
Wedding Royale

She is the most wanted fashion designer in the fashion world! Her name is known far across the nation and in the top countries of the world. She is hardworking, smart, witty, the wealthiest designer in the entire nation, kindhearted, warm and beautiful both inside and out. She is no one other than Miss Caroline Martinez! The most famous and the best fashion designer that ever graced the lands of this beautiful earth. Being at the pinnacle of her career, she is requested to design the wedding attire for the Royal Wedding of the Crown Prince Adrian and his wife to be Princess Jasmine. A task that every designer would die to have and yet she has been chosen for it, amazing right?. But what would she do if suddenly the Prince is someone she can't help but fall for__his charms, charisma and his aura entices and enthralls every fiber of her being. Will Caroline be able to fight her desires and focus on the task at hand or will she follow her heart and risk everything she has ever worked for?. Enthralled by this, add to your library, read and follow the amazing path and decision she makes as you read each chapter!!!.

Starr_light · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter Twenty-five

The door was slowly pushed open, Carol walked in, slowly dragging her feet with every step she took, she held her heels in one hand and her purse was in the other. Her eyes were listless, empty and void of any emotion.

On hearing the door unlock, Lucas rushed towards it wanting to hear all about the ball but he stopped mid way, the sight was not what he expected. She looked jaded and way worse than when she left. It was difficult for him to come to terms that the woman in front of him was the same as the one he knew.

"Carol, is everything okay? How was the ball?" He inquired.

"It was nice. Nothing that I expected!" She simply stated.

"Are you okay? He approached her but she held up her hand preventing him from approaching further.

"I am just tired and I really need to rest!" She said with a weak smile.

Concern clouded his features as he watched her walk into her room, closing the door behind her.

He ran his hand down his face in exasperation. This was not what he expected, something was not right with her and he had to figure it out as soon as possible.

Carol plopped down on her bed and screamed into her pillow. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. The scene of their kiss replayed in her mind, she let out another muffled scream.

Why did she have to do that? If only she controlled her emotions, nothing would have happened!. It would have just ended with a dance but no, she just had to kiss him.

Carol rolled on her bed a few times, once she stopped, she stared at the ceiling above, pondering on what next. How is she going to face him, if they ever meet? She needed to think of a lie to tell.

"I know!" She jolted up on the bed "I can just tell him that it was the champagne that I took at the ball that's the reason why I kissed him, right?" Silence was the only answer she received as she stared at the empty room.

"That's why I kissed…That's why I…" the words trailed off from her lips. Subconsciously, her fingers slowly grazed across her lips. The memory of his lips on hers, their softness and taste rushed back to her mind. Heat crept on her cheeks and they turned scarlet. She let out a scream and plopped on the bed.

"I have got a problem!" She said slowly, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

* * * *

Hours had passed with no phone call or text from her. He wanted so badly to talk to her, see her, feel her and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he wanted to kiss her terribly that it scared him.

Adrian sighed as the cool night breeze blew in his hair.

"What's wrong Your Majesty?" Walter asked as he approached him.

"I miss her!" His expression was sullen as he spoke.

"Whom, if I may ask, Your Majesty?"

"Carol! I miss her terribly!"

"Oh, that is not good!" The old man said. Not a hint of shock was seen in his face. He knew it would eventually happen. The fact that they spent time together and he always spoke of her every now and then. It wouldn't have been impossible for him not to fall for her.

"Is this what love feels like?" A smile was fixed on his lips as Adrian stared at the star lit night sky. There was only one person that has been on his mind ever since the kiss, Caroline.

"Longing for someone, wishing so close to be with them even when they are not with you. Feeling whole whenever they are around you. Every time I spend with her I feel this ever growing happiness swell up inside me. I just long for her. I feel I need to be with her, like she is my missing piece. Is this what love really feels like, Walter?".

Walter moved closer, a knowing expression on his face. He recognized that look all too well – it mirrored the same enamored gaze the King had when he first laid eyes on his beloved Queen. A soft smile formed on Walter's lips as memories of those cherished moments flooded his mind.

"I don't know your Highness, I am not an expert in these kind of things" He replied, sincerely "But I do know this, Your Father had that exact look on his face when he first met your mother" Adrian turned to him, surprise flashed in his beautiful azure eyes.


"Yes, he couldn't stop talking about her. It was frustrating and annoying, he followed her around like a lovesick puppy!" He stated.

Adrian felt bewildered at what he heard, the images in his head didn't add up to what Walter spoke of.

"So, what do you think that I should do, Walter?" He looked at him expectantly needing advice from the old man. He seemed lost and uncertain of the choice he should make.

Walter simply shrugged "I only have one advice for you, follow your heart. What does it say?"

Adrian's voice trailed off as he pondered his thoughts. "I just can't seem to stop thinking about her," he finally admitted, his words tinged with a mixture of awe and longing. "Whenever I'm with her, it feels like a surge of electricity running through my veins. She brings out the truest version of me, allowing me to be completely genuine. It was that moment when she smiled at me, grateful for my help with changing her car's flat tire, that I felt something stir within me. I desperately want to be with her, to be a part of her life."

