
Welcome Home, Master

"As your master, you have to do exactly everything as I say." Lim Xian pinned her on the wall, their faces dangerously close to each other. He slumps his left hand on the girl’s left side, while his other hand transferred from her hand to her chin and held it with force. “My father can’t do anything if I will do something to you here, can he?” the young devil smirks, his voice emanating sexiness and authority. Wait, did she just say his voice is sexy?! "Even greeting me every time I come home is part of your f’cking job description." *** Seventeen-year-old Li Meilin has been struggling financially after she lost her part-time job and the apartment that she's been renting for quite some time now. After an encounter with Shenzhen High School's famous Black Prince and rich heir Lim Xian, she was then offered a job by his father that she can't truly resist. Even if it means being the Black Prince's personal maid in the meantime.. Meanwhile, Lim Xian was not so happy about it. Since his new maid was hired by his father, he did everything in his power to make Li Meilin gave up her job. But when nothing worked, he was forced to use his last resort... and that is to make the girl fall in love with him. They say desperate times call for desperate measures. But when feelings changed over time, would they answer their hearts' call? =___= The story was written by an amateur writer. Expect some minor typos and grammar errors that were missed during the editing process. The book cover is temporary until my commissioned art is done. All credits to its rightful owner.

AteJanz · Teen
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200 Chs

Under My Spell

As he walked back to his hangout place after the epic fail incident earlier, Lim Xian saw his other friends laughing amusingly. The soda cans remained in his hands.

The moment they all sensed his presence inside this room, all went silent for a moment until Liu Yang broke the awkward silence.

"We saw what happened back there, and it looks like you've got yourself an extraordinary girl," Liu Yang mused.

"We can somehow understand now why you are having so much trouble dealing with that kind of girl," Yang Shunyuan smirked in Xian's direction. "Even I am amazed by her unique personality. Is she still single? Just lemme know dude."

Hearing Shunyuan's remark made Wang Qing He laugh after he took a swig of the soda Lim Xian just brought along with him.

"Wait, is this orange-flavored soda?" Wang Qing He paused for a moment and stared at the soda can label. "Damn, I thought I requested a lemon-flavored one!"

Annoyed by his whining, Lim Xian only glared at his buddy and responded, "Just quit your yapping dude and drink it."

Lim Xian is now sitting on the couch while laying his back comfortably and putting his arm on the armrest. It was then when Liu Yang scooted right next to Xian and started pestering him.

"So, what is your next step huh? It looks like your act of playing as a hero failed real hard."

Though that is somewhat true since nobody from this room expected that his personal maid got some real fighting spirit, Lim Xian remembers that one awkward incident that just happened and smiled proudly to himself.

Despite the fact that it was not part of the plan at all, at least there was something good that came out of his plan after all.

Seeing that proud smirk on Lim Xian's face, Liu Yang can't help but wonder, "Why are you smiling like that? Didn't your plan just fail?"

It was now Lim Xian's turn to smirk in his friend's direction and arch one eyebrow at him.

"I thought you've all seen what just happened? You should have seen that look on that woman's plain face."

Lim Xian paused for a moment and took his sweet time to get a soda can that he placed on the table a while ago before resting his back on the couch once again.

After opening the soda can, Lim Xian added, "I bet that starting from now on… she is now under my spell."


When Li Meilin was taking the bus on her way towards the Lim Residence, her mind suddenly recalled that one incident where Lim Xian held her by the shoulders. As much as she would like to deny it, Li Meilin almost swore she could hear her heart pounding at that exact moment.

No, no, no! It can't be! Li Meilin tried to think reasonably as to why that happened in the next few minutes and immediately came to a conclusion that she hasn't got close to any other guys except Zhao Chen, so that might probably be the cause why her heart reacted like that.

Smiling to herself, Li Meilin made up her mind and rode the bus in peace.

As soon as she arrived at her destination, Li Meilin quickly rang the doorbell and waited for the vast iron gates in front of her to automatically open once her presence was acknowledged.

A few seconds later, the gates finally opened and Li Meilin had to walk a few meters from here just to get to the mansion.

While still panting lightly, Li Meilin had arrived in front of the house and entered immediately to quickly change into her maid's uniform.

In the next few minutes after she got out of her room to change, she finds Ms. Yu gives instructions to all the maids in the lobby and is now assigning them different tasks to handle.

It turns out that Lim Xian's father, Mr. Lim Lee Wai, is going for another visit to Lim Xian's house a bit later and wants to see Li Meilin as soon as he arrives.

For some reason, Li Meilin felt anxious knowing that her real boss wanted to see her though she pretty much knew the reason why. What is she going to report to Mr. Lim anyway? She hasn't yet gotten really close with his son and only knows a few things about him so far.

It felt like she failed to meet her boss' expectations of her.

Since her real master isn't here yet, Ms. Yu assigned Li Meilin to clean the young master's room in the meantime, which the girl immediately obliged.

She went first to the utility room where the necessary cleaning materials were found and pulled a clean cloth and the vacuum out and headed straight to her young master's room.

The first thing that caught her attention upon entering was the picture frame that Li Meilin saw her demon master hugging. It was at that moment when she started to believe that her demon master somehow has a heart.

Perhaps he was even way more amiable in the past. Li Meilin wished that she could have at least had a look at what her master looked like before when this girl was still present.

Maybe Li Meilin wouldn't have gone into such a hassle in Shenzhen High if her master was way nicer.

Oh well… Li Meilin tried to shrug these ridiculous thoughts away and started wiping the dust off the shelves and on his nightstands before she vacuumed the floor.

"Hmm? What's this?"

Li Meilin tried to reach for the thing she found under her master's bed and was surprised to see a family photo album lying there that is now covered in dust.

What's a photo album even doing under the bed in the first place? Geez, that brat!

Li Meilin only saw a picture of a beautiful woman with pixie-cut hair and with skin as white as jade holding a baby in her arms before she felt the door opening. As quick as the wind, Li Meilin hurriedly closed the photo album and placed it on top of the side table.

Soon, Li Meilin was somehow relieved that it was only Ms. Yu who just entered.

"Mr. Lim has now arrived and wished to see you," Ms. Yu spoke in her usual serious tone.


Here it goes!

As a result, Li Meilin had no choice but to leave the room to meet her boss with a new maid assigned to continue cleaning in her place.