
Webnovel's Death Battle!

Welcome to Death Battle! Where we look at the stats and feats of our favorite characters and then pin them against each other to determine who would win a Death Battle!

SurelyNotEli · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Spider-Man (Marvel 616) vs Homelander (The Boys Comic/Amazon TV)

Welcome to episode one of Webnovel's Death Battle! Today we have a slightly controversial matchup... I can hear the death threats and suicide wishes already...

In one corner, we have the self-proclaimed strongest man in the world, Homelander. And in the other, we have the big-mouthed webhead, Spider-Man. Let's first analyze their stats, weapons, and skills to determine who would win a Death Battle!


With great power, comes great responsibility. These are the words of Uncle Ben, words that Peter Parker lives by as the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man! 

After being bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter Parker was granted spider-based superpowers, such as the ability to climb walls, super agility, and much more!

[Powers and Abilities]


-Spider Physiology 

-Superhuman Strength 

-Superhuman Agility

-Superhuman Durability 

-Regenerative Healing Factor

-Foreign Chemical Resistance

-Superhuman Reflexes

-Superhuman Jumping


-Genius Level Intellect

-Master Acrobat

-Master Combatant

-And more

Physical Strength

When it comes to his super strength, Spider-Man is often underestimated; however, he has been shown to be one of the strongest characters in his respective universe in terms of physical strength. He's lifted entire locomotives and tanks, both weighing in at over 60 tons! He's once held down a helicopter as it attempted to take off, supported a private jet while it was landing, and even held up the Daily Bugle in place of a broken support beam!

Let's talk about that last feat for a moment. Of course, the building's entire weight was being distributed evenly between its other support systems; however, holding about over 700 tons (the average weight of a building in New York) is an insanely impressive feat and is worth mentioning. 

Striking Power

Of course, his super strength isn't only for heavy lifting. When Doctor Octavius took over Peter Parker's body, he once knocked Scorpion's jaw clean off his body with a full forced punch. It was then that the doctor realized that Peter Parker had been pulling his punches during their previous bouts. For the most part, Peter pulls his punches against the likes of Kingpin, the Punisher, and Tombstone, but there are plenty of examples of him punching these guys through brick and metal walls with ease. He's even punched holes through steel vaults with his bare hands!

Martial Arts

Peter Parker is also well-versed in multiple martial arts. As a teen, he learned martial arts by imitating what he saw when watching Kung Fu movies. However, as an adult, he formally learned martial arts under Shang Chi, one of Marvel's greatest martial artists.


Not only can Peter Parker dish out punishment, but he can also take it like a champ as he is incredibly durable. If you or I were to throw a punch at the web-slinger, our hands would literally break as we see when one of his Z-lister villains that I can't name punches him and ends up breaking both of his hands. He can also withstand punches from the Punisher without even leaving a scratch. This is all to say that any normal person wouldn't be able to harm him without a weapon.

When it comes to surviving grander feats, Spider-Man has been struck by trucks, sent through walls, and getting his skull smashed into concrete before getting up as if nothing ever happened. He's also survived blasts from grenades and he even survived being within the blast radius of a freaking missile! In these cases, however, it does take him some time to recover.

Speed and agility

Spider-Man is incredibly quick and agile and thanks to his spider-sense, he is able to dodge pretty much anything thrown at him as long as he isn't too distracted. He's dodged bullets, and bolts of lighting from Electro, and his instincts are so fast, that those capable of reading minds are incapable of predicting his movements. His reaction speed even allows him to react to a bullet being fired, webbing it up in mid-air. I'm not even making this up! His spider-like abilities also allow him to dodge things while he is in mid-air, defying the laws of physics. He's even reacted to attacks as fast as light itself and dodged them while in mid-air.

When it comes to his running speed, he is able to run faster than that of any normal human, but he does not possess speeds that rival a speedster such as Quicksilver. However, with the help of his webs, Spider-Man is capable of slingshotting himself for quick bursts of speed. Spider-Man also once flew across New York City in just ten minutes. That means he is capable of swinging at close to two hundred miles per hour!


