
Weight less...

Being weightless isn't really a power but I will use it anyway to be the richest and strongest and have the harem of my dreams!!

Shazim · Fantasy
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20 Chs

CHAPTER 7(Ohhh shiny!!)

When I woke up, it was already dark. "Looks like I fell asleep," I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I started to reminisce about everything that happened today.

I began exploring the mansion for any clues. Living here wouldn't be bad, but who knows what kind of monsters might appear? I needed to prepare for survival.

Even though I was telling myself that I wanted to gather information, the real reason was loneliness. Having some form of human civilization around would be extremely beneficial. For most of my life, I've lived alone, but I at least had my friend Nhile and others at school. Here, in this wasteland, there's no one, and living alone gives me the creeps.

The mansion had a huge library, but nothing that could confirm my location. "This place is well-maintained," I thought. "There's no dust on the furniture, and the food is fresh. It didn't spoil, and the books are in good condition, but there's not a single soul here. Does a ghost live here?" Just the thought sent shivers down my spine.

"Ha-ha, what am I thinking? There must be a powerful sage or someone like that living here, out on important work. I must prepare to face them and explain why I'm in their mansion," I pondered. A single misstep could mean instant death. As I considered how to explain myself without causing misunderstandings, I found a basement-like room. Though entering someone's basement felt intrusive, curiosity got the best of me. "I'll just take a tiny peek," I thought.

I opened the basement door. "Excuse me," I murmured. The room was filled with bundles of documents and papers. "Exploring someone's room without permission isn't polite. God, please forgive me," I said, as I started exploring the basement.

After searching for a while, I found an old diary. I asked for forgiveness from its owner as I opened it, revealing a weird language I had never seen before. "Is this some kind of spell?" I wondered, flipping through the pages without understanding a word. Just as I was about to give up, I finally found something in a language I could understand: "Cosmic Era 50046. I have found leads to the Doors of Kafkan, said to be in the east." It was nonsense to me, but the date caught my attention. It's currently Cosmic Era 120789, so this diary was ancient.

As I flipped through more pages, I discovered more about the Doors of Kafkan, though it didn't interest me much. Then, a letter fell out of the diary. Shocked by its contents, I read, "To whoever is reading this letter; if you are reading this, it means I am already dead, and what you see are illusions made by echoes of the past."

[Echoes of the past] is a rare natural phenomenon where illusions materialize as if they were real. Three conditions must be met: 1) The person had to be extremely powerful, like an X-rank or higher. 2) They had to spend a long time in that space. 3) They had to have a deep connection with the place. Once these conditions are met, the area gradually creates illusions of their life, struggles, and emotions after their departure.

Thinking about what I had just eaten made me nauseous. Then, I read something that relieved me: "The food, library, and basement are fine, preserved by a space/time potion, so feel free to use them." Space/time potions are extremely rare and keep items fresh and safe for millions of cosmic eras.

Relieved that I hadn't eaten some mysterious food, I was surprised that someone would use such a valuable potion on food and books. Typically, people use them for family heirlooms or valuable data. As I read on, I finally found out where I was: "I am in the Suferal Continent, [Asmeral Realm]. This place is peaceful, though I guard the border from the demon continent, which starts beyond the river. I hope the people here live in peace and harmony." I felt a sense of sadness and emptiness for the person who wrote the letter. Because the place he once guarded is nothing but a wasteland now.

"Well, I think I've rambled enough. If you're here, you must be seeking my legacy. Congratulations, but the legacy isn't here; it's in the Celestial Harmony [Plane] in the Realm of the Celestial Beasts. You must find it there!"


Different worlds or dimensions, were created after the Celestial War. According to the old records, the world was once a single entity floating through time and space. After the war, it split into eight segments, each unique in people, animals, and culture. Each plane contains seven realms, and each realm contains seven continents, ruled by their respective emperor or empress. The realms are guarded by realm keepers. As for who rules each plane, no one knows; they are simply called higher beings. Only a few notable realm keepers have ever seen or glimpsed of them.

As I pondered what to do next, all the information about the Doors of Kafkan, the legacy, and the other planes overwhelmed me. "I need time to process this and decide my next course of action," I told myself. I took some food from the kitchen and went to the bedroom to get a good night's sleep.