
A New Testimony

As the long night reluctantly yielded to the first light of dawn, the imperial palace stirred with the subtle energy of a new day. Princess Xiyang Ai had steadfastly kept vigil by her mother's side throughout the night, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on her face as she awaited the elusive return of consciousness to the ex-Noble Consort, Xin Yan.

Imperial Doctor Hua Ying, recognising the gravity of the situation, had made the exception of keeping the examination room open throughout the night. He remained by Xin Yan's side, monitoring every fluctuation in her condition, tirelessly working to ensure a smooth transition from the grips of the poisoned night.

However, as the first rays of morning sunlight painted the palace corridors, Zhang Wei, the dedicated soldier who had played a pivotal role in the previous day's events, found himself compelled to leave the confines of the imperial clinic. Duty beckoned, and his day off, marked by unforeseen events, had ended.

As Zhang Wei treaded back through the familiar corridors, a mixture of exhaustion and resolve lingered in his steps. The palace, now gradually awakening to the rituals of a new day, seemed to move at a different pace. The passing guards exchanged nods of acknowledgement, and the distant echoes of courtiers going about their morning routines reverberated through the halls.

Yet, amidst the routine of palace life, the previous day's events lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise serene morning. Zhang Wei, a silent participant in the intricate dance of imperial affairs, couldn't shake off the weight of the unresolved crisis that had unfolded.

As he reentered the realm of duty, the memory of the princess's gratitude and the fragile bond they shared resonated within him. The day promised its challenges, and Zhang Wei, ever the vigilant soldier, steeled himself for whatever shadows the new dawn might unveil within the palace walls.

As Zhang Wei resumed his duties, the rhythm of palace life returned with a certain cadence. The morning sun cast a golden hue over the intricate architecture, and the routine activities of the imperial guards unfolded in tandem with the unfolding day. Duty called, and Zhang Wei found himself navigating the familiar corridors alongside his best friend, Hong Yi.

"Hong Yi!" Zhang Wei greeted them with a nod as they walked together.

"Haha, Zhang Wei, my steadfast comrade! How did you spend your day off?" Hong Yi's eyes gleamed with curiosity as they strolled through the palace corridors.

However, before Zhang Wei could elaborate, Hong Yi, ever eager, launched into an animated retelling of his day.

"You wouldn't believe the conversations I had with Ying at 'The Whispers' Delight.' We talked about everything, from the latest court gossip to the most trivial details of life. It was quite refreshing, you know?"

As Hong Yi shared the highlights of his day, Zhang Wei couldn't help but smile at his friend's enthusiasm. The laughter and pleasantries that echoed through Hong Yi's recounting seemed to transport them to a world removed from the intricate politics and dangers of palace life.

"Ah, forgive me, Zhang Wei. I got carried away. Tell me about your day," suddenly realizing he might have unintentionally overshadowed Zhang Wei's experiences, Hong Yi paused and apologized.

"No need to worry, Hong Yi. Well, my day took an unexpected turn. I encountered Xin Yan, the ex-Noble Consort, in a dire state. Someone had poisoned her, and my supposed day off turned into a scramble to save her life," Zhang Wei explained, his tone shifting from casual banter to a more serious note. The weight of the situation hung in the air as he began to recount the unexpected turn of events that unfolded within the hidden corridors of the imperial palace.

With a reassuring smile, Zhang Wei appreciated the genuine interest reflected in Hong Yi's concerned expression. The camaraderie they shared allowed for a seamless transition between lighter banter and the more sombre aspects of their duties.

"I found her in Harmony Blossom, barely conscious, the shattered remnants of a poisoned tea set scattered around her. It seems someone had orchestrated this attempt on her life."

Zhang Wei continued, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. Hong Yi's expression shifted from curiosity to genuine concern as he listened intently, realizing the severity of the incident.

"As I rushed her to the imperial clinic, I could sense the urgency. The imperial doctor and his team are doing their best to identify the poison and counteract its effects. It's a delicate situation, and we're trying to keep it discreet to avoid unnecessary attention," Zhang Wei explained, his voice carrying a mix of determination and concern for the ex-Noble Consort's well-being.

"That's truly despicable. Whoever would resort to such methods within the palace walls is not only a threat to the individuals but to the very fabric of order we're meant to protect," Hong Yi voiced his condemnation, a firmness in his tone. The unexpected danger within the imperial confines left both men contemplating the shadows that lurked behind the opulent façade.