Spider-Man's webs are incredibly powerful and they are fireproof. We have seen Spider-Man block the Human Torche's flames using a shield made of webs! At the lowest, the Human Torch outputs its flames at 780 degrees Fahrenheit; however, in this instance Johnny Storm was furious, so he was likely outputting even more than that. 

They're said to be stronger than steel, such that swords and bullets are deflected off of them with ease. He's even stopped vehicles going as fast as sixty miles per hour using his webs alone. He's also capable of creating weapons using his webs, such as bats, shields, boats, and even... web-bats that flap their wings? What the hell?


Now for his most powerful ability in his kit, his Spider-Sense. We all know what his Spider-Sense does, it's an alarm system that warns him about danger. Sometimes, his body will automatically react and cause him to dodge on instinct. Other times, his Spider-Sense will display ways for him to avoid the attack, sort of like the Replay feature from Tekken 8. His Spider-Sense allows him to predict his opponent's attacks, and sense a dangerous person just by looking at them, and he could even detect if someone is lying to him. Those last two points are irrelevant, but when it comes to dodging attacks, it practically makes Spider-Man invincible unless he is distracted or if the writer wants to make things interesting. For example, Black Cat once sliced his leg after faking a proposal and Peter did not see it coming. 

Recognizable ass

His ass is so recognizable, even aliens from different galaxies can recognize him from his ass alone! Yes, I did in fact include a section about his ass.

Now, let's talk about Homelander.


"I'm not just like the rest of you. I'm stronger! I'm smarter! I'm better! I am better!", says the Homelander, the strongest man in the world! 

The moment Homelander was born, he was already seen as a monster by those who'd raised him. As his mother was giving birth to him, Homelander used his heat vision to burst through his mother's womb, killing her instantly, before using that same heat vision to kill every... last... doctor in the room. Yikes.

While growing up in a lab beneath Vought, John, though he prefers to be called Homelander, discovered that he was stronger than any of those pions, I mean, humans raising him. He has super strength, super speed, and a plethora of other abilities that you will see listed oh so nicely beneath this paragraph. This is all thanks to a little thing called Compound V, a serum that grants normal people like you and me superhuman abilities. This can range from hemomancy to being able to shrink oneself to the size of an ant to then crawl into a penis hole. Nice!

[Powers and Abiliites]


-Supe Physiology

-Heat Vision

-X-Ray Vision

-Enhanced Senses

-Superhuman Voice

-Healing Factor

Physical Strength

In his own universe, Homelander is considered the absolute strongest man in the world, such that every other supe, and of course human beings, are afraid of him. He's taken on the likes of Queen Maeve, Solider Boy, and Black Noir who are all seen to pack a pretty good punch. When comparing himself to other supes, Homelander calls himself a nuke being compared to a singular stick of dynamite. He even says he can withstand the power of nukes! Nukes!

Homelander is also capable of lifting planes, which can weigh up to 480 tons, though he says he can't do this while in mid-air due to his inability to exert his full strength without leverage beneath him. To put things in simpler terms, no ground = no full strength.

Striking Power

Since Homelander one-shots literally everyone he punches in his universe, it is hard to say just how hard he can punch. We've seen him punch completely through people's stomachs and blow doors off of their hinges with a single strike. In the 'The Boys' comic, he decapitated Queen Maeve with a single punch! He even one-shot Fire God Liu Kang in his Mortal Kombat 1 ending, which according to the creators of Mortal Kombat, is canon... I guess? Does this count? 


Homelander's flight speed is incredible, capping out at around 690 or 1500 miles per hour. You see, his flight speed is rather inconsistent so you can go with whichever one fits your agenda. He's even outpaced a C4 explosion, which would require him to move at 23 times the speed of sound. 


Homelander has been shown to be completely bulletproof and is capable of taking strikes from the likes of Queen Maeve, Billy Butcher, and Soldier Boy, who have all been seen being able to crack concrete with just their fists. 

According to Homelander himself, there is no weapon on Earth that can stop him, not even an atomic bomb! However, these are his own words and this was never directly shown or referenced by any other characters.

