
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Luke a 13-year-old boy lover of all kinds of novels, series, and manga, dies and is reincarnated in Wednesday's world with above-average psychic powers. As he immerses himself in the world of outcasts and monsters, he will discover that it is not as simple as it seems. Luke in his new life is a descendant of the famous writer Edgar Allan Poe and must deal with an old family grudge.

Nathe07 · TV
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120 Chs

Three aura user

Luke took the necklace from his bedside table, got into his bed, and closed the curtains so as not to wake Xavier. He put the candlestick inside and turned it on. With the curtains closed he couldn't see anything, so he needed some light.

Sitting cross-legged he began to tactlessly shake the necklace, 'Wake up, quick,' Luke thought with little patience. He was sleepy and had many questions that only Edgar could answer for him.

"You smelly brat! How many times have I told you not to be so rough waking me up!" complained Edgar, coming out of the collar. Unlike his usual classic attire, he was wearing pajamas and a nightcap.

'What a pathetic cap,' thought Luke, looking at the triangular cap of soft, striped fabric.

[I was attacked at the festival] said Luke through the mental link he created with Edgar.

"Tsch, you deserve it," ranted Edgar, who didn't feel like talking through the mind link. He could only be heard by Luke anyway.

Luke knew that his ghost great-great-grandfather was angry that he didn't take him with him to the festival and left him alone in the room.

[Tomorrow, I will take you. It will be livelier since it is the last day] Luke said, trying to control his expression so as not to show annoyance.

Luke knew that the old man was very spiteful, and if he didn't satisfy one of his needs, he wouldn't answer his questions.

"Mm... You seem to be being a more filial grandson. Tell me about your attack," Edgar said after a few seconds with a slight smile.

[I was attacked by a hag...] began Luke. After a few minutes, he finished narrating everything that happened in the forest.

"If she said your name and was aiming at you there is no doubt it was the work of the Spellmans. No one else would have such a grudge against you," Edgar said.

[Wasn't it that they wouldn't try to murder me if I was here?] asked Luke. He didn't care much about the assassination attempt. It was exciting to fight for the first time with his powers.

"I told you if you were at Nevermore, they wouldn't try to assassinate you. If you ran off with your girlfriend on a date off school grounds that's another thing," Edgar said with a smirk.

Luke couldn't argue against that logic, [But it's a good thing. Thanks to them, I gained battle experience] Luke said with a slight smile, remembering the battle a few hours ago.

At first, seeing the hag's murderous and insane aura he felt chills, but when he was in battle and was able to tear apart the hag that taunted him it was a comforting feeling.

Edgar looked quizzically at Luke. It had been a long time since he had trained a family successor with this kind of personality. It reminded him of himself. Instead of feeling fear because someone unseen is trying to assassinate you, he seems to want more assassins to keep sending him to continue fighting.

"Deathmatches are best for growth and development," Edgar said with a slight smile.

"However, they will now have more accurate information on your current strength. In their next plan to assassinate you they will send someone stronger or perhaps use more stealthy methods if they continue to try," added Edgar.

[Yes. To control the hag it had to have been a red aura user, right?] asked Luke.

"Yes. Blue aura mind control no matter how advanced can't control a hag who has a corrupted mind and is completely insane. A person with a red aura can control emotions. A person like a hag who is insane and driven by instincts is the easiest prey to manipulate. This doesn't mean it's easy though. If you do it wrong the hag may end up attacking you," Edgar replied.

[So are people with uncontrolled emotions or emotionally vulnerable the easiest to manipulate?] asked Luke, and Edgar nodded.

"For quick manipulation yes. Also, red aura users for sane people can subtly manipulate them. Without them even realizing it. That's the most terrifying thing. You can end up at their mercy, and you'll never notice. A self-aware puppet, enslaved to the red aura user. Far superior to blue aura mind control that looks like robots when you control them," Edgar explained with a straight face.

'That's dangerous...' thought Luke, who was listening intently. It wasn't anything crazy that was superior to the blue aura's mind control. After all, the red aura was specific to emotional control. In contrast, the blue aura had multiple utilities: telepathy, mind control, mind reading, etc.

[Is the hag's high regeneration the same for all hags? Or is it because this hag had high regeneration?] asked Luke. He had broken her neck, torn her apart, and the hag was still alive. It wasn't a normal regeneration at all.

"Why do you think a psychic ends up corrupting his mind and turning into a deformed, insane being?" asked Edgar.

[To increase his power?] replied Luke, not quite sure.

"That's one reason, but not the main one. As I've told you before, psychics are the outcasts who can become more powerful than anyone else. However, we do have one fatal weakness," said Edgar.

[Which one?] asked Luke with a raised eyebrow.

"Life expectancy. Unlike vampires, werewolves, gorgons, etc. Who can live over two hundred years. Psychics can live between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years," Edgar replied.

Luke knew this. The history and other outcast classes had not been entirely useless. Still, psychics could live longer than a normal human. Psychics are considered old when they are between 130 to 150 years old.

"For this reason many old men and women when they see their death coming begin to look for methods to extend their life. It always leads to dark rituals that end very badly. Why is it that the other outcasts can live much longer and we cannot? That's their thinking," Edgar said.

Luke couldn't deny that he had this thought too. Although his power could have more growth who didn't want to live over two hundred years or longer like the vampires?

"Ultimately the rituals or ways they seek to increase their vitality always end up making all the hag end up having a great regeneration. Although the hag you faced was an advancing case, so it is almost certain that she possessed a green aura that boosted her regeneration," said Edgar, ending his answer.

[Mm, I understand. It's not all about increasing their powers] Luke said.

"Yes, but there are always particular cases of psychics who try to rapidly increase their powers by dark rituals and end up corrupting their minds. Not all of them are old men and women seeking immortality," said Edgar.

[How did she manage to transform her arm into an octopus tentacle? She also summoned black smoke out of thin air] asked Luke doubtfully.

"Black magic. Who knows what dark spells that hag learned to end up like that. Instead of learning the powers they have with their aura they are greedy and want to have powers from different auras," said Edgar, shaking his head. If everyone could have two auras the world would be very unbalanced. That's why it's so rare for a person to have dual auras.

"By the way, how did you defeat the hag if you couldn't see anything?" asked Edgar with a hand on his chin.

If the hag had not used this method, he knew that with Luke's current telekinesis power, he could lift dozens of stones and bombard her until he had pierced the hag's heart.

But in a close combat where Luke has no vision because of the smoke the hag would have the advantage, as her physical abilities were superior to Luke and she had a way to see through the smoke.

[I could sense the hag's murderous intent when she was about to attack me at just the right moment. That allowed me to dodge her attack and catch her] Luke replied. This was a strange sensation, and he didn't know what ability it was.

Even before the hag arrived on the scene he could feel her presence getting closer and closer. Something Xavier didn't detect.

"WHAT!?" shouted Edgar, approaching Luke and looking at him with wide eyes.

[What's going on?] asked Luke, backing away startled by the sudden scream.

"You predicted the hag's attack and felt it was easier to know where she would strike because of her murderous intent?" asked Edgar uneasily and at incredible speed.

[Yes, something like that. Thanks to that, I anticipated and dodged the attack] replied Luke.

"That's... a White Aura ability!" exclaimed Edgar in disbelief. He knew it was a White Aura ability, as he possessed that aura when he was alive and it was one of the abilities he possessed.

[What? Really? Is that possible?] said Luke, asking several questions at once. That meant one thing...

"Yes... A person can possess three auras! And you are one of them!" replied Edgar, looking at Luke differently. He never thought he would see a person possessing three different auras naturally.

'I possess three auras?' thought Luke, and a smile formed on his face. Yellow, blue, and white aura. Telekinesis, mental abilities, and clairvoyance.

"Records of people possessing three auras are super rare. In the entire history of the Poe Family there was only one person..." said Edgar, who was still in shock.

[Who?] asked Luke curiously.

"The patriarch of the Poe Family. Ezekiel Poe," replied Edgar with much respect.


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