
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

This isn't Earth

Ethan sat cross-legged, his arms folded in a discontented posture. It had been six months since his reincarnation as Ethan Hartfield. In that time, his senses had gradually adjusted, allowing him to see and hear his surroundings with clarity. However, he had been confined to the house, under the care of his loving parents whom he had grown fond of and eventually accepted as his true parents.

Ethan's mother was a woman of captivating elegance, her long black hair cascading down her back in a graceful manner. There was a timeless charm about her, as if she carried within her the essence of a bygone era. Her presence exuded grace and poise, and her warm smile radiated a genuine affection that enveloped Ethan in a sense of comfort and belonging.

As for Ethan's father, he possessed an air of refined masculinity that complemented his mother's elegant grace. With a strong and commanding presence, he carried himself with confidence and authority. His features were chiseled and distinguished, His deep-set eyes held a glint of wisdom and determination, reflecting a man who had weathered life's challenges with resilience. It was evident that he was a pillar of strength and support, both inside and outside the home.

After months of being confined within the walls of their home, Ethan was able to make sense of the fragments of his parents' words. It was a language completely foreign to his ears but as a new born baby, his mind was like a sponge, absorbing the nuances and patterns of the language. Gradually, the words began to take shape, and he could understand their meaning, even if he couldn't yet articulate them himself. While his vocal development lagged behind, his understanding grew, bridging the gap between his silent observations and the world of communication.

Because of the lack of outside touch, Ethan's father suggested venturing out to purchase their daily necessities. With his wife's agreement, they embarked on a small family outing, stepping into the outside world for the first time since Ethan's reincarnation.

For Ethan, it marked his first glimpse of the outside world since his reincarnation, and he eagerly anticipated the sight of the city he now called home. But there was one thing that had always struck him as peculiar—their house. Their house exuded an old-fashioned and vintage charm with it's antique vibes, it felt straight out of an 18th-century history book.

Yet, Ethan didn't mind its quirky style one bit. He saw it as part of the city's unique character, a little slice of the past in the midst of the present.

As Ethan stepped outside with his parents, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion as he looked at a picturesque old town scene that seemed to have emerged from the pages of a storybook. The narrow streets were lined with charming little Tudor houses, each with its own distinct character. The buildings exuded a rustic Renaissance charm. The streets bustled with activity, as people in period costumes went about their daily routines.

"Why is everything so... old-fashioned? Are they all part of some time-traveling club or something?"

He couldn't help but wonder why the people here chose to live in such a nostalgic bubble, disconnected from the fast-paced world outside. It was a fascinating sight, one that raised numerous questions in his mind.

As he continued to watch the locals going about their day, his eyes fixated on a group of individuals marching in pairs. Clad in weathered medieval armor, complete with swords hanging from their belts, they seemed to have stepped right out of a historical reenactment.

'Are they cosplayers or something?' his eyebrows furrowing in disbelief.

In that instant, Ethan's lofty aspirations came crashing down around him. It was at this pivotal moment that his father noticed his child's captivated gaze fixated on the approaching soldiers. With a lighthearted chuckle, he playfully enlightened Ethan about their purpose.

"Haha, look at my boy, already enthralled by the sight of our brave soldiers! It's only natural, isn't it? Haha! What young lad wouldn't be captivated by these courageous folks who fearlessly take on bandits and monsters to keep our village safe"


'No...D-Don't tell me...'

"Honey, don't plant ideas in his head. What if he gets the notion to become a soldier himself?"

Amidst the playful banter, Ethan's father took a more serious tone. "I understand your concern, my love. But you know how limited the choices are for young men in these troubled times. The empire's relentless in its recruitment efforts, and refusing the compulsory military service is practically unheard of. The threat of monsters grows each year, and there have been cases of severe consequences for those who resist, even talk of forceful punishments like beheading."

Ethan's mother interrupted, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "That's enough!

"Let's not dwell on those grim thoughts. Who knows, things might change by the time he comes of age." Said his father.

'What! Beheading for refusing military service? What is that old man even talking about? And monsters? What does he mean by that?'

Out of nowhere, a sudden interruption from behind shattered Ethan's thoughts. The heavy voice boomed, accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of marching steps and the creaking of a moving cart.

"Make way!"

As Ethan turned his gaze, he was greeted by the sight of a group of soldiers, diligently guarding a cart that was being pulled by sturdy horses. Curiosity piqued, he strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of what lay inside. To his astonishment, nestled within the cart was something he had never imagined could exist, a sight he had only dared to ponder in the realms of fantasy.

There, lying motionless, was the lifeless body of an otherworldly creature, its grotesque form sending shivers down Ethan's spine. Resembling a lizard in some aspects, its size rivaled that of the horses that dutifully pulled the cart through the bustling village streets. The creature possessed an undeniable presence, one that screamed to Ethan that he wasn't reincarnated on earth but rather a different world. A world vastly different from the one he had known.

In that moment, the magnitude of his new reality hit him like a crushing wave, extinguishing the flicker of excitement that had fueled his dreams and ambitions.

Gone were the visions of immersive video games, exotic culinary delights, and carefree travels around the world.

A heavy sigh escaped Ethan's lips.

'Sigh~, What am I to look forward too now?'