
Welcome Back To Hoenn

Sixty years ago, Hoenn was nearly erased from the world map. A fight between the legendary pokemon of the seas and the legendary pokemon of the land created a cataclysm that threatened to bury the whole region underwater. The hero of the time - a young girl and a trainer - awoke the legendary pokemon of the sky to put an end to the fight and saved Hoenn. Since, the world changed a lot and so has the people. Gone are the days where kids roamed the land freely, hunting fame with their team as only company. But those who live in the legacy of this epic are threatened once more. In the shadows, unseen forces further a dangerous agenda. Hoenn needs saving once more but who shall stand up to the task?

myLewysG · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 – Petalburg Woods

From my desk by the window of the second floor, I was staring over the wall, outward into town. A kid, in the street neighboring our courtyard, was running fast North, down the sidewalk, in the direction of the outskirts of the city. Judging by the straw hat and the giant bug net he was waving around, the wurmples of Petalburg Woods should be worried. Suddenly, the ring of the school bell put an end to second period.

- That'll be it for today. Make sure to read page twenty through forty of Legendary Golems of Hoenn. There will be a quiz on this next Tuesday.

The voice of Mr. Reginald barely came across the zoo of chairs grinding on the floor next to their respective desks. Every student was more preoccupied with leaving the classroom and heading to whatever class they had next.

- You coming Wesly?

I rose from my chair and grabbed my notebook from the desk and threw it in my backpack. I turned around and answered:

- Yeah. Let's head out to the locker room.

Fitz, a young lad, around 175 centimeters tall with long black hair, brown eyes, and a curious gaze, followed into the hallway, where a myriad of young people were walking quickly in multiple directions, heading to wherever their third period was. Fitz and I had P.P.E next, which to be honest, under the hot 10 am sun was not my favorite. We walked into the locker room where a handful of boys were changing into light fabric, breathable blue shorts, and beige jerseys. Fitz opened the number 22 and pulled out his gear. I opened the locker to his left and pulled out my stuff as well. I started changing into my gear, replacing my sneakers with the outdoor boots.

- Do you know what we will be practicing today, Fitz?

- Probably more tactical combat, I think. I hear we are heading into the woods. I can already tell you we will be coming back with sticky bug stuff everywhere.

- Don't be pessimistic. We could also just be picking berries today. I mean berries are also part of tactical combat training.

- Just so you know, those woods are full of bug Pokemon and there's nothing bugs like better than berries. I used to be a fine bug catcher.

He punctuated his statement with a funny eye glare. I smiled a little and replied right after:

- Oh really? I DO remember you getting pursued by a mad dustox one day because your net was around its children. Which reminds me, I added promptly, whatever did you do with all the wurmples you fancied?

- Oh, I released them. I mean, Fitz continued, anyone outgrow the bug catcher phase around eleven years old. Well, that or, he added while tying his boots' laces, you become an entomologist.

- Yeah, and that you definitely aren't.

A tall man in a dark green jumpsuit walked into the room and started screaming:

- Boys, you should all be out in the yard already. And I am here because I don't see you there!

There was one second of standstill, but then the debacle started. No one wanted to face an angry "Manchamp". I threw my crumpled clothes into my locker in a hurry and started running, quickly followed by Fitz.

- Why is he so mad? We still have six minutes before we need to go...

- I don't know Fitz, but I don't want to find out. Just keep running.

Practical Pokemon Education, or P.P.E for short, is a non-optional course we all levels of educations must provide to their students because, well, pokemons exist in our world. While we are not the civilization a hundred years ago where every kid wanted to become trainers, the government ruled that as part of our education, we needed to learn how to handle pokemons safely. The Rustboro Community School that we attend meets this requirement by giving elementary schoolers basic pokemon education and then offering the two higher grades rudiments of pokemon training and ranger duty. "Manchamp" is the surname of our grade's P.P.E teacher, Mr. Brace; surname that his bulky physique, his green attire and his weird mohawk earned him. Word is, he used to be military and that he is as strong as a machop. The man was always shouting for a reason that evades me and no one dared to question his authority. A few minutes later, eighteen boys and girls were lined out in two rows; girls front and boys back, next to a school bus that I assume we would be taking. "Manchamp" moved to the front of the rows and came to a stop. I swept through our ranks with a perky gaze.

