
Weird Topper's Transmigration (Wait! Where's the plot lines???!)

Seui believed himself to be an extremely normal person .So he tried to maintain his life normal ( and inexplicably boring) as possible . Therefore although he was the topper in his class , had quite a background and could be said to have looks , he was not a shining existence. Rather, he was mediocre, neither eye-catching nor invisible . Until one day , he found himself transmigrated. Despite the worry , he was rather excited, and he waited obediently for his system to arrive while trying to calm down himself. Fifteen minutes : Why is the system not here yet ? One hour: It seems a bit late ah! Could it be because of the network traffic ?? Two hours: This system seems quite inefficient. Could it be low quality goods?? One day: What's wrong with this broken system ah? Why is it not arriving yet??? Four days: Wtf! , why is it not yet here ? Could it be that I have no system???!! Then what about the so called plot lines and golden fingers ?? False advertising ahh!!! I demand a refund !!

Gline_Shaou · LGBT+
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114 Chs

.A swarm of tsetse flies (II)

The place that Ginn chose for resting was quite decent and clean with stone slabs ideal for sitting. Probably it was arranged by others who had previously came into the gray zone.

Seui sat with Ginn and opened a packet of liquid solution. The moment Seui tasted it , his face automatically wrinkled, very much wanting to spit it out; honestly , it tasted horrible. It had all kinds of flavors mixed in, which reminded him of the mixed fruit juice he used to hate back then , the type that looks tasty but you will regret buying it after one sip. Still, besides this solution there were only snacks which naturally didn't have much to do with nutrition, they would've have to starve if it wasn't for this. Therefore Seui reluctantly swallowed the solution in one gulp and hurriedly stuffed a bunch of chips into his mouth to wash off the mushy taste.