have been waiting for his master arrival till night.

"You don't need to do that Asmodeus-kun" Satoru said.

While in confusion Asmodeus said is that so.

"Ah and please call me 'Azz'!" Asmodeus said.

"Then Azz-kun please call me Satoru." Satoru said but Asmodeus said it will be rude. Satoru didn't know what to say after that, then he ask where will be their classes today.

Then Asmodeus said that today will be familiar class where by the level of summoned familiar the students will be ranked.

Then we get inside a class where there are many students who are talking to each other, when we entered all of them looked at us, because we are quite famous for our looks and strength.

While we were talking, suddenly someone open the door all of us looked him. He was scary teacher from yesterday. As he was walking towards us he said.

"Silence! I'm the inspector, Naberius Kalego." He introduce himself and continue.

"I have always been in-charge of this event. If you question why, because I am always strict. I will determine if you guys are are useless garbage, or somewhat useful garbage." Then he walked towards me. He got close to my face and said.

"For example, if there's garbage who borrow his grandfather's authority to chant a vulgar incantation, and even causes an uproar in the same day.... They will be punished immediately."

"Or if there's garbage who try to hit their teachers on the day of the school entrance ceremony, they will be punished immediately." Said kalego while Satoru said.

"But I didn't hit any teacher Sensei."In his confused tone.

"Silence" kalego said while he looked at me then back off, Then he summon a board which looked quite funny. Then some cute picture appered it explain about familiar summoning. Then kalego knocked down the board kalego then said.

"And that it's for explanation." while students

Said 'he knocked it down', 'he must hate the cute explanation setup'.

"Use the parchment that has my mark on it, That way I'll know immediately if there's any cheating." kalego said while looking at us with a smirk.

"E-Excuse me, i-is it dangerous." Asked a dragonoid looking demon, She is a girl her whole body looks green in color.

"A foolish question, because only races that can be enslaved are summoned and bound... They are familiar. If your familiar raises a hand against you... There will be punishment." while kalego destroy the board which looks funny. He make a damn hole in there.

"This is how deeply binding the blood pact is. Proceed with caution!" while he looked at me with a disgusted look.

Then he walked towards a circle infornt of it is a path to go in, There is a magic symbol inside it in the middle there is a stand on top of it is a candle.

"His hostility is completely showing, that man." Asmodeus said while thinking about something.

"Yeah" Iruma said.

"I'll attack if you order me!" Asmodeus said this quite excitedly.

"No, He is quiet strong for you." Satoru said while Iruma looked nervous and helpless.

"I'm sorry, Satoru sama!" Asmodeus said with sadness.

"Don't worry about it, You have potential to surpassed him If you train harder." Satoru said to Asmodeus.

"Thanks for your praise Satoru sama." Asmodeus said with a bright smile.

"There line up quickly!" kalego said with irritated emotion.

The we all line up, then kalego said a girl name then she walked towards the magic array, with the parchment in her hand and she burn the parchment, some smoke are coming out in the shape of animal which is quite cute.

Then many other students also summoned their familiar. With that Asmodeus turn came, He summoned a gorgon snake.

"As expected from Asmodeus family lineage He lost to Satoru with this competency? It's hard to believe, but... Well, we'll know soon enough!" Kalego thought.

"You're So cool, Azz-kun!" Iruma said excitedly.

"Yes, like you It can also control flames which is quite powerful,If both of you have more hotter flames then It will be quiet interesting." Satoru said while analyzing the potential of gorgon snake through his six eyes.

"Thanks for your kind words,Satoru-sama." while he sightly bow down with his familiar.

"Next, Satoru." Kalego said.

"Yes!" Satoru then take the parchment, Cut his finger for blood the light it up with fire.

With that a white tiger with green eyes came from the smoke Then it says.

"Why did you summon this king. Demon child!" Said white tiger, while giris are saying cute. Kalego stood in fornt of me.

"how it is possible, he summon a king level familiar at his level. No he has more magical reserves than me, So it should be possible." kalego Thought while guarding the students.

Then I came infornt of it, while kalego was trying to grab me but My infinity block his attempt to catch me.

"I want you! To be my familiar, that's why I summon you." Satoru said while looking at the beast eye.

"I see! But if you want this king to be your familiar show me you magical quality and quantity." The white tiger said.

Then I place my hands on his head, Flow my magical power on him through my hands, As the time passes tiger face looked pale.

"Stop it I surrender and pledge my loyalty to you." Tiger said while he looked panicked.

Then I stop transferring my magical power on the tiger.

"Full marks to Satoru."Kalego said while he look frustrated. I guess he dislike me even more now.

"Next, Iruma!" while I walked towards Iruma and Azz both of them said.

"As expected from Satoru-sama." Asmodeus said while bright star on his face.

"You're amazing brother." while I was pretty embarrassed by their praise.

"Okay, Iruma and Azz-kun stop your praise, And all the best Iruma." Satoru said while Iruma got nervous by it. Then students focus shift to Iruma.

Iruma then summon his familiar which is Kalego Sensei, Now Sensei is cute! while kalego Sensei also got punishment because familiar attacking his master is forbidden.

Then kalego Sensei, Iruma and Satoru visit Sullivan to release the summoning contract but Sullivan said that it was a firm one year contract if they forcefully release the contract they will die.

Kalego Sensei fainted, Satoru and Sullivan laugh while Iruma was concerned about kalego Sensei.

Kalego Sensei is laid up in bed due to shock, So Iruma rank cannot be determined.

In school newspaper headline, Demon making a demon his familiar was popular.

All are discussing Iruma deeds, They are impressed by Iruma bcause he make a teacher his familiar.

Now Iruma stand out, which Iruma don't want.