- Today's plans are simple. We will be having a joint training session with the two classes in the Petalburg Woods. The trainers will be doing an unhospitable environment traversal quest. Meanwhile, the rangers will be doing an emergency circumstances response action. You will be doing this in pairs, and we will be evaluating your teamwork. Trainers will be issued a Pokemon for the exercise. Your Pokemon will be able to use moves that you have learned about before so they will be easy to use for you. The rangers will have their training styli issued to them as well. This exercise will be two hours long...

He couldn't continue talking because a roaring disapproval appeal could be heard, originating from us. It was already past ten, so we weren't about to get lunch.

- This exercise will be two hours long, he repeated out loudly, challenging anyone who was brave enough to take him up on it. Then he promptly added, well, if there's no more complaining, let's get going. Get in the bus in an orderly fashion.

We broke our ranks and walked, with little murmurs into the bus. Fitz sat next to me in the right sixth row; I in the window seat. The bus started moving right away. We went through the school gates and drove to the main street. Just as we engaged, and drove past the Devon towers, we heard some giggling from the other side of the row. Randy turned around and looked behind, us. In the opposite row, a group of girls were sitting in three different rows of seats, and seemingly having a funny conversation. Fitz turned back around, dropped all his weight into his cushion and let out a depressed sigh.

- Man, we are but a year away from graduating middle school. How come I am still single?

- My opinion Fitz? That hairstyle does you no good.

- Like you can talk! he replied in a jiffy. Your hair looks like a swellow's nest after a seviper's attack.

I elbowed him - triggering an "ouch" in pain - then I resumed my observation of the cityscape through the window. Although, a couple minutes later, we passed the walls of the city and suddenly woods were all I could see. Five minutes later, we stopped on the side of the road, next to a ranger's path entrance to the Petalburg Woods. Mr. Belt told us to break into teams of two, so I obviously tagged along with Fitz. The rangers went inside the forest right away, but us trainers were to keep our ranks for a while. As the twelve of us were discussing trying to figure out what the holdup was, Mr. Brace walked up to us, and his presence commandeered our silence once more.

- Listen kids, the drill is simple. Pretend you are trainers who for unfortunate circumstances are stranded in the forest with their pokemon without any medicine. Your objective is to traverse the Petalburg Woods from part to part with your issued pokemon, following the prepared trails. The trails will feature some wild pokemon interactions since you will have to cross tall grass. But you will also be challenged to a single battle and then a double battle. Make sure to use the resources provided to you by the environment. You pass if you can make it to the end line with at least one pokemon not K.O.; else...

He suddenly this weird pause in the middle of his sentence, and I could have sworn I saw his face light up and a dirty smile appear for a second, before he continued:

- Anyone who fails will get supplementary classes with me for the duration of the first month of summer break.

You could hear students here and there voice their opposition to the idea. A "what?" came from someone behind me, then the blue dyed-hair girl at the end of our row voiced a "you must be kidding!".

- I assure you I am very serious miss Floral, Mr. Brace replied while staring intensely at her.

- But what about our summer plans? Floral demanded. I am going to Slateport City with my Family!

- Well then, Manchamp smirked, you should really make sure to pass this exercise.

She became red, and for a minute, a truly dangerous look appeared on her face, as she and Manchamp engaged in a deadly staring contest, of which, sadly, Manchamp was the undefeated champion. Once she lowered her gaze, and seem to have calmed down, Mr. Brace continued:

- Great, now that there are no more whiners, let's get you started. Line up by teams and start moving into the forest. The rangers in there will show you what paths to take.

Resigned to our fate, we quickly formed a crooked line, and with the great motivation of saving our summer plans, we started advancing towards the greenery. Somehow, Fitz and I ended up at the very back of the line. As we were about to step through the line of trees, we heard a barely silenced curse, and then a "Not so fast you two!". We turned around and saw Manchamp mechanically gesturing to us to come closer with his right hand.

- Can we help you Man... Hum, I mean Mr. Brace? Fitz articulated in a funny voice.

- As you can see, he started, showing us a couple reed-woven crates-like baskets with a swing of his right thumb up over his shoulder, we packed everyone lunch from Rustboro City's Busway.

- Ooh I love their sandwiches! Fitz exclaimed.

- That's great because I need your help carrying all that to the clearing where we will be having lunch. There's four of these baskets, and the driver must head back to Rustboro City.

We started walking towards the baskets. They were square baskets of approximately a meter long, wide and tall, packed with multiple tinfoil-wrapped packages of the size of a small dictionary. Fitz and I leaned over and managed to lift the baskets by the handles to our chests, with great difficulty. Mr. Brace on the other hand swiftly picked up one basked in each of his extraordinarily long arms and lifted them up like they were packed with feathers.

