
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Lord Van's Last Stand

Rankings, the structured creation of hierarchical levels, were introduced with the purpose of assisting humanity and its allies in discerning the diverse degrees of threats they faced. From F to S, these rankings symbolize the increasing spectrum of peril that jeopardized inhabitants of this world – dangers they had to confront to avoid perishing.

At the lowest rung of the perilous ladder, F-Rank & E-Rank dangers may appear deceptively inoffensive but these are the challenges that test the mettle of fledgling adventurers, often manifesting as pesky nuisances or minor disturbances in the harmonious flow of the world. Though they may seem inconsequential, one should not underestimate their potential to evolve into greater threats, much like sparks that can ignite a raging inferno if left unchecked.

Stepping up the ladder, we encounter D-Ranks, where malevolent forces begin to reveal their true colors. Those that are able to challenge D-rank creatures, have usually honed their skills to a certain level while also having an assembled party, for D-Rank dangers may bring forth adversaries that could be much better handled with companions.

The middle ground in our hierarchy, C-Rank dangers. Here, honed skills are no longer merely the minimum requirement; those facing this level of threat must muster courage, intellect, and resilience that far exceed the ordinary. They find themselves confronting adversaries who wield and manipulate dark powers, demanding exceptional prowess.

B-Rank dangers embody a looming shadow that obscures the very light of the sun. These are creatures of monumental proportions, so powerful that facing them calls for the united strength of raiding parties. The sheer magnitude of these adversary requires adventurers to join forces and mount a formidable defense against them.

The A-Rank tier, situated just before the pinnacle, represents a maelstrom of chaos incarnate. These perils are akin to cataclysmic forces, poised to reshape the very essence of existence itself if left to rampage. While not all A-Rank entities possess human-like features, throughout history, those dark creatures bearing human resemblances have been classified at the A-Rank level at a minimum. Countering such adversaries typically necessitates the combined might of an entire kingdom's armed forces.

At the zenith of our hierarchy lies the S-Rank danger, the apocalyptic crescendo of our ranks. These are threats that threaten to obliterate everything known and cherished. Akin to a demigod, wielding unparalleled power and wisdom. Only once had such being had been seen within the realm, a tale deserving its own telling on another occasion.

The instant Lord Van gazed upon the entity commanding the horde, he grasped the futility of challenging it. The being's physical form bore an unsettling resemblance to that of a human, possessing long limbs with outstretched fingers, and a towering stature at least twice the size of his own. This simple description was enough to provide him the information he needed to know. 

What puzzled him was its presence in such a remote location. Typically, such beings resided within the dark continent and rarely ventured beyond its borders without cause. Although they remained steadfast enemies of humanity, ready to unleash destruction upon any contact, they had never been known to depart from their territory without purpose. It was at this juncture that he discerned the possibility of a calculated scheme behind that event.

"Someone orchestrated this! But for what purpose? Why would they deliberately lure them here and use us as sacrifices?"

Yet, questioning this served no purpose; it was already far too late to take any action, he realized, as he gazed upon the creature's formidable presence and imposing aura.

"Since my fate is sealed, and there's no hope of survival, I may as well expend the last of my mana reserves, by making use of my Primordial Vigor. There's no reason to hoard this mana any longer when my life is already forfeit."

Primordial Vigor, a source of extraordinary power which provides its user superhuman resilience, heighted combat skills and mana usage beyond the user's capacity. Primordial Vigor represents an advanced and exceptional level of internal energy that mages harness and cultivate throughout their lives.

However, the utilization of Primordial Vigor, despite its incredible potential, is often discouraged, and for good reason. Harnessing this potent force imposes a high cost. Mages who delve into their Primordial Vigor must draw upon their life force as the currency for access. This exchange carries a substantial sacrifice, potentially resulting in premature aging, damage to their mana vein, or even risking their very lives. It's here that the principle of 'equivalent exchange' becomes manifest: to acquire this power, one must pay with their life.

One universal truth remained indisputable: if one's demise was inevitable, it was far wiser to embrace the certainty of death through the utilization of Primordial Vigor rather than falling victim to the hands of their adversary.

As Lord Van stood his ground, confronting the surreal opponent before him, the very air seemed to pulsate with an tension. The creature, almost as if it were playing a game with the man who had boldly stepped into its presence, chose to remain seated upon the gnarled roots of the tree. With an air of nonchalance, it casually rested a hand on its lap and propped its face up with its hand, adopting a posture that unmistakably conveyed, "Go on, demonstrate just how desperate you are to cling to your life."

Inhaling deeply, Lord Van kept his unwavering gaze locked onto the creature. A radiant aura began to envelop him, starting as a faint, ethereal glow reminiscent of the dawn's first light breaking through the darkness. With each passing moment, this luminous energy intensified, swirling and pulsating around his form.

His once-earthbound body appeared to defy gravity itself. The element he commanded  responded in kind, causing pebbles of various sizes to gravitate towards him, suspended in the air. Despite the beads of sweat forming on his brow, Lord Van's resolve remained unbroken. He seemed like a conduit through which the boundless power of Primordial Vigor surged.

