
The confusion

The guard they thought died was niw standing infront of them. Happiness and shock twisted them.They took him inside and asked him what happened. He seemed really frightened.

'Where you have been all this time?'asked the policeman to him. He uttered broken words.

'I... Am.. In.. The house... I saw... He... Hee.... Killed her.... Yes... He.. Killed....' They couldn't get anything about what was he talking. Suddenly he took his phone out and played a video to them.In that they saw Sam cruely killing Melon. They stood in shock. They looked to cell, there sat Sam smiling like a devil....

When melon find his relationship with the lady secretary, he understands that she will never accept him from now on.so he made her faint and locked her in the car at that same night.Later he shifted her into the kennel and started his journey to here without pretending nothing happened...