- These are not light! I said, while trying my best not to drop the basket.

- Of course, they're not light, Manchamp answered irritated. You kids these days don't realize how much work goes into providing you with nourishment. Anyways, follow me.

He started walking down the road, away from the path the others used to get into the forest. We walked for about five minutes, just following the limits of the woods, then we came across another path into the forest in which Manchamp engaged himself. My arms were starting to feel like steel balls weighing me down and my breathing became chaotic. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Fitz was not doing any better.

- Are we there yet Mr. Brace? Fitz asked in a begging voice.

- Almost.

It took us a couple more minutes before we saw that the woods thinned out and the space of the path opened into a huge clearing. The place was covered in wild green grass, and there were some park benches here and there. It was probably some sort of picnic site. A couple people were scattered here and there. Most, judging by their attire, probably rangers, seemed to be discussing something, while looking at a what seemed to be a map. The group broke up and several of them headed further into the forest from a different side to the one we came from. We advanced to an area on our left devoid of benches, but with several blankets on spread on the flour, and weighed down by sandbags. A lady, in an outdoor khaki uniform and huge a straw hat waved to us as we got there.

- Ah Mr. Brace, I was expecting you. I see you managed to bring all the baskets here.

Ms. Visme was one of the elementary grades P.P.E teacher, and both Fitz and I were her old students. She used to be so much taller than us, but now we were both about to pass her and the huge greyish boots she adorned didn't help her much. She brushed off the renegade chestnut bangs that evaded her ponytail and adjusted her glasses.

- Thanks for the concern, Ms. Visme and sorry for the delay.

As he said this, we dropped his load at his feet. Fitz and I were dying to do so for a while now, so we didn't wait for permission to unload our baskets. My arms started twitching, and I struggled to catch my breath. Fitz bent and leaned forward while rested his upper body on his knees for support.

- Oh, there's no rush. I see you had to recruit some helpers. Are you boys doing okay? Ms. Visme asked gently looking towards us.

- They will be okay, Manchamp objected. And, he continued staring at us with an angry look on his face, they should be on their way to start the exercise if they don't want to spend half their summer with me.

He punctuated that sentence by swiftly raising his left brow. Fitz and I understood that we weren't welcomed.

- Yes, we should really be on our way, Fitz said. It was good talking to you Ms. Visme.

As we turned around and to start heading back, she hailed us, and asked us to wait. She turned around and crouched in order to scuffle inside one of the two huge blue coolers that were there. She stood back up a moment later holding two bottles of fresh water. She handed each of us one and said:

- Please take these as thanks for your help. With the summer coming, you should try to stay hydrated.

We thanked her wholeheartedly and started running away from the irritated Mr. Brace. Once we were out of sight from the clearing, we opened our waters and took a couple decent glugs. The water was so refreshing that it washed away the pain of carrying the baskets for such a long distance. We got back on the road, discussing various things and walked up to the path we were supposed to take. We walked into the woods as Fitz was describing what the ideal sandwich would look like. We saw a wooden stand, like one of these you see at the farmers' market, sitting on the side of the path, with no one next to it. We walked to it and looked around.

- Wasn't there supposed to be someone here handing out pokemons? Fitz asked me.

- I think so.

Fitz called out to see if anyone would show up but got no response. Of course, we had no way to contact Mr. Brace, nor the camp we just left, so we only had the option of going back.

- It sucks that we gotta walk all the way back there again.

- I know right? I am especially not happy to have to interact with Manchamp again. What's wrong with our luck today?

As we turned on our feet, Fitz suddenly noticed something at the foot of the stand and stopped in his tracks.

- Hey, what's that? Fitz said, while pointing out an ashen-colored briefcase leaning against the back of the stand

I took a couple steps towards the right and picked up the case. It wasn't particularly heavy, so I had no trouble bring it up and placing it on the counter of the stand. It was slightly open, as if someone, in a hurry, didn't properly managed to close it. Since the locking piece didn't go all the way in, the shock of me putting it on the counter knocked the top piece off the bottom, and the briefcase mechanically opened. Inside it, multiple spherical notches all empty, but two.

- These are pokeballs, I noted with surprise.

