
Wealthiest Overlord Online

They could erase his reputation and his employment opportunities, but there was one thing they could never erase: his ambition. Within the darkest gutter, Carter Banks crawled towards an opportunity. A new MMO called Evanescence, the peak of newly invented synapse technology... a well-playable new virtual reality game that threatened to change the world and also... well paid one. He had the intellect, he had the ambition, he had the resources. There was only one problem, he had never ever played a video game. Follow Carter Banks in his journey as a pioneer to become the Wealthiest Overlord in the new revolutionary virtual MMO, Evanescence. They could never stop him and his allