
Chapter 233

Dino had a hidden ability.

Ultimate Skill Fallen Lord Lucie[] one of the oldest ultimate abilities.

It had the abilities of both Guy's Prideful Lord Lucifer and Millm's Wrathful Lord Satanael.

However, its performance was inferior to Guy and Milim's ability.

Therefore, Dino deeply understood that Fallen Lord Lucielt would be meaningless against Guy and Milim

Dino was "Stellar Lord Dragon Veldanava's trusted retainer.

He was always by his side, crossing battlefields as Veldanava's sword

He had become the Strongest Swordsman at that time.

And then, the work had been pacified and conflict had vanished from the world Afterwards. Veldanaya gave him the task of being the surface's guardian, travelling around the world.


As if his Master were waiting for Dino's absence Veldanava, died. Veldanava's beloved wife, Lucia had also gone with him, In his fury, Dino destroyed that foolish country.

At that time, what he acquired was Ultimate Skill Fallen Lord Lucitel His Ultimate Skill Sky Lord Luciel[2] which was originally given to him by Veldanaya huad transformed.

Fueled by his raging wrath and hatred. Dino did everything he could for destruction. Without being sensed by Demon Lord Guy Crimson, Dino swiftly exacted his vengeance, However, that never made Dino feel better.

He thought about destroying the world itself, but remembering Malim, the orphaned child of Veldanava and Lucia calmed his raging heart.

Then several thousand years passed.

While losing his reason to live, Dino continued his duty as the guardian of the surface world.

Although he himself lived lazily and only heard reports from his two subordinates.

The reason why he became a Demon Lord was to gain information. Protecting the being called Milim from the shadow became Dino's reason to live.

Although he never came into contact with her directly, and neither had he planned to acknowledge Milim as his master..

When Dino saw the scum Clayman hit Millim, something changed inside him: Unique Skill "Sloth that he had acquired unknowingly had evolved into Ultimate Skill Slothful Lord Belphegor

Unique Skill Sloth which Dino acquired while continuing his slothful lifestyle had the ability to deprave the targets.

Because he ended up obtaining the skill, Dino thought about using it.

To kill time and partially to tease Dagruel, Dino played around and tried to deprave him with his Unique Skill Sloth

Like Dino Dagruel, who had dedicated his loyalty to the same deceased master, was pitiful. That

was also the reason why Dino tried to untie Dagruel's heart.

It was a completely unintended event for Dino that the ability he used for such purpose evolved

into an ultimate ability

However, even so. Dino's fate was changed because the acquisition of this ability.

Was it a coincidence, or perhaps, was it fate?

Those with angel series' ability couldn't resist the Master Program (Ruler of the Angel), the

hidden ability of Ultimate Skill Justice Lord Michaell

The only possible way to resist it was to offset an angel series' ability with a demon series


Although it had transformed. Fallen Lord Luciel was still a part of angel series' ability. It

couldn't escape from Absolute Control of Justice Lord Michael

However, at this moment. Here inside the labyrinth created by Ramiris

When Ultimate Skill Fallen Lord Luciels which he had sealed for a long time, was activated,

Dino realized..(Ahh I see. Angel series' ability facilitated the 'l'hought Guidance as a sa marker Whereas the demon series were free abilities, angel series were hierarchical abilities. They were programmed to obey the order of the Supreme Being

Dino, who had his resistance increased due to becoming a fallen angel from the start, and because he was isolated in this subspace, was now released from the Curse of Control. Once he escaped, he wouldn't get caught for a second time.

Dino's "Slothful Lord Belphegor offset Fallen Lord Luciel and he regained full control of himself.

Dino passed through the hole on the labyrinth's outer wall and jumped into the subspace When he did so, he suddenly sensed the traces of the thought interference wave from Justice Lord Michael against Fallen Lord Luciel and completed the countermeasures with Slothful Lord Belphegor

Although Dino was may have been a bum, he worked fast. It wasn't that he couldn't work, he just didn't want to.

