A tyrannical Emperor sends forth formidable enforcers to take down a free and powerful city to make it his new capital...
The men grabbed the Queen away from her husband, and when the King was about to force himself to get up amid the sword lodged in his thigh, Magus doubled his agony by pinning his other leg to the ground with another sword, causing the King to shriek out in pain.
When the men grabbed the Queen away from the husband, they looked to Magus for further instructions, and he said to them, "Indulge yourselves...
When King Watanabe heard this, amid the swords still lodged in his legs, he struggled to stand up. But the Emperor pressed him down by the shoulder, forcing him to remain on his knees to watch his men do evil things to his wife.
When the men heard the king's instructions, they stripped the queen of her clothes, and one of the four men held her down while one of them stripped off his pteruges. And to the King's horror, the man put himself into the Queen, causing her to scream out loud as he had his way against her will.