He's survived point-blank explosions that are equal to at least 775 tons of TNT and considering he is more powerful than his peers who have been seen capable of tanking hits from anti-tank rounds, jets, and armored cars, it is safe to say he can take those as well.

Heat Vision

Homelander's ace in the hole! When he doesn't feel like punching or kicking, he can simply blast anyone in the face his laser beams that are hot enough to melt steel. According to some calculations that I did not steal, Homelander's heat vision reaches up to 660 Kelvin or 728 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows him to cut through planes and of course people.

Enhanced Senses

His enhanced senses allow him to hear pretty much anything; from people whispering down the hall to explosions that are miles away, Homelander can hear it coming from a mile away. Literally. This also allows him to detect one's heart rate, which then lets him find out if someone is lying, or if he wants to, he can play doctor. Speaking of which, his X-ray vision allows him to see his enemy's physiology and he could even detect tumors.

He can even smell if you've had sex. Cool.

Alright, now it's time for what you have been waiting for. Leave a comment saying who you think will win and get your pitchforks ready! It's time for a Death Battle.


Supes from all over the globe gathered around for the 70th annual Herogasm! From the bedrooms to the bathrooms to the kitchen, supes can be seen fucking like rabbits inside a grand penthouse. Until...


An explosion erupted from within the penthouse, sending corpses, organs, and body parts spewing out from the broken-down walls and windows alongside debris from the building itself.

It was then that Homelander arrived, standing in front of the destroyed building as bloodied supes limped out from the wreckage. He'd find Billy Butcher and Soldier Boy inside; however, before that could happen, an angular, orange portal appeared in front of him. Homelander tilted his head in intrigue as a man wearing a skin-tight body suit came barreling out of it, coming to a sliding stop at Homelander's feet.

"Ow..." said the red and blue arachnid, rubbing his head before looking up at the American flag-capped hero. 

'This guy has bad vibes...' Spider-Man thought, just seconds before Homelander's eyes began to gleam crimson. Like a gymnast, Spider-Man sprung backward, somersaulting and landing atop a broken column, perching with his hands and feet as he avoided Homelander's heat vision.

"Interesting cape. Isn't that a little on the nose?" Spider-Man said; his head was tilted and his lenses slightly shut. 

Homelander glared at Spider-Man, his mouth and eyes twitching. "What!?" Homelander muttered. 

"Well, you know, you're clearly going for the whole American hero angle. I feel like the cape being the literal flag is a little... you know... much. That's all," Spider-Man explained, throwing his hands above his shoulders. 

Spider-Man's words muted the caped supe. His facial spasms intensified; his eyes twitched, his lips quivered, and his brows were furrowed. "Just-" Homelander spoke a single word, trembling through his frustration. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?"

"Ah, you know. Just your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man," Spider-Man said, taking in the mayhem surrounding him. "I'm far from my neighborhood, but I'm gonna assume you made this mess-- killed all these people. I'm not gonna let some evil Super Captain America Man hurt anyone else," Spider-Man said; his lighthearted attitude had faded, and his posed glare was shown through his focused lenses.

Homelander frowned at the arachnid before erupting into laughter. "You? Stop me?" Homelander said, cackling with a hand on his stomach. "I'm the Homelander. I'm the strongest man on this goddamned planet."

"We'll see about that," Spider-Man said before lunging forward, his fist reeled backward. Homelander stood in place, arms behind his back as the arachnid blitzed him. Spider-Man unleashed a barrage of punches, targeting Homelander's smug face and unmoving body. Each punch, fast as lighting, was doing as much damage as a fly to a brick wall. 

Homelander chuckled, clutching Spider-Man's fist with the palm of his hand. "What part of the strongest man on the planet don't you understand?" Homelander lectured, his eyes glowing crimson. 

"I just wanted to make sure you could take a hit so I don't accidentally knock your head off," Spider-Man told him, shooting a web at Homelander's face, covering his eyes. Homelander yelled, stumbling backward as he attempted to release laser beams from his eyes; however, Spider-Man's webs completely blocked them.