That was how the man named Dino was he would do things swiftly as possible if he was forced to do so.

It was needless to say, the best thing for him was Not working

Unfortunately for Dino, however, a future of hard work awatted him

Good job! Now, you have one joh left!

Ramins' thoughts reached him even though he was separated from Zegion,

In short, he had completely succeeded in escaping from the inside of Zero's body It seemed that two other people had stood waiting. Zegion promptly headed to his designated position

Dino felt from their presence that those two's energy level's easily surpassed those of awakened demon lord class

With Zegion included, the three people arranged themselves like an equilateral triangle.

(Diablo and Benimaru, is it.

Did their energy increase again?)

Dino thought so, although he wasn't eager to throw out a tsukkomi

Dino quickly understood the aim of the plan and his role in it.

They were trying to annihilate Zero with the ones who had the strongest fighting power.

Dino had thought that it would be impossible to annihilate Zero seriously since destroying a

"True Dragon wasn't easy at all.. but he realized that they were actually serious about it.

Dino also moved inside the subspace so that the lengths of the sides became equal and reached his designated position.

It was a ritual requiring no less than 1 people.

With two people. It formed a one-dimensional line of two dots connected.

With three people, it formed a two dimensional triangle

If it was with four people, it formed a three-dimensional retrahedron,

In other words they were forming a Spatial Magic Circle which far surpassed the level of the

multi layered magic circle....

And so, a tetrahedron was formed as to enclose the "Berserk Evil Dragon" Zero,

With each person as a vertex Zero was caught inside Absolute Barrier[3].

Kufufufufu, as expected of Demon Lord Dino sama. It helps that you're exceptionally


Ahh, that's creepy. Don't need to use honorifics with me. Diablo.

Is that so? There isn't shred of respect inside my heart, you don't have to worry about it..

You're fucking kidding right! That's so uncalled for!? So you aren't just being sarcastle...

That thing aside. Shouldn't we end this quickly?

That's right. Leave the nonsense for later.|||

"Eh, why is it my fault? Dino held back from saying those words.

It was pointless even if he said it, it could be worse as it might unnecessarily provoke Zegion's


The notion that Zegion would be someone hard to deal with had already taken root inside Dino's mind.

"Well then, Dino dono. The main act is yours. We will match our timing with yours

So Diablo said,

Benimaru and Zegion didn't have objection either.

If it was just the three of them, it was possible for them to match their timing perfectly, but to request something like that from Dino would be harsh

So, at the same time that Dino unleashed his technique, the three of them would follow it

Dino had no complaints either.

Rather, he felt relieved that he wasn't asked to do something unreasonable, such as matching his timing with theirs.

Gotcha Let's go with full power!

Dino yelled, sharpened his spirit and focused his mind in order to unleash his strongest attack.

His six pairs of white and black wings shone, as he gathered the surroundings' magic essence and spirits into his twin swords-

Fallen Crusade[4]!!

And so, he fired a white light slash and black shadow slashi

Both of the slashes intersected spectacularly at the center of the tetrahedron

Colorless aurora filled the inside of Absolute Barrier

However, the attacks on the "Berserk Evil Dragon Zero weren't over yet.

The moment both slashes intersected

End of World!!

Dimension Storm!

Prominence Acceleration!!

Several super special moves were unleashed

With exquisite timing it all reached the center of the tetrahedron as to cover Dino's technique.

It caused a catastrophic, destructive power which was the greatest ever seen since the beginning of the universe.

The catastrophic destruction filled Absolute Barrier, which was created to not let such power escape.

Quartet Skill[5];Breakdown Nostalgia[6]

The power of the four people combined as one and brought forth the ultimate destruction.

It could be said that it was fortunate that this place was a subspace.

For example, even if it was sealed by Absolute Barriers just the leaked aftershock of the destructive power would be enough to wreck the surface ground

Since it was a Quartet Skill by four of the most powerful beings in the world, the synergy produced an unimaginable result.

