
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Sven Thornfield

Sven, hailing from noble lineage, had always held a belief that he was superior to most, including those of similar social status. From a young age, he had been instilled with the notion that he should carry himself with unwavering pride and never exhibit any sign of vulnerability by his father. Such advice, while well-intentioned, often didn't resonate with a child, and it was frequently misunderstood. Instead of fostering true confidence, it inadvertently led him down a path of arrogance, replacing firmness with harshness, and empathy with cold detachment when faced with the struggles of others.

He had always regarded those beneath his social status as nothing more than parasites and never considered them in any other light. The day he first encountered a boy he will eventually get to know, around the age of six, he didn't pay much attention to the fact that he had been bumped into. Instead, it was the scrutiny of the people at the bustling merchant square that prompted him to react in the manner he did – a reaction driven by his determination to never display vulnerability.

However, as a naïve child, his thought process was quite the opposite of his intention. He had hoped that his actions would set an example, making others perceive him as strong. Yet, unknowingly, his behavior had the opposite effect, creating an image of a tyrant in the eyes of those around him.

Initially, he didn't give much thought to how those he considered unimportant perceived him. However, his entire belief system and way of life were completely upended on the day of recruitment. A young boy of similar age, but from the humblest of backgrounds, displayed a strength greater than even the highest-born students and a maturity that surpassed not only his own but also that of his peers.

He had believed that his disdain was directed at those of lower social standing, but on that fateful day, he came to understand that what he truly despised was incompetence. With a newfound perspective, he reached out to the student from humble beginnings, hoping to forge a meaningful connection. To his surprise, his invitation was met with a polite decline.

Unable to believe that someone from a lower standing would reject his offer so decisively, he sought an explanation. That's when he learned the shocking truth – the very student he had hoped to befriend was the same boy he had brutally mistreated six years earlier.

Had he not been so arrogant, harsh, and cold, such a scenario might never have occurred. It was in this very moment that Sven began to undergo a gradual transformation. He started to treat others the way he himself wished to be treated. As weeks and months passed, he continued to closely observe the same student he had once mistreated, the very student who had become his roommate and an unexpected source of inspiration.

Even as the student went about his academic life feeling somewhat isolated by his peers, this remarkable student maintained an unwavering optimism. He attended classes with the utmost attention and worked diligently towards a brighter future. Witnessing this display of resilience and determination had a profound impact on Sven's outlook on life.

Sven's admiration for his roommate continued to grow, particularly on the day of their evaluation. Through a stroke of good fortune, he had been invited by the same student to join his team for the evaluation. Sven was one of the rare students who didn't harbor any animosity toward him which is why he had been invited. During the tasks, however, a sudden and unexpected attack left Sven in the clutches of a beast far mightier than even the guards stationed in the testing area.

Trapped inside the creature's stomach, Sven found himself immobilized, unable to move an inch within the beast's constricting stomach. As his consciousness slowly began to wane, he was plagued by regrets about his life thus far. He revisited his past actions and struggled to find a single one he could be proud of. In those dire moments before his senses faded away, he made a solemn promise to himself: if he managed to survive this ordeal, he would transform his behavior, striving to earn the respect of others and, more importantly, his own self-respect.

Shortly after, Sven found himself sprawled on the muddy ground beside a pool of muck. To his astonishment, his roommate lay nearby, surrounded by the remnants of the defeated beast's flesh and bones. It was in this moment that the full weight of his own actions came crashing down upon him. The very person he had disrespected to the point of humiliation had, without hesitation, saved him from the clutches of death, even while risking their own life.

Instead of fleeing to secure their own safety, this remarkable individual had chosen to put themselves at risk to rescue someone who, in Sven's own eyes, had been nothing more than a good-for-nothing. It was a humbling realization, one that left Sven deeply ashamed of his past behavior and profoundly grateful for the kindness and courage he had been shown.

In that defining moment, Sven made a solemn vow to himself. He swore that he would never betray the trust of this extraordinary individual who had saved his life. Even if he believed he had little chance of earning their respect, he was determined to extend the respect they rightfully deserved. This commitment was his way of acknowledging the debt he owed and his sincere desire to amend from his past actions.

"What did you say?" Grandfeld questioned.

"I refuse!" Sven replied firmly. He stood resolutely next to Grandfeld in his office, unwavering in his decision.