"What the hell is this stuff!?" Homelander asked, prying the webs off of his face.

"Just a little science project I cooked up when I was fifteen. Salicylic acid, toluene, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, potassium carbonate, and ethyl acetate. I call it web fluid. Stronger than steal, and it's completely fireproof!" As Spider-Man gave his science lecture, Homelander removed the webbing from his face. However, the instant he opened his eyes, a scarlet fist introduced itself to Homelander. This time, Spider-Man wasn't holding back half as much, sending Homelander barreling backward until he smashed through a tree.

Homelander landed on his back, staring at the clouds and seeing stars despite it being two in the afternoon. He then felt a warm liquid pooling beneath his nose, rubbing it with his glove before holding his hand up to his face. His eyes widened; for the first time in his life, another man made him bleed.

Spider-Man landed on the tree stump, crouching over Homelander with his arms dangling in front of him. "You alright, buddy? I didn't think you'd fly that far," Spider-Man said. 

"Do you ever shut up!?" Homelander asked, rising to his feet.

"When I sleep...actually, my wife says I talk in my sleep sometimes. You know, they say-" Spider-Man started to go on a tangent, only to be interrupted by a woman's voice.

"Help me! Someone!" the voice called out from the mansion's rubble. Spider-Man turned around, his heroic instinct taking over. Seeing this as an opening, Homelander burst forward like a bullet, tackling Spider-Man and flying through the air with his hands wrapped around his throat.

"Wait! Time out! Time out!" Spider-Man said breathlessly.

A portal, similar to the one Spider-Man had entered the scene through, opened up behind him. The two red and blue heroes started floating through space, time, and dimensions. The sudden change of scenery surprised Homelander enough to get his grip to loosen, allowing Spider-Man to deliver a powerful punch to the American hero's face, forcing his neck to nearly spin one hundred and eighty degrees. 

Spider-Man released a barrage of punches, as did Homelander; however, Spider-Man was able to dodge despite the two of them fighting in mid-air, seemingly defying the laws of physics. The caped supe had enough of his punches being dodged; his eyes gleamed scarlet and he began firing lasers at the arachnid, who dodged, weaved, and even crawled around Homelander's body to escape these would-be lethal lasers.

"Can we at least land before you start firing laser beams at me!?" Spider-Man exclaimed.

"Hold still you annoying little bastard!" Homelander shouted, his heat vision tracking Spider-Man closely.

"No, thanks! I'd rather not become spider barbe-" Before Spider-Man could finish that sentence, Homelander threw a punch at the arachnid, sending him soaring uncontrollably through space and time. A portal opened up and Spider-Man flew through it, slamming into a car parked in front of a home. As the alarm blared, Spider-Man rubbed his head. "Ow..." he muttered before his lenses grew wide and his spider-sense blared. 

Spider-Man lept in the air, and just then, Homelander flew through the portal and completely eradicated the vehicle with his body. Spider-Man landed atop the house, looking down at Homelander and the destroyed car. "Damn, I feel bad for whoever's car that is," Spider-Man said, just as the license plate for the car fell directly in front of him. 

"P <3 MJ..." Spider-Man read aloud. "Wait, that's my car! Hey, you're gonna pay for that!" exclaimed, getting a laser beam fired at him as an apology, dodged the cut through house, only to then put pieces together.< p>

"Wait, MJ! Mayday!" Spider-Man yelled before bursting into a window to find his family. When he landed inside, he found MJ holding onto their toddler, trembling in the corner of their bedroom. 

"Peter!" she called out.

"MJ! We gotta get out of here, now!" Peter said; just as those words left his mouth, a car barreled through their home, barely missing the three of them.

"Get your ass back here, Spider-Man. Or should I say, Peter!" Homelander stood outside, holding yet another car in his hands whilst using his X-ray vision to look through the home's walls. "What are the odds? A family reunion. Isn't that right, MJ? Mayday?" Homelander teased the family before throwing yet another car through the house, though this one was on target. Spider-Man rose to his feet and caught the car before it could strike his family.

"Go!" he yelled, and MJ did just that, taking herself and the baby through the bedroom door. As she started running for her life, Homelander's beams followed her through the house, trailing just inches behind her until she reached the stairs, allowing his beams to pass over her head. 

Spider-Man lept through one of the holes Homelander created, using his webs to slingshot himself forward like a missile. "Leave them alone!" Spider-Man bellowed, kicking Homelander in the face, causing him to stumble a few steps before Spider-Man began an onslaught of punches. 

"Stay!" Spider-Man threw a right hook at the caped supe. "Away!" Then, he threw a powerful right, straight punch to Homelander's nose. "From!" Spider-Man's entire arm trembled before he threw an uppercut at the supe, connecting cleanly with his jaw. "My family!"

Homelander slid backward, his face bruised from Spider-Man's punches. Despite facing his toughest opponent yet, Homelander had a demented, distorted smile drawn across his face. "You know, everyone has a weakness. Mine used to be that I wanted to be loved and adored by everyone. Until one day..." Homelander snapped his fingers. "It clicked. I don't need love. I don't need family." 

Homelander's eyes wandered around the house until they found MJ hiding beneath the kitchen counter. "But you... you still have that weakness. I notice you've been talking less. Why don't we shut that mouth for good!"

Homelander flew toward their home faster than Spider-Man could follow. "No!" he screamed out, chasing behind Homelander until he found himself in the kitchen with him. Mary Jane had already been burnt to a crisp and Homelander was seen cradling their baby with a single arm, his other arm taking a sip of milk he found in the fridge. 

"MJ!" Peter shrieked, his lenses wide as he stared at his wife's charred body.

"Shh... Pete, can't you see Mayday is trying to sleep," Homelander whispered.

Peter's body trembled, and the world around him froze. His life with Mary Jane echoed through his mind and suddenly, all that mattered was to stop Homelander from hurting Mayday, or anyone else for that matter, under any circumstances. Even if it meant taking his life.

Homelander continued rocking Mayday, a smugness was drawn across his face. He then set her down in her high chair and patted her head. "Don't worry Mayday, I'm not a monster, I wouldn't hurt a cute little baby..." Homelander smirked at Peter; he could hear his heart rate skyrocketing. "Calm down, Pete. I'll take good care of your daughter after I kill you. She and Ryan will get along nicely."

Spider-Man said nothing, stepping toward Homelander with booming, thunderous steps. The arachnid then dashed forward, punching Homelander square in his jaw, this time using everything he had. Homelander was sent crashing through the Parker residence, through the backyard, and through another home, landing in their living room.

Just when Homelander stood on his feet, Spider-Man appeared, throwing lefts and rights with perfect precision. Homelander couldn't keep up, trying to retaliate with untrained punches of his own, just for Spider-Man to dodge and counterattack. Using both hands, Peter smacked Homelander's ears, dazing him. Homelander was barely on his feet at this point, firing lasers desperately. 

Spider-Man's body practically moved on its own, firing his webs at Homelander's chin and aiming his heat vision away from the family. Spider-Man then sent a flying knee to Homelander's chin; he stumbled backward, his eyes gleaming once again only for Spider-Man to deliver a spinning kick, knocking Homelander on his ass. 

The next thing he knew, Spider-Man's webs pinned him to the ground, and the silent web-head was on top of him, delivering full-powered punches with everything within his id. No longer holding back, Spider-Man's punches were leaving craters on the living room floor. Homelander could feel himself losing consciousness and he started to panic; his muscles flexed and Spider-Man's webs started to snap. 

Like a rocket, Homelander took off, breaking a hole through the home's roof. However, Spider-Man was holding onto the supe's cape. "Let go of me, you fucking bug!" Homelander yelled, looking down at Spider-Man as he clung for dear life. 

Spider-Man's lenses widened, compelling Homelander to turn around and see that they were headed straight for an airplane. Effortlessly, they crashed through it and Spider-Man's brain shifted from a killer to a protector. 

