
Wedding Gown

Satomi Tsubaki is getting married and Takahiro Furuya is her wedding gown designer. After the day both of them met Takahiro can't forget her face anymore. She made him smile in excitement but she was already getting married. On the day of Satomi's wedding, things got torn apart for her when her groom runs away with his mistress. Satomi got involved in an accident that turns both her and Takahiro's life tangled in a twisted fate.

Scarlet_Chrome · Urban
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3 Chs

Meeting his Friends Pt. 1

Akemi's P.O.V:

We are now driving to go downtown one of his friends will be fetching us and going to the airport. "What does he looks like? Does he know me?" I asked Takashi feeling nervous about meeting his friends. "Don't worry they will go easy on you because they know your situation." He switched his attention to me. His handsome face gave me a caring expression.

"I can't help it, Do I know them? What if I had mistake in talking with them?" My nervousness won't leave me. "It's alright Love, we practiced your answers. Right?" Takahiro reminds me. "Plus they know what we went through and they are perfectly aware of your situation. They won't force you to answer." Takashi gave me a reassuring smile that melts away my worries.

"Okay, can I sleep for a while? I feel sleepy suddenly." I told him and he nodded. "Okay, I'll wake you up once we arrive," Takahiro told me and I dose off...

My eyes woke up in a very big house, a woman woke me up. "Miss please wake up, sir is waiting for you downstairs." The old lady told me and I happily greeted her, I seem to know her well. I get up from the bed and ready myself to meet him. My heart feels so excited about seeing the person the old lady talking about.

The old lady talks about how she's so excited about something that's getting blurry when she's talking about what's making her excited. I walk downstairs to meet a man but I can't see his face at all. I am dreaming and I should wake up before it turns into a nightmare but my feet seem glued to the situation.

"You look beautiful today." The man greeted me, his voice is someone I know but I can't point out who. I know this person is close to my heart and his voice made me adore him. Is this Takashi? Am I finally seeing a memory of us?

Before I can even hold the man in front of me I suddenly feel that my world switched places. I felt like I'm in a hotel room now. "Are you ready to meet them?" A man asked me. Maybe it was Takahiro asking me so I went to look at him. "I feel nervous," I told him. My dreams are so real that I can feel every bit of the scenario.

"Let's go now." He said and with that, the scene shifted to the other scene. We are now both riding a car heading somewhere. "Are you excited?" The man asked me and I smiled at him. "Of course, I will finally get to meet them," I said, and when I was about to hold his hand I fall deep into the darkness. I just keep on falling like there is no end.

I am starting to feel lost of breath and I knew I had to wake up if this is a dream. Please God wake me up. The only words I can think of. I feel a heavy shake in my body that made me get back to my senses. I opened my eyes, and everything looks blurry until my eyes adjust to the light I saw Takahiro and I hugged him as soon as I can feel my body again.

"Did you have nightmares again?" Takahiro worriedly asked me. "It was just a bad dream don't mind it." I said as I didn't want to talk about it yet. "I just need water." I said and grab the water near him. "Do you want to take your medicine?" He asked. "No, I'm fine. Just focus on driving love. Don't mind me." I sweetly assure him.

I look at the scenery outside. The sun already hits and the road is getting busy. We leave the house early at four o'clock in the morning where the roads are still sleeping but look now it's awake and lively. We had a quiet travel to his friend's meet up place. Takashi is always like this, he's always giving me space and doesn't invade my privacy. He won't talk about it if I don't feel like talking.

He will wait for me until I'm completely ready. He's such a gentleman. Most of the time I feel ashamed of myself for being such his baby. I look at him and he gave me a sweet smile again. What more would I asked for with all the love he gave me I should be contented but their is something that my whole system is looking.

Those broken pieces my memory decided to forget when we had an accident. Takahiro never talks about it maybe he doesn't want to force me to remember anything but I feel incomplete without those memories. I feel worthless, not remembering any glimpse of memories about the both of us. I feel sorry for all the anniversaries that I can't remember, for all the times he said that is important for us. For all the people I can't remember.

"Why did you suddenly become so quiet?" Takahiro breaks the silence between us. I faced him and give him a warm smile. "I was just thinking how exciting to meet them." I lied because I don't want to worry him again. "They will surely love you." He said while he focus on the road. "You know they really look forward to this day," Takahiro told me and that reminds me of what he says.

He told me that we are about to meet his friends when we got into an accident which leads me to coma and when I woke up I forgot everything. "They must be excited," I commented on what he said and focused on the scenery outside again. "This place looks so enchanting Taka, look." I pointed at the lake who is glimmering and the trees around that like looks like it came straight from a painting.

"We used to love going to that lake." Takahiro suddenly became serious. I look at him and he's focusing on the road but I know he is think thinking of something. "Hey," I called for his attention. "Don't worry we could have fun on that place again like nothing happen right?" I told him and he looks at me. "Yes of course." He answered. "Lets start over again Takahiro. We can do this. Let's focus on what we right now okay?" I decided to myself I won't seek for my past anymore.

I will focus on the things I wanted now and the future Takahiro and I will have. I will use all my time and energy to do things that will built us a brandnew start than seeking for the past that makes me feel incomplete without remembering it.