"You refuse? Do you not comprehend the grave situation your hometown faces?" Grandfeld pressed urgently. "A horde of monsters is closing in on it as we speak. In less than four days, the village will be overrun! If you comply with my request, I can deploy one of my men to aid in defending against the impending threat."

Sven maintained his resolve. "I fully understand the gravity of the situation, and while I wish for your assistance in facing the monsters, I cannot fulfill the conditions you're asking for."

"In what way would my condition be to your disadvantage? The task should be relatively straightforward," Grandfeld inquired.

Sven's response was unwavering. "I have no intention of further diminishing my standing with Ethan, given the state it's already in."

"How absurd! I thought the two of you had a strained relationship! In what way are you attempting to portray yourself as benevolent?" Grandfeld retorted with frustration. "All you need to do is ask him how he managed to manifest lightning and then relay that answer to me!"

"I won't repeat myself, I refuse!" Sven declared firmly. "Thornfield isn't as vulnerable as you may think. We have our own means of defending ourselves!"

"Very well! Do as you please, but don't come begging to me when it's too late," Grandfeld responded coldly. "This decision is yours to bear, and do not hold me accountable for withholding assistance."

"I'll be on my way then," Sven said, departing the room with haste.

As Sven left, an individual emerged from the shadows and presented themselves before Grandfeld.

"What will your decision be, sir?" the figure inquired.

With a dark and angry expression, Grandfeld responded, "Have Gregory pass through Thornfield village. We'll use them to buy us some time."

"Yes, sir!" the individual acknowledged before vanishing once more into the shadows.

Seated at his desk, Grandfeld remained with an ominous scowl. "So be it! If I can't secure your cooperation and if I can't extract the secret from him, then don't blame me for seeking retribution. Your home will serve as ample compensation."


Sven rushed back to his room, his heart pounding with urgency. As he entered, he saw Ethan, who was studying at his desk.

"Ethan!" Sven exclaimed, breathless from his hurried journey. "We need to talk, and it's urgent."

Ethan looked up, concerned by Sven's tone. "What's the matter?"

Sven quickly recounted the encounter with Grandfeld and the dire situation that Thornfield village faced. He explained how Grandfeld had sought his cooperation to obtain Ethan's lightning-manifesting secret and how he had refused.

"Ethan, I couldn't betray your trust, and I won't let them use you like that," Sven said earnestly. "But we're in dire need of a plan, and we need it urgently. Thornfield village is facing imminent danger."

Hearing Sven's detailed explanation, a surge of anxiety began to grip Ethan's mind. The foremost thought in his mind was the impending danger that his parents were about to confront.

"We won't be able to make it back to the village in time," Ethan lamented. "We don't even have a carriage to transport us there. And even if we somehow manage to make it in time, will it truly make a difference? I'm starting to think that it might be best to approach Grandfeld and give him what he wants."

"You can't!" Sven exclaimed with conviction. "How can we trust that devious bastard's words? The mere fact that he kept the horde a secret from the kingdom and our village should be reason enough to dismiss his promises. There's no way he would genuinely help us, even if we were to provide him with your knowledge of spellcraft."

Sven's words resonated with the bitter truth. Instead of being a benevolent figure, Grandfeld had stayed silent about the impending horde's attack, prioritizing his own selfish gains. He seemed willing to let hundreds of innocent lives hang in the balance rather than relinquish his pursuit of what he desired.

"Look, I understand that our presence might not deter the horde," Sven began, his mind racing with ideas. "But what if we manage to reach the village a day ahead of the horde's arrival to warn them? Grandfeld mentioned it would take the horde 4 days to reach the village, and it's a 3-day ride on horseback from the academy to the village. If we can somehow find a carriage or even a horse, we might just make it in time to alert the village and ensure their evacuation."

Ethan nodded in agreement upon hearing Sven's words. Even if he had wanted to provide the method of manifesting magic to Grandfeld, explaining the intricacies of weather and its phenomena and patterns, which were integral to his lightning manifestation, would take several days. Sven's proposal to reach the village a day before the horde's attack seemed to be their best chance at saving Thornfield.

"I believe your plan is our only viable option," Ethan agreed.

"Though we have a plan, how on earth are we going to find transportation?" Sven asked, his brow furrowing.

Ethan hesitated for a moment before replying, "I might have a solution. Follow me."

Ethan and Sven burst out of the room, their hearts filled with unwavering determination, and set off on their path toward what they believed to be their sole salvation.