
Wearing mirror

A woman, Vèronique, once meets a male pianist in a concert hall, with one glance he becomes her platonic love. Here starts her introspection and a desire to find her platonic love, pianist, her Mephistopheles. After that night Vèronique starts to change different personalities from different classical fiction masterpieces written by writers such as Shakespeare or Goethe and others, also has relationships with different male fictional characters. Why is the title “Wearing Mirror”? Will protagonist find herself and her love, or will lost?

Ekaterine_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A mirror was worn over the body.

A beautiful face looks at a distortional one.

The question is heard:

— What do you want?


— I do not know, I am injured and lost.—Her eyes are filled with tears.

— Because your anxiety is suffocating. Finally, follow me and tell your truth! Do it! Dear it!

And she began to wear her feelings with the mirror.