"Don't tell this to me" Walter said, happiness swirled within those dull eyes as he stared at Adrian, patting his shoulder. He gestured for the door "Tell it to her!"

Adrian's eyes followed his gaze, a wide smile lighting up his face. Without hesitation, he reached for his coat and hurriedly dashed out of the room, drawn to the one person who made him feel whole. In Caroline's presence, he felt an unwavering strength, as if he could conquer any challenge that came his way. She was the sole woman who held the key to his heart, the one he longed for with every fiber of his being.

* * * *

"Carol!" The voice echoed in the silence.

Carol's heart skipped a beat at its familiarity. She let out a deep breath and turned to see him standing a few feet from her. Her heart drummed in her chest. She has been dreading this meeting all day but it seemed like she couldn't escape it.

Adrian strode towards her, his whole face lit up as he approached her, he soon discovered that she wasn't alone, as he heard footsteps approaching them. He turned to the direction of it, there was Lucas who jogged towards them looking somewhat surprised to see him.

"Hi, Lucas!" He said simply.

"Your Majesty, it is nice to see you!" The awe in his voice wasn't missed by Adrian. The two men shook hands while Carol stood and watched them.

"Carol, can we talk for a minute?" He asked, directing his attention to her.

She sighed. "Sure!" She turned to Lucas "Can you please give us some privacy?"

Lucas simply nodded and walked towards the elevator, a few feet from where they stood.

'This is it Carol! Just explain to him that it was just a misunderstanding and that it was the work of the alcohol you took' she thought.



They called out simultaneously, and chuckled at it.

"You go first!" She gestured.

"Okay!" He replied. He was nervous. This was the first time she had actually seen him nervous and she wondered why.

He took a deep breath and looked at her, her heart skipped a beat as he stared at her.

She gulped.

"Carol!" He began "I don't know when and how but ever since I have met you, I have always felt this strong attraction to you. At first, I thought it was because we hung out a lot and you are one of the few people I know that truly understands me. I have always felt this strange feelings whenever I am with you, I didn't take it seriously but recently, I always feel the need to be near you, to watch you smile, to make you happy, I hate seeing you upset and I really hate it when other guys are attracted to you and I dislike it when you smile and laugh with them especially William!" He said his name with a clenched jaw " Yesterday, I realized that I truly have feelings for you. I like you Caroline, no scratch that… I love you Caroline!".

Carol's jaw dropped at the sudden confession. She wasn't expecting that at all. Lucas who wasn't paying any attention to the big speech quickly looked up on hearing that and stared at him, shock transformed his face.

"That was unexpected!" He said softly, he looked at Carol expectantly. Her answer to Adrian's confession intrigued him more.

Carol didn't know what to say? She didn't know what to feel. She has always been hoping that he saw her more than a friend and now he finally did. But what was she supposed to do? Should she blurt out her feelings for him right there?.

That would be logical, right?.

Reality dawned on her. Adrian was getting married and no love confession was going to change that. In a few weeks he would tie the knot with the Princess and where does that leave her? She didn't want to experience her heart getting broken again. It was hard for her the first time and it took her years to get over it. It pained her that she had to do this but she couldn't go over the same experience.

"Your silence, it's…."

"Adrian, I…" she paused and took a deep breath, pushing back tears "I am sorry but I don't feel the same way about you!".

His face fell, fear crossed his eyes on what she said.

"I apologize for any mixed signals that came across and that kiss…" she chuckled bitterly "...It was just the work of the champagne I took earlier and then we were dancing and it just happened. It really didn't mean anything!" She said, nonchalantly. The words he heard pierced through his heart like a sharp sword. "So please don't read any meaning to it. If you will excuse me, I have to go!".

She turned on her heel and rushed towards the elevator, Lucas had a hurt smile on his face as he looked at the vulnerated Prince before walking into the elevator with her.

Adrian watched the woman he loves vanish from his sight. He felt his heart crumple into a million pieces. His eyes welled up with tears, he turned and began walking towards his parked motorcycle, he got on it, turned on the ignition and he drove off in full speed, riding to the only place that gave him solitude.

Carol rested her back on the elevator wall, the tears she withheld ran down her cheeks as she wept. Lucas quickly rushed to her side and hugged her, she buried her head against his chest, bawling.

"It is okay Carol, everything will be fine!" He spoke in a soothing voice whilst his hand caressed her hair.

"I love him, Lucas! I really do love him!" She said in a muffled voice.

"Then why didn't you tell him?" He questioned.

"I can't afford to get hurt again Lucas! I just can't!" She said between sobs as they slowly moved up.

Question time;

* Do you think Carol made the right choice?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I have no idea on what is going on

If you have any opinion on what she should have replied instead, write a comment about it. I would love to read it

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