Everyone who witnessed the spectacle was completely silenced

Except for one person.

Kufufu, kuba, kuhahahahaha! Amazing what a truly amazing power!!

However, what is more amazing than all else is the existence called "True Dragon".

Even after being bathed by such destructive power, it hasn't been annihilated

While Diablo laughed loudly, he analyzed it calmly.

Exactly as he stated, only the intact Dragon Core" remained in the center of the tetrahedron

Although colorless, it was a mysterious orb emitting a dim shine.

Everyone was captivated as if their minds were stolen by the orb.

However, that would lead to carelessness.

The "Berserk Dragon Zero without thinking about his own destruction tried to take, at the

very least, one of them along with him as his last breath's struggle.

He predicted that if one corner of the tetrahedron was destroyed, the power trapped inside

Absolute Barrier would swallow everyone in this place.

Zero's instinct couldn't understand it, but if he succeeded, it would deal a massive amount of

damage to the main body of Ramiris labyrinth

As his malevolent instinct demanded. Zero mustered the last bit of his power to stretch out his tentacle.

That tentacle went towards Dino's group.


The first one to react was Garasha, she pulled Pico and threw her towards Dino.

She protected Pico from the tentacle with her own body, but that was her limit. When the tentacle grasped Garasha it dragged her into Absolute Barrier.. From Inside Pico's arm who had lost her balance. Gala jumped to Garasha while it cried Kyu-

Everything happened instantaneously.


Although Dino shouted, he couldn't move.

Because he understood that if he moved now, "Absolute Barrier: would collapse

Stop! You'll disappear if you enter it—]

Dino stopped Pico, who was about to jump in.

Needless to say, the power inside wasn't something she could endure. Even if he did that. Dino knew that he would end up losing Pico as well.

(Damn it! If only I didn't let my guard down...)

Dino lamented, but he couldn't do anything He had no other choice but to give up.

But, then, Garasha...and also Giala will...

Pico appealed to Dino while thinking about her companion.

But, Pico understood it too.

There was nothing she could do

I don't, I don't like things like this.. Dino

Just one

If there was just one possibility-

Listen, I will give you my strength I'll give you all of my power, so please maintain Absolute Barrier with it Garasha won't last long if she gets dragged into the center.

So, rest assured. I'll go and save her quickly!

Bur, that

Believe me. I'll do it right away as there's no time

Dino started to take preemptive action.

Although the tentacle itself had already disappeared, it would be impossible for Garasha to get back to Dino's with her own strength

In any case, the destructive power produced by the Quartet Skill would be blocked by Absolute Barrier and would converge in the center

It would create a powerful gravitational force towards the center, and consigned everything into oblivion beyond the "Event Horizon[]

In order to escape from there you would need to exceed

the speed of light, which was practically impossible.

The space was too distorted and unstable, so activating Transfer was out of the question.

There was no more time to spare.

The burden on Garasha would increase exponentially the closer she got to the center.

Because Garasha was an awakened demon lord class who specialized in defense she could only

manage to maintain her barrier somehow.

Then, brace yourself. The energy transfers will begin

There's no need for that.

At the moment when Dino tried to transfer his power to Pico, a voice could be heard from Dino's


And then the small round orb shone brightly.

It was the rendo core Rimurn used to play with which Dino ont from Zeoson before the plan started

As the orb floated and drifted in the subspace. It shone intensely just for a moment And then, a feminine figure manifested from it.

That person suddenly appeared in front of Dino with his bluish-silver hair fluttering. And then that person tapped Dino's shoulder lightly, while jovially said well then, I'm going out for a bit and flew into Absolute Barrier where a storm of power raging inside.

Garasha saw her life flash before her eyes like a revolving lantern[8].

She had gotten caught by the tentacle while trying to save Pico.

At that point, she had given up on her life.

Because she couldn't believe that a fallen angel like her nonetheless an awakened demon lord class, would be able to withstand the vortex of ultra-high density destructive energy that could even destroy a "True Dragon"

As she approached the center, the burden on Garasha's body increased.

