
Weapon Made By Wise King

"A weapon made by Gods can't compare to my creation." ... He was just an ordinary guy you would find anywhere but there was one thing about him special. His curiosity to find things that pique his interest. His life ended and his soul was brought to another body and ...he was reincarnated. In this life, he was a heir to the throne of the humanity in this world. He also had a family. In his family, he had his mom, aunt and cousins but he didn't have a father. He was always curious. But one day his curiosity was fulfilled and he had to face a harsh reality. However, this was just the start of a saga, a saga full of might, dominance and valor. This was the saga of a king. A king that would become the strongest existence and would make every being kneel before his mighty presence. ...

Blessed_Boy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Changes

As Zodiac drank the liquid, he felt his chest burning, his throat got dry. He felt like he was going to die at this moment.

A strange knowledge also entered his mind.

He looked at his hands and saw several chains glowing on his hands. These chains were crimson in color but the strange thing about these chains were that they were merged in his skin.

His face distorted a bit in this pain.

He felt immense pain. His knew his whole body was going through a massive change....but he didn't know what kind of.

He also didn't think much about it as he felt his whole existence getting teared apart. He never felt so much pain in his two lives.

"Ugh!!!" A grunt escaped from his mouth.

His handsome face was now distorted in pain.

Blood started coming out of his body. He felt exhausted.

He felt like a flame is burning inside him.

'Why this hurts so much? This is just a seal!' He thought while his body was changing.

This happened for five minutes. He felt som much pain but only grunts came out of him.

He always remained standing.

This hurt! This hurt!

He kept thinking about it but he never spoke verbally.

He wanted power.

Power to dominate!

Power to crush his enemies!

Power to kill!

Power of a.....king!



Exhausted breaths escaped from Zodiac's mouth as his body was drenched in blood.

He looked at his hands and frowned.

Why did it hurt?

He didn't know the answer.

Nevertheless, he pushed those thoughts aside and went toward the bathroom to take a hot bath.

Now inside the bathtub, he was sitting in mediating position as he looked inside him.

He received some knowledge about himself and his powers. He looked deep, really deep into his soul.

After checking it for several minutes, he opened his eyes and leaned his back against the bathtub.

This bathtub was like a pool with some grass and flower at side for decorations.

"That fucking bastard king really did something outrageous. HAHAHAHAH~" He spoke with clear disdain and ridicule.

He knew he was strong and this is what he wanted but that king really created him.

What he was worried if he would be able to control his powers.

He always watched animes in which the protagonists would hurt their loved one because of their monstrous power.


Sighing, he looked at the ceiling and spoke, "Iona."

A woman appeared out of nowhere and kneeled. Iona was currently wearing a black shirt with black jeans looking really sexy as her big chest jiggled.

"Yes, master."

"Did you send anyone for my message?" Zodiac spoke in a neutral tone.


"Stop her."

"May I dare to ask why?" Iona was really confused right now. Zodiac never changed his plans.

"There are changes in plan now. No, the whole plan will be changed but the essence will remain the same."

Iona knew something was wrong but she couldn't pinpoint it.

Still, she spoke, "Yes, master."

"Also, I will got to meet Countess Ignis myself."

Iona didn't say anything and replied, "Understood!"

Then, she disappeared as if she wasn't there to begin with.

Zodiac furrowed his eyebrows a bit and spoke, "I hope this ends soon."

There were twelve kingdoms on this planet and each had different races in them. Furthermore, in hell there were demons under the rule of Necromancy Empress.

Currently, Zodiac was the crown prince of human empire, Sapien.

Zodiac was really angry right now.

His whole damn plan changed just because he wasn't careful.

He should have been more careful about his mysterious existence.

He clutched his hand so hard that it turned white due to blood flow.

At the end, he just said, "I fucking hate politics."

He really hated these damn politics.

He just wanted to sort out these things with pure strength but he knew everything cannot be solved with strength.

After all, plans are also essential.

These are only good in fantasies and novels that strength can solve everything.

"Observe, evaluate, plan, and then, action. If it doesn't manage to overcome the problem then again repeat the same method to form another plan. However, it also needs more than this. That thing is strength. Strength to take plan into action. Plan and strength may sound different but they are the same."

"You can kill someone equal to you with some danger and luck but killing more powerful takes more than this. Both plan and strength. Killing a lion is easy if it lost its reasoning due to anger but an intelligent elephant isn't easy as they are the calmest."

He spoke and entered into the world of dreams. He was already exhausted due to pain and then, this damn information.


He opened his eyes and saw a woman sitting on a chair with a table in front of her. She was calmly drinking tea with a beautiful smile etched on her beautiful face.

She looked at Zodiac and spoke, "Sit down, please."

Zodiac nodded and sat down on the chair on the other side of table.

"I am here again, Prophetia."

"Yup." Prophetia nodded.

He sighed and picked up the tea to drink it.

"You know, it looks like you believe me."

"Nah! I know you will not kill me."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because you could kill me last time. Even though our meeting was short, I knew you were powerful enough to kill me in one snap of your fingers."

Prophetia nodded in approval.

"Looks like I fell in love with you." She spoke with a teasing smile.

"Heh, I am quite an unfortunate person." Zodiac spoke and sipped the tea.

Prophetia's eyes twitched.

"Hmph." She humphed and turned her face to the side.

Zodiac ignored her and kept sipping his tea.

Prophetia not getting any response pouted cutely and spoke, "You know, someone is angry here."

"I see." He replied without much emotions.

"Ugh! Jerk!"

"Thank you!"

"It wasn't a compliment!"

"I see."

A vein popped on her forehead.
