
Mysterious girl

"wait this seen .....I know .... she is.....th...that mysterious girl ....ho... how help me " Mel's expansion immediately change

No he is not thinking about Tisha but someone else

"I have to stop her .. wait where she gone .....aahh ..... not again ..... I wonder is she a wind .... every time she just buff like small ....ahh....."

dude this is just 2nd time

"finally rain is stop so should leave now "

he also go in same direction to find out what he wants her & food too

In unknown café

" I have to eat something " Tisha said to herself " this café looks good "

she remove her shrug & knot on her waist her shrug is lengthy so when she was wearing it , it's hiding her short very well she looks great but now she also looks great

she just sit on a table & order some lite food

she was sitting on the chair her long leg are crossed she looks great in her position & busy with her phone & cold coffee

On the other hand Mel also come in same café & sits on a table also order some food

they both don't know about their presence but busy in own self

Suddenly Tisha realize something ' my 6th sense want to say something that someone watching me this dirty eyes ' when she look straight 'not again ...not again ... they both want to teach a lesson from my ... OK .. don't worry dirty pigs I will definitely complete your wish ..." she gives a beautiful bright smile to them

But someone also watching this hole drama none other than but Mr Mel 1st he didn't notice but then he saw 2 men was looking at a lady's beautiful legs no long leg who was very familiar for him (not legs but girl) but she was busy in her phone but suddenly she saw them & just smile if she didn't gave them a smile he definitely punch but what is she doing she just smile & now finishing her meal what a shameless girl she is not able to fight with them but that not mean she have to smile

After paying the bill Tisha stood & with a big bright smile she exist from the café she didn't pay any attention to anyone expect two pigs

the two pigs were dirty by their looks & even look with ugly thought they are so cheap that let's don't discuss about them

Anyway they also exist from the café for the hunt

But Mel he was shocked by her action what he did ' I think she is not a good girl but a hunter queen who hunt boys but these cheap men too ....ahh... leave it '

on the other side Tisha was busy with her too spoiled students " you two dirty pigs hope you enjoy my lesson also always remember this ok " she was sitting on her on knee like running position & they are laying on the road with lots of blood on their face & many wounds on their bodies with messy hair messy clothes looks like a mess on the road

she didn't want a mess in the café that's why she take them out

they both said in one feared voice almost in cry voice " yes Miss " like obedient student

" good.....then I should leave now bye ....." with a devil look

still no one is here

what to say

only 30 chapters

thank you

Nidhi_Sheorancreators' thoughts