The plane was going down and a couple of civilians were flailing helplessly as they plummeted to their inevitable deaths. Spider-Man pushed himself off of Homelander, diving toward the two civilians who were free-falling. Homelander smirked, "You still don't get it!" he said, flying toward Spider-Man, and tackling him in the air. "No!" Spider-Man yelled, reaching out to the civilians free-falling.

"This is all your fault, Peter! Now all of that blood is in your hands!" Homelander proclaimed, giggling to himself as he pushed Peter toward the Earth. 

Still, even when all seemed hopeless, Peter was determined to save these people. He fired a web just past Homelander's face, a web that was seemingly going toward one of the falling civilians. However, the web missed, hitting the cup that was falling behind them. Spider-Man yanked the cup toward himself and pulled the metal straw out from inside of it. Using all of his strength, Spider-Man lodged the straw deep into Homelander's ear, puncturing his brain and causing Homelander's body to go limp, releasing the spider as he plummeted toward the ocean.

Thinking quickly, Spider-Man flung himself closer to the plane with his webs, scooping up the two civilians and placing them back in their seats as the plane fell. Using his webs, he repaired the holes that he and Homelander had created before crawling atop it and steering it with his webs. 

The plane barely missed crashing into a skyscraper just before Peter was able to land the plane in an open field, saving everyone on board.


And there you have it folks, Spider-Man wins! Alright, alright, put the pitchforks down, and let me explain just exactly why this was a complete mismatch. 

While Spider-Man isn't bulletproof like Homelander, he has proven time and time again that he is capable of taking direct hits from characters such as the Hulk and Thor, who are far stronger than Homelander in terms of strength. You see, Homelander is only overpowered in his own universe. If he were to be placed in DC or Marvel with the likes of Superman or Thor, he is going to get obliterated. When it comes to Homelander's heat vision, it is possible that they could kill Peter Parker, however, Spider-Man's reaction speed, along with his spider-sense, would allow him to easily dodge Homelander's telegraphed heat vision attacks. Even if this wasn't the case, Spider-Man's webs have been shown to withstand the Human Torch's flames, which are far hotter than Homelander's heat vision, even when Johnny Storm is at his weakest. So, had he needed to, he could create a shield of webs to block Homelander's heat vision, which we have seen him do against the Human Torch.

When it comes to combat ability, Peter Parker outclasses John in every way. Homelander never learned how to fight; he never had to. Spider-Man; however, learned multiple martial arts and was even trained by Shang Chi himself. 

Homelander's flight speed is incredible and beats anything that Spider-Man could ever achieve; however, if you watch Homelander fight, he doesn't ever use his speed to his advantage. Inversely, Spider-Man is agile and uses his speed to his advantage both offensively and defensively.

Now, many of you may be thinking "How could Spider-Man even hurt Homelander?", but if you're an eagle-eyed viewer, you would have noticed that characters like Queen Maeve and Soldier Boy are able to bruise and draw blood from Homelander. However, when these characters whiff punches that are aimed directly at Homelander, these attacks are barely able to crack concrete and bend filing cabinets. Spider-Man, on the other hand, has been seen punching holes through steel doors with ease. We actually see Queen Maeve puncture Homelander's ear with a metal straw, but she is not strong enough to puncture the brain. Spider-Man, however, could easily do so.

Homelander's durability is also questionable. He claims that no weapon on Earth, including nuclear bombs, can't stop him, but Homelander is an egotistical exaggerator and was likely making this up. There's no evidence for this, and considering straw and punches can hurt him, I find it doubtful that he could survive an entire nuke.

This fight could have honestly ended a lot sooner if Peter Parker wasn't holding back and didn't have a no-kill rule. However, we have seen Spider-Man kill, threaten, and/or maim his villains if they even considered going after his family. The one thing Peter Parker doesn't play about is his family.

Spider-Man is stronger, he's smarter, and he's better than Homelander in almost every single way. Perhaps if Homelander trained himself, he would have stood a chance, I even took feats from his comics into account, but they didn't make much of a difference. That is why the winner of this Death Battle is Spider-Man!