With a flicker of movement too swift for mortal eyes to track, Lord Van initiated the opening strike. His hands gripped the wands with such agility that they blurred as he arced them above his head, releasing a spell with blinding speed. In an instant, a colossal earth spike materialized at the very spot where the malevolent creature lurked.

"Terra Spike!"

The creature, its eyes emanating an air of utter indifference, effortlessly rose from its makeshift seat, narrowly evading the earth spike that had erupted from the very spot he was sited. As a mocking gesture he nonchalantly leaned against the newly formed earth spike, using it as an impromptu wall.

Van's onslaught escalated, each spells unleashed in a whirlwind of lethal incantations.  Yet, the entity's brilliance remained evident as it analyzed and adapted to every move, dodging with calculated ease. The glaring difference in power was undeniable, and Van  knew he faced an adversary unlike any other.

Despite this inspiring display of power, Van could not lend a single hit. The entity wove through the relentless barrage of spells hurled at it. Each time Van believed he had struck a decisive blow, the creature's agility exceeded all expectations, slipping through his attacks with uncanny dexterity.

Then came the moment that would define the battle. Van realizing that his life force is being drain at it outmost limits, drawing upon every ounce of his mana, unleashed his most devastating spell technique.

"By the earth's grace and my life's heart, I call forth Gai's mighty grace! Earthshaker!"

As the incantation left Van's lips, the very earth beneath his feet seemed to awaken. The ground trembled in response, and a earthly aura, enveloped the creature of darkness. In an instant, the agile creature's graceful movements were halted, its nimble steps suddenly heavy and sluggish. The earthbound magic had taken hold, anchoring it firmly to the ground. Its agility, once its greatest asset, had become its greatest liability.

With the creature immobilized, Van wasted no time. The ground erupted in a violent display of power. Massive stone clubs surged forth from beneath the monster's feet, their ruthless ends relentlessly pummeling its flesh, the unrelenting assault striving to reduce it to shred. Above, boulders and debris, seemingly defying gravity, crashed down upon the immobilized monster, battering it with unrelenting force. The ground itself seemed to conspire against the beast, as if the very earth sought to subdue the agile menace.

Despite its agility and swiftness, the creature could do nothing but accept this relentless attack, trapped in the merciless grip of the Earthshaker's spell. 

Van stood there, his breath heavy, patiently awaiting the settling of the dust. The battleground bore witness to the aftermath of the fierce clash, its very ground still quivering from the unleashed might of Earthshaker. Scattered around were the remnants of smaller creatures who had unwittingly ventured into their battle.

With a triumphant grin, Van spoke, his satisfaction evident, "It appears that even the mighty can stumble. Your agility couldn't save you in the end. It seems that i had mistaken you for an A-rank creature."

As the dust slowly began to clear from the fallen rain, Van's unwavering gaze remained fixed on the spot where the creature had been under relentless assault. To his astonishment, the creature, whom he had believed had been reduced to a gruesome mound of mud, blood, and flesh, remained unharmed in the very spot where it had been ruthlessly assaulted. It lay sprawled on the ground in a disconcerting shape, completely covered by what appeared to be its back. It had encased itself in a strange cocoon-like form.

With a sudden burst of motion, the creature emerged, shedding the remnants of its cocoon like a discarded shroud. It stood upright, its presence commanding respect and awe. Its eyes regarded Van with an unsettling intelligence.

Lord Van's earlier confidence waned as he stared at the creature, realization dawning upon him. "What... What are you?"

In response to his display of power, the creature's long-awaited turn began. With a grotesque, majestic display, a pair of insect-like wings emerged from its back. A viscous, stagnant fluid oozed from them as if they had been trapped for an eternity, finally encountering the fresh air after a long confinement.

Before he could react, the creature's wings unfurled with astonishing speed, propelling it toward him like an arrow released from its bowstring. Lord Van's eyes widened, but it was already too late.

With a terrifying burst of agility and speed, the creature closed the distance in the blink of an eye. Its elongated, grotesque and sharp fingers extended forward with deadly precision. Lord Van felt an excruciating pain as those fingers impaled him, puncturing his chest and emerging on the other side. Blood welled up, and his breath caught in his throat.

*Cough* "Ha~" *Cough*

Gasping for air and struggling to comprehend the swiftness of the assault, he could only stare into the creature's red eyes, which seemed to hold him to no regard.

The creature, however, was not done. With a sadistic grin, it withdrew one of its impaling fingers halfway, right in the middle of Lord Van's impaled body. Blood gushed from the gruesome wound as the creature played with its prey, savoring the agony it inflicted. It probed Lord Van's insides with a twisted delight, puncturing slowly into numerous vital organs.


Lord Van's agonized screams reverberated through the desolate battleground, his torment far from over as the creature reveled in its cruel game. It seemed content to wait for its offspring to reduce the nearby village to ashes before deciding to discard its newfound plaything.

As the torment continued, Lord Van's vision blurred and his consciousness began to slowly wane, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain. 

With a fragile grasp on life, he mustered a feeble whisper, "I'm... sorry... Sven.", his voice barely audible as he expended his final breath.


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