
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Bridges of Words and Deeds

Professor Stone's brows furrowed slightly as he absorbed Ethan's explanation. Then, a thoughtful smile crept across Professor Stone's face.

"Ethan," he began, his voice measured and contemplative, "your creation is truly innovative. It's evident that you've put considerable thought into its design and functionality. However, words alone can't fully show its potential. I propose a practical demonstration."

The class stirred with anticipation, their attention shifting from Ethan to Professor Stone.

"How about it? We can go down to the training ground and have you face a earth golem, similarly to the one you've faced during your recruitment trial." Professor Stone continued, "I'd like to see your umbrella in action, facing off against one of these golems. It's an opportunity for you to showcase your creation's prowess and for us to witness its practicality."

"Are you up for the challenge, Ethan?" Professor Stone inquired, his gaze steady.

Ethan nodded, in agreement. "I do not mind, Professor. I welcome the chance to demonstrate its capabilities."

A sense of excitement buzzed through the room as Professor Stone signaled for the class to follow him to the training ground. Ethan's fellow students exchanged intrigued glances, eager to witness firsthand what his unique creation could achieve. As they arrived at the training ground, a relatively small stone golem stood at the ready, its lifeless eyes glowing with simulated intensity.

"this is your moment to show us the potential of your craft." Said Professor Stone's.

As the golem's stone limb lunged toward him, Ethan's reflexes kicked in. He swiftly extended the umbrella, its translucent canopy instantly transforming into a sturdy shield. The golem's attack connected with the shield, but the Cleared Skinned Skipper skin's slippery surface lived up to its promise, causing the golem's limb to slide off harmlessly.

Ethan's grip tightened on the umbrella's handle. With a quick twist of his wrist, he transitioned from defense to offense. The Thorned Deer horn gleamed as it met the golem's stone limb. With a swift, precise strike, Ethan aimed to deliver a paralyzing blow. However, the golem's solid nature prevented the paralyzing effect from taking hold. Instead, the horn's sharpness cut cleanly through the stone, causing the golem's limb to shatter into small fragments.

Ethan wasn't done yet. He focused his mana through the Glimmer Ore's water affinity. The umbrella glowed softly as magic flowed through it. His mana moved with precision as he directed a controlled surge of water magic at the end point of the umbrella, right above the thorned deer horn. The water gathered at the umbrella's tip, forming a relatively large ball of water.

With a resolute thrust, Ethan unleashed the water spell towards the golem's legs. The torrent of water collided with the golem's lower body, its impact softening the earth golem's hardened shell through the marriage of water and earth. The Glimmer Ore's water affinity proved its mettle as the water magic obediently followed Ethan's direction, coursing through the umbrella like a conduit.

The golem faltered, its imposing figure disrupted by the combined forces of the Cleared Skinned Skipper's deflection and the Glimmer Ore's water magic. Professor Stone's countenance held a mixture of astonishment and approval as he witnessed the spectacle.

"Exceptional, Ethan," Professor Stone's voice reverberated across the training ground. "You've adeptly displayed your creation's multifaceted abilities."

Ethan lowered the umbrella, his heart swelling with a surge of pride.

'If only he knew the full scope of what this umbrella can achieve. This is merely a glimpse of its potential.' Ethan reflected inwardly.

As the training session drew to a close, Professor Stone provided the passing grades to the majority of the student, Ethan also being one of them.

With the evaluation completed, the students began to disperse, returning to their respective rooms. As Ethan headed back to his dormitory and navigated the corridors of the school, he couldn't help but notice the shifting reactions of his fellow students. Some who had previously held skepticism towards him now looked at him with newfound respect. Their admiration was palpable, and their glances were accompanied by murmurs of appreciation.

Conversely, there were those whose resentment seemed to grow stronger. Their expressions were tinged with jealousy and irritation, their gazes fixed on Ethan's retreating figure. It was as if his success had heightened the divide between those who saw him as an outlier and those who embraced his uniqueness.

Reaching his dorm room, Ethan closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he let out a sigh. The conflicting reactions weighed on his mind, a reminder that his presence stirred a range of emotions among his peers. He knew that his journey in this world wasn't without its challenges, and as he glanced at the umbrella propped against the wall, he found comfort in the fact that he had the tools to face whatever lay ahead.

Settling into his dorm room, Ethan's thoughts turned to his family – the parents he hadn't seen in months. Guilt gnawed at him, a reminder that amidst all the excitement and challenges, he had neglected to keep them informed about his life in this new environment. It wasn't that he had forgotten them, but rather the busyness of his days had overshadowed the need to reach out.

With a determined sigh, Ethan walked over to his desk. The wooden surface was strewn with notes and materials from his studies, a reflection of his dedication to mastering his craft. But now, it was time to dedicate a moment to his loved ones.

He pulled out a sheet of parchment and dipped a quill into the inkwell. The words began to flow, his penmanship steady and deliberate as he put his thoughts into writing.


"Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope this letter finds you both well and happy. I'm sorry I haven't written sooner, but life in the academy has been busy and challenging.

I want you to know that I'm doing well. I've been learning a lot and improving my skills in both magic and crafting. Recently, we had an assignment to create our own items, and I made something really special – I can't wait to show it to you guys when I come back.

I miss you both a lot and think of you every day. I promise to write more frequently from now on. I hope to visit soon and share more stories with you. Take care and know that you're always in my thoughts.

With all my love,



As he finished the letter, Ethan read through his words and smiled. He knew that even though they were physically apart, his thoughts and feelings would reach his family, bringing them closer in spirit. Folding the letter carefully, he placed it in an envelope and addressed it to his parents. He sealed the letter with a wax stamp. He left his room and made his way to the school's communication office to send the letter on its way.

With a contented sigh, he leaned back in his chair and slowly closed his eyes.

"I wonder how things are back at home. The Inn must be really busy around this time. Maybe I should ask for a few days off from school and go visit them..."

With a sense of purpose, Ethan got up from his chair and left his room, making his way to the school's communication office to send the letter on its way.

With the letter sent, Ethan returned to his room. As he lay in his bed, he closed his eyes, allowing the events of the day to settle in his mind. As he drifted into sleep, he held onto the thought that no matter the distance, the bond between him and his family would remain strong, carried by the words he had shared and the love that bound them together.