
Weeping Willow (chuí liǔ)

Weeping Willows is a captivating tale of destiny, power, and forbidden love set in a world where the line between righteousness and demonic paths blurs. The story revolves around two extraordinary cultivators: Yao Huaijin, a cold yet mysterious figure from the prestigious Tianyongheng Sect, and Jun Qiguang, a prodigious youth with a tragic past who has chosen the path of demonic cultivation. Fate intertwines their lives when Jun Qiguang, driven by revenge against the sect that destroyed his family, crosses paths with Yao Huaijin, whose enigmatic nature and hidden warmth draw Jun Qiguang in, despite their opposing paths. As they journey together, they must navigate not only the treacherous world of cultivation but also the complex emotions that begin to stir between them. In a world teeming with ancient secrets, political intrigue, and powerful enemies, Weeping Willows explores themes of loyalty, identity, and the cost of vengeance. It’s a story where every choice can tip the balance between light and darkness, and where love might be the ultimate weapon—or the final downfall. Prepare to be immersed in a richly woven narrative where nothing is as it seems, and the bonds between the characters are as deep as they are dangerous.

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12 Chs

The Labyrinth of Shadows

Jun Qiguang's first moments in the Quiet Phantom Array were marked by disorientation and confusion. The moment the shadows had overtaken him, he found himself plunged into an unfamiliar and foreboding environment. It took him a long time to figure out where he was. The dense, oppressive energy that filled the air was a stark contrast to the world outside.

As he struggled to grasp his surroundings, he remembered the ancient legends about this realm.

Thousands of years ago, a mighty demon named Feng Baoqin had created this secret space within the Eclipse Realm. The purpose behind its creation remained shrouded in mystery, but one thing was clear: the demonic energy here was exceptionally dense, a factor that Jun Qiguang could not ignore.

He had heard whispers of this array in his previous life, but he had never encountered it personally. He certainly did not expect for himself to end up in this array.

The array itself was known as the Quiet Phantom Array, a complex and formidable construct. It was said that only Feng Baoqin had the knowledge and skill to draw such an array. Its power was legendary, and its ability to only be activated once every hundred years made it an incredibly rare and dangerous trap. Once activated, the array could not be triggered again until a century had passed, no matter how powerful a cultivator might be.

This meant that Jun Qiguang had no hope of being rescued by Yao Huaijin or anyone else. The array's design ensured that escape was not just difficult but virtually impossible without understanding and dismantling its intricate mechanisms.

Jun Qiguang's initial realization was a grim one. He could not rely on anyone to save him. The knowledge that he was entirely alone in this dark and hostile place was daunting, but it was not unfamiliar. He had always relied on himself, and this situation would be no different. The solitude was not a new experience for him; it was merely an extension of the isolation he had grown accustomed to over the years.

As he navigated through the shifting labyrinth of the array, the oppressive darkness began to weigh heavily on him. The cold, relentless nature of the environment forced him into deep reflection. It was during these moments of solitude that Jun Qiguang found his thoughts drifting back to Yao Huaijin.

He knew that Yao Huaijin would be trying to find a way to help him, even though it would be of no use. The Quiet Phantom Array could not be activated or altered by any means, no matter how powerful a person might be. 

To the outside world, Yao Huaijin might appear indifferent, someone who rarely engaged with his disciple beyond the occasional pointers. But Jun Qiguang understood that beneath that aloof exterior was a caring mentor who had always been quietly supportive.

Yao Huaijin would silently observe Jun Qiguang practice his sword techniques. Though Yao Huaijin might have believed that Jun Qiguang would not notice him, Jun Qiguang had always been aware of his presence. Even the decision to accompany Jun Qiguang into the Eclipse Realm, instead of letting him venture alone, was a testament to Yao Huaijin's hidden concern.

As Jun Qiguang thought about these things, a small smile played on his lips. He found himself appreciating Yao Huaijin in a new light. The realization that Yao Huaijin had cared for him in his own way, despite his seemingly indifferent demeanor, warmed Jun Qiguang's heart.

It was an unexpected but cherished revelation. The thought of Yao Huaijin, with his calm and reserved nature, being secretly caring and attentive, made Jun Qiguang's heart soften. He found the idea of Yao Huaijin's quiet affection quite endearing.

For the first few months, Jun Qiguang wandered this hostile environment, trying to make sense of the distorted landscape. He understood that the only path to escape lay in dismantling the array from the inside, requiring the complete and precise destruction of its intricate framework.

He spent countless days examining ancient runes etched into the stone walls, meditating in forgotten caverns, and experimenting with the demonic energy that permeated the area. Progress was slow, each step forward met with new challenges. The array was as much a test of endurance as it was of intellect, designed to break the spirit and sanity of any who tried to tamper with it.

During his exploration, Jun Qiguang stumbled upon remnants of past cultivators who had been trapped in the array. Their bones littered the ground, their spirits long since consumed by the dark energy. These grim reminders of failure only served to harden his resolve. He was not like them; he would not succumb to despair or madness.

As he delved deeper into the array, Jun Qiguang discovered that it was powered by several energy nodes scattered throughout the secret realm. These nodes were the backbone of the array's structure, and disabling them was the only way to weaken its hold. But finding these nodes was a task that required both patience and precision. Each node was hidden and heavily guarded by illusions, phantoms, and demonic creatures, all designed to test the intruder's mental and physical limits.

It was during his search for the first node that Jun Qiguang encountered a powerful adversary—an echo of Feng Baoqin's soul, left behind to guard the secrets of the array. This spectral guardian was not just a mindless apparition; it was a fragment of Feng Baoqin's consciousness, imbued with his formidable knowledge and power. The soul fragment had one purpose: to challenge and eliminate any intruder who dared to threaten the integrity of the array.

The first confrontation between Jun Qiguang and the soul fragment was brutal. The spectral figure wielded dark flames and wielded them with terrifying precision. Every move Jun Qiguang made was anticipated, every counterattack met with overwhelming force. It was as if he was fighting Feng Baoqin himself, the legendary demon whose name was feared even in death.

For days, they clashed in the dark, twisted landscape of the array. Jun Qiguang was pushed to his limits, his body battered and bruised, his spiritual energy nearly depleted. But he refused to back down. Drawing upon everything he had learned, he began to counter the soul fragment's attacks with precision and cunning, using the very demonic energy of the array against it.

Their battles were not just physical but psychological. The soul fragment, carrying the memories and malice of Feng Baoqin, taunted Jun Qiguang with visions of his past, trying to break his spirit. It conjured images of his parents' deaths, of the betrayals he had suffered, of the hatred and pain that had driven him to the demonic path. But Jun Qiguang, hardened by years of suffering, refused to give in to despair. Instead, he used the rage and sorrow as fuel, driving his attacks with renewed ferocity.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jun Qiguang managed to land a decisive blow, shattering the soul fragment's form. The echo of Feng Baoqin's consciousness dissolved into a cloud of dark mist, and the first node was disabled. But the victory was bittersweet. Jun Qiguang knew that this was only the beginning. The array was vast, and there were still many challenges ahead.

After an indeterminate passage of time—whether months or years—Jun Qiguang had successfully located and deactivated three of the seven essential nodes within the array. Each one presented its own unique challenges, from illusions that twisted his perception of reality to battles with demonic beasts that tested his physical strength. But he continued forward, knowing that there was no turning back.

I am kind of not satisfied with this chapter and the previous one. I might have to edit these later.

chuju_creators' thoughts