A tyrannical Emperor sends forth formidable enforcers to take down a free and powerful city to make it his new capital...
Yada Yamada, the leader of the rebels, sat in a brothel room, surrounded by a few women keeping him company. He had a lot to drink that night, but thankfully, he was able to hold his liquor impressively.
The women, on the other hand, were a different case entirely, as they had drank a lot more than they should have and were a mess right now. However, he needed them to be in that vulnerable state, as he sought to sleep with all of them that night with little to no resistance coming from them.
Each of the ladies lay on the ground, barely conscious of anything at this point. At this time, Yada grabbed the first of them, threw her on the bed, tearing off her clothes immediately, ready to have his way with her.
At that very moment, a knock came on the door, making Yada swear within himself. What could the security staff in charge at the brothel be doing right now? This was a private moment, which he had paid for in full, so why was he being disturbed right now?