The palace, often a stage for political intrigue, now hosted a clandestine battle for a woman's life. The twists and turns of their duties within the palace continued to unveil layers of complexity, reminding both men that their roles went beyond the surface-level duties of imperial guards.

As the two friends continued their journey through the palace grounds, the weight of duty and the shared understanding between them created an unspoken bond. The conversations seamlessly wove between the trivialities of daily life and the complexities that often accompany their roles as imperial guards.

Finally arriving at their destination, the old barrack, where duty awaited them, Hong Yi acknowledged the challenges they faced together with a nod of solidarity. The day unfolded, carrying the echoes of the past and the promise of unforeseen trials, and the two friends ventured forth, side by side, into the heart of their responsibilities within the imperial palace.

In the familiar surroundings of the old barracks, Zhang Wei and Hong Yi found themselves immersed in a clandestine discussion, the day's routine duty temporarily set aside. Hong Yi, spurred by a detective-like curiosity, probed Zhang Wei with questions about the poisoning incident involving Xin Yan. As the inquisitor, Hong Yi sought to untangle the web of intrigue that surrounded the ex-Noble Consort's poisoning.

"So, Zhang Wei, who would have a motive to poison Xin Yan? Any enemies, or perhaps political adversaries?" Hong Yi fired questions rapid-fire, his keen mind searching for patterns and connections.

"Well, Hong Yi, Xin Yan's history is complex. She held a significant position as the ex-Noble Consort, and that alone could have made her vulnerable to enmity. However, the specifics elude me. She has a daughter, Xiyang Ai, and they have a strained relationship with the Empress, but this doesn't necessarily point to her as the culprit," Zhang Wei, still processing the shock of the unexpected turn of events, offered what information he could.

"What about her past alliances? Could there be someone seeking revenge or trying to eliminate a potential threat?" Hong Yi, undeterred, continued to unravel the layers of the mystery.

"Xin Yan's past is shrouded in political intricacies. She navigated the treacherous waters of the imperial court, and her relationships could have created both allies and adversaries. It's challenging to pinpoint a specific motive without more information," Zhang Wei pondered the question, his mind racing to recall any pertinent details.

Amid the intensity of their investigative discussion, an eunuch appeared at the barracks entrance, a harbinger of urgency. His eyes met Zhang Wei's, conveying an immediate need for his presence at the imperial clinic. The eunuch wasted no time in delivering the message.

"Corporal Zhang Wei, you are required at the imperial clinic. This is a call by the Imperial Doctor, Hua Ying."

"Go, Zhang Wei. I'll manage the duty here today. Keep me informed, and let's get to the bottom of this mystery together," Zhang Wei exchanged a glance with Hong Yi, who, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded reassuringly.

With a brisk nod, Zhang Wei thanked Hong Yi and followed the eunuch through the palace corridors. As they hurried towards the clinic, the eunuch shared brief details about Xin Yan's ongoing treatment, emphasizing the urgency of Zhang Wei's presence. The weight on Zhang Wei's shoulders intensified, the mysteries surrounding the poisoning incident deepening with each step.

As Zhang Wei approached the entrance to the imperial clinic, the air grew heavy with the scent of medicinal herbs, creating an ambience of urgency and concern. The hushed murmurs of attending physicians and the soft shuffle of hurried footsteps echoed through the corridors, amplifying the gravity of the situation. The eunuch guided him through the winding maze, each turn adding to the suspense that lingered in the air.

The journey itself became a metaphorical passage into the unknown, with shadows dancing along the walls, concealing secrets that awaited discovery. The flickering lanterns cast fleeting glimpses of determined faces and furrowed brows as medical staff moved with purpose, their actions a silent testament to the weight of the unfolding drama.

Before Zhang Wei could progress through the clinic's intricate network, he sensed the undercurrent of anticipation building. The quest for truth, shrouded in the dimly lit corridors, beckoned him forward, promising revelations that could reshape the delicate tapestry of imperial affairs. The rhythmic echo of his footsteps mirrored the beating heart of the mystery that lay ahead, heightening the tension with every step taken. In this moment of suspense, Zhang Wei felt the pulse of imperial intrigue quicken, signalling that the unravelling drama was about to reach a pivotal climax.

Oh, is my rambling working? I got 3 notifications about new collections. Though only 2 stayed. Either way, does this mean I can my hope back up? Had my prayer been answered?

P.S. If you wondering why I kind have time for this author thoughts section is because the other 2 originals that I had run alongside had been completed. So I got quite extra time on my hands to entertain myself. Though still need to finish 2 more assignment due in a week time XD

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts