
wedlighton: finding answers

wedlighton was a city no one knew of it's origin, the city bustled with life but all of a sudden strange events began happening living the residents scared. a city with so many past mysteries, different characters from different universes are being pulled by the Hora stone into wedlighton. Thomas Wedlighton a young scientist is sent back in time as he encounters the Hora stone, Mina and her friend Jake are taken back in time to an city they only heard of in their history. seven years old Elizabeth Winston and her friend Julie fueled by curiosity are determined to find out what was happening to their city, can they race against time to stop what's happening in their city before it's too late ?. As the residents discover that they can't leave the city any longer. The woman gives her a mega watt smile that seems awfully familiar to her mother's. a book full of adventure and thrilling suspense. A must read

Chizarum_Samuel · Sci-fi
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chapter 14 confused

Elizabeth, why would jacks father own someone else diary, she wondered in her head as she continued reading the diary.

(Thomas Wed POV )

(Planet Antares 3000 light years)

(home of the scientist)

Hmmm what could you be, a man could be seen studying an emerald green stone with purple hues,

Thomas you should be careful with that, I hear it's a time stone that could be used to travel between different worlds and timeline could be related to a immortals but who knows we could be wrong, his lab partner said

What is the stone called, he asked no one in particular, It's called a Hora stone meaning time stone, other researcher while others called it a mageia tempus stone meaning a magic time stone I don't see the difference though, a fellow scientist by the name Ken answered, rumor has it that people disappeared while studying it, probably through time I guess he added but Thomas had long lost interest in what he said.

It was evening and everyone had left except Thomas he held a book in his hand as he flipped through looking for a possible clue of what the stone was, finally he stumbled on a note between the pages, he read through the the note,

" I discovered a strange stone on a mountain today and took it to the lab but I was shocked by my Discovery this stone was old, not just old million of years old, I never knew what it was and decided to research it but the stone gave off an energy I had never seen before, after years of research I can conclude that this is a time stone but it doesn't belong here" he flipped the note to the other side but nothing was written in it except the name of the man who had found the stone, Adrian Harold. So you're a time stone he said aloud, he reached out his fingers as he touched the stone and it glowed brightly, he's eyes showed fear but within seconds he and the stone disappeared.

(Wedlighton 9 years ago)

Where am I, looking around everybody looked at him like he was some strange object, they whispered amongst themselves, they gathered around me, look at his clothes they look expensive, forget his clothes he's a very handsome man I wonder if his married the women whispered amongst themselves.

As I looked around everything seemed to spin, the stone I couldn't find it any longer, I searched through the crowds but I couldn't find it, have you seen my stone I asked them but they thought I was mad, I thought he was very good looking and probably smart but he's just a mad man in fancy clothes the women whispered amongst themselves, in my state of panic I had an asthma attack, I was in need of my inhaler but it wasn't in my pocket as I thought, it wasn't long and I passed out.

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