The two red and white balls were resting undisturbed in the case. Through the transparent red sides, we could see what the contents were. In the first one, a quadrupedal creature with legs that all end in a trio of claws, a brown head featuring a mask-like dark pattern around its eyes in the fashion of a bandit, covered in a thorny hide of alternating beige and brown and a bushy spreading tail seemed to be resting. The second one held a four-legged pokemon with primarily grey fur which darkens around its face and paws, two pointy ears, a pinkish snout hovering above a mouthful of sharp white teeth which ends with two extruding long canines, and its especially bushy and fluffy lower back and tail was staring fleetingly at us.

- A zigzagoon and a poochyena? Do you suppose these are our issued pokemons for the exercise, Fitz asked looking at me.

- Well, we are the last ones and there's two pokemons left in there so I daresay yes. But I don't think we can just take them now, can we?

- Probably not. I really am starting to wonder why the instructors aren't here.

Suddenly, deeper in the forest on the opposite side from where we walked in, we heard a scream. Judging by the pitch, it must have been a girl, and we suspected that it was a student. Fitz and I exchanged a confused look after turning towards the direction of the scream.

- What do you think is happening over there? I asked Fitz.

- I don't know, but whoever that was is probably in need of help.

- Wasn't this an exercise? Maybe there are adults already taking care of it. We should retreat out of the forest.

Fitz seemed to agree, but as we decided to step out, we hear another scream, but this time, it was a male voice and it clearly said "Someone! Anyone! Help us". It is all it took to decide Fitz and I to run in the direction of the screams. But Fitz suddenly stopped and went back to the stand. He grabbed the two balls and ran back to me. He handed me one of the balls and said:

- I played here a lot as a kid, and I never ran into anything remotely dangerous. I don't know what we are running into here. We should be cautious.

I accepted the poochyena that he handed me and nodded, then we both started running towards the source to the screams once more. We ran about thirty meters when we heard another series of cry for help. We were definitely running in the right direction. We passed through some tall grass, and climbed a bush and there, we stumbled upon an unpredictable scene. Two bipedal pokemons covered in beige fur with three brown stripes across their backs and standing about as tall as us, with a reddish teardrop-shaped fur patch on their forehead, white angry eyes surrounded by circles of brown fur, round red noses, and two long forearms each ending in a pair of long black and curvy claws were trashing about at the foot of a dwarf pine tree. They seemed pretty upset and would repeatedly scratch furiously at the tree while letting out angry roars that sounded something like "vi-gorh". As we saw them, Fitz reached out from behind me and grabbed my shoulder, then yanked me back and forced me to hide in the cover of the bush with him to avoid detection.

- Those are vigoroths. I didn't know there were vigoroths in these parts of the woods. They should have been deeper West from here.

I was never really interested in pokemon training, so I didn't really know what we kinds of pokemons lived around here. But give it to Fitz to know his pokemons so well since he was vehemently set on beating the league like in the old days after watching the "catch them all" series on TV when we were kids.

- Why are they looking so mad at the tree? Fitz asked.

As he said that, a shoe fell from the tree and as it was falling to the ground, one vigoroth slashed through it with his right arm. Three pieces of leather and compounds vinyl fell to the ground. At that moment, I realized how dangerous the situation was. But also, as we looked up the tree, we saw two students in the branches of it, desperately climbing up higher and higher, in order to escape the two angry vigoroth at the base of the three. It was Floral, the girl who was arguing with Mr. Brace earlier, and Bran, her assigned teammate for the exercise. They must have been the people who were screaming for help. Didn't look like there was much more tree to climb and the vigoroths had badly damaged the base of the trunk already.

- What could they have done to upset these vigoroths so much?

- I don't know, Fitz answered, but this isn't good. Vigoroth are often excited but, I never saw any this enraged before.

- What can we do? I asked back. Do you think we can beat them?

- I doubt it. Our pokemons are probably decently trained and capable of executing commands very efficiently. But the opponents are more durable, faster and can hit hard since they're an evolved form. We wouldn't stand a chance in a double battle. Maybe if they were separated and we double-teamed on them…

- Then what should we do?

Fitz went silent. He was staring ardently at the two vigoroths, like he was trying to pierce the mystery of their existence. I heard him muttering something to himself that I could not clearly make out apart from the "this doesn't make sense" at the end of it. Suddenly, one of the vigoroth let out another horrible "vi-gorh" cry and then stabbed his claws into the tree. Of course, they were sloths, so they knew how to climb trees and that one clearly ran out of the patience to wait on the ground. I shook Fitz to bring him back:

- We gotta do something, NOW!

First chapter. I had to pretty much "inflate" the universe of the game. That took a lot more effort than I expected.

Feel free to add comments and/or critics. I appreciate the feedback.

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