Even so, she still could hold on herself, thanks to Gaia, the small dragon inside her embrace Gala had a hard time assisting Garasha's defense barrier, they barely succeeded in neutralizing the destructive power.

But, it was only a matter of time

A Quartet Skill of four of the most powerful beings in this world.

It produced an unimaginable destructive power which this world had never experienced before.

Garasha's senses couldn't understand the extent of its greatness. You're a fool aren't you? There was no need for you to follow me....

It's a pity, but I can't help you anymore


Garasha muttered so and gently patted Gala who was in her embrace.

And then, she resigned herself to fate and calmly waited for her impending doom..... But, that time never came.

The reason why was

That was a close call

If Ciel was just a little bit late in creating a new ability, we would have lost Gata,

If that happened, I can't even imagine how angry Milim would be...

I get the shivers just by thinking about it.

Not to mention, Dino tried to jump in to help them there's a better place for such recklessness.

Even if there were 2 people of awakened demon lord class, I wasn't sure they can reach the speed of light.

It was a black hole. Not even light could escape so even if they reached 99% the speed of light

it would still be meaningless

They might be able to escape if they haven't reached the core yet, but it will be a very risky

gamble. It isn't something you can do it somehow just with willpower

So, how could I do it?

Naturally, I wouldn't do something like moving beyond the speed of light.

And yet, there was a simple reason why I could say that I ended up fine

If you can stop time, you don't have to think about speed.

That's the freedom to move beyond the speed of light

But, I didn't need to do that this time

Because I can neutralize it to a certain degree with Nihility Barrier[9] of my "Nihility


Things that come into contact with the barrier are assimilated and converted into nihility

That's the characteristic of "Nihility Barrier

Instead of escaping, endure it till the end. This may be the only way.

Well, even if it fails by any chance, I will be absolutely safe

Parallel existence....

They are the exact same existence from skills, souls, information, strength.

I feel quite satisfied with Ciel-Sensei's answer.

Does the parallel world really exist?

It exists and you can create your own parallel world


If you create a world, that world automatically has a parallel world that has a parallel world and the parallel world created from the parallel world will have a parallel world, so parallel worlds will become infinite in number.

After all, it's because the new ability Ciel had created, Multiple Existence was incorporated Into Ultimate Skill "Void God Azathoth

It was an ability Ciel made after she finished analyzing Ultimate Skill Evil Dragon Azi Dahakal I could create clones which all connected with this ability

Thanks to this ability, I didn't need to be cautious of Velda anymore

Thus I revealed myself, but I think that it was still impossible, even for Velda, to sense me in this subspace.

Still, I shouldn't carelessly rule out the worst case scenario

However, there's no problem for now

Even if he sensed me and isolated Ramiris labyrinth, my clone which can also called as my main

body still exists in the Imaginary Space.

If Velda did isolate the labyrinth, there's a possibility that the connection with the main body will be cut off, but it will be easy to ascertain that if both sides detect each other.

After all, both are me

It's a weird sensation, but Parallel Thought works without much difficulty, so there's no problem even when doing different actions.

It wasn't a half-baked version like the one Vega used. It could be said that since Ciel had completed this Multiple Existence ability, destroying me would be a nigh impossible task

Each of my Multiple Existence , were connected through the "Soul Corridor"

That being said, I was still in the practice stage it's the stage where I can't manifest unless I use the orts that I used to play with before.

Oh well, if I keep on practicing soon I'll able to do it easily.

So, even in the unlikely event that I die, it would end with just the orb being broken,

Even in this situation, wondering how to soothe Milin's temper is a bigger problem for me, but that was just another story.

Yo-you are..!?

Garasha Dino's companion, who I saved together with Gain asked me while looking at me with surprised eyes

I thought I knew her face, but I guess this was our first meeting

Hm, ahh Nice to meet you? I'm Demon Lord Rimuru. |

I greeted her within the barrier.

Garasha looks speechless and couldn't speak properly

Is she nervous? Oh well. I don't mind.

Thus, I was able to retrieve both Gaia and Garasha safely, now all we needed to do was to wait

till the storm calm down.

As I thought that. I saw the "Dragon Core in the center of the tetrahedron.

If you had that you might become a real "True Dragon" too.

I nonchalantly said so to Gala who was being hugged by Garasha. That was a blunder,

I didn't particularly plan to say so, and yet-


Gala jumped out from my Nihility Barrier with an enthusiastic cry.

Wai, you!

I called out, but it was already too late.

By the time my voice came out, Gala was already outside the barrier,

And then, Gala got disintegrated instantly after being exposed to the ultra-high dense energy

outside my barrier. The orb which represented Gala broke apart and disappeared.

That means Gaia has been annihilated.

"As expected of Master. I thought the same thing too."

"What do I need to do for Milim to forgive me While I was thinking about such thing I heard

Cler's calm voice.

"Huh? What are you saying Clef? I questioned, but it can't be helped

It's like I had led Gaia to suicide, it would be something that Milim will never forgive me for even

If it was unintentional

I didn't really mean it when I said that Gala can become a real "Truc Dragon"...

Ehh, it can't be

At the same time that I thought of the possibility, the "Dragon Core conspicuously glowed and flickered at the center of the tetrahedron.

"You're aware that a True Dragon won't really disappear, right?

The same also applies to Zero who had become the Insane, destructive "Berserk Evil Dragon".

He will revive again somewhere in the world and will just try to accomplish his mission as the "Berserk Evil Dragon" that was given to him by Velda.

That's the reason why velda created the pseudo "Dragon Core called "Evil Dragon Lord Azi


However, this matter will be different if a new heart arises inside that 'Dragon Core!

If it's Gaia who has fragments of Dragon Factor, it can be said that he possesses enough

qualifications for it As Clet's explanation ended, a miracle was happening outside the barrier as if to prove her right.

In short. Gaia became a "True Dragon".

I was just poking, but for my joke becoming reality is just scary.

As there's a saying "Truth comes out of falsehood[10], the words I said have really come true.

Gala got disintegrated instantly, but the heart that held the Will reached the "Dragon Core

Then, it seems Gaia has succeeded in taking it over.

In the end, Ciel removed the insanity from it

All of the raging energy was suppressed and a beautiful blue dragon has manifested. Excluding me, Gaia can be called as the fifth True Dragon" After all, I'm not really strictly a "True Dragon"

Gaia's body gave off an azure gleam more radiant than a jewel

Unlike Veldora and his siblings. Gaia was shaped more like an oriental dragon

Is Gala, Veldora's younger brother or younger sister?

Whichever Gait chooses to be, getting a new sibling is a good thing for that guy.

Kyui !!J

Gaia gleefully, raised a happy cry.

It doesn't seem he can speak yet

Although he gained wisdom and knowledge fast enough, I guess that is because he was just now born

Haha, to think you would really succeed. Well done. Gata!

Oh right, in this opportunity. I'll think of a "Nickname" for you as well.

Veldora was called "Storm Dragon while Velgrind was "Scorch Dragon"

If he becomes their younger brother/sister, Gala should also have an official name.


Alright, I've decided it. You're "Barth Sovereign Dragon[11] from now on!

As you're Veldora's brother how about calling you as "Earth Sovereign Dragon Velgata?

As he's glittering, I just named him without hesitation

That was the moment of the birth of the Fifth Dragon, "Earth Sovereign Dragon' Velgama

As the surrounding power storm vanishes. Absolute Barrier has disappeared too

A beautiful dragon was born while the threat was gone.

Diablo, Benimaru Zegion and even Dino and co

I see everyone flying towards me

However, since I was deprived of a lot of magle essence because of the naming it became

difficult to maintain my clone's existence

(Hey, even this count as naming too...)


The last thing I heard was Ciel's amazed voice before I confirmed that the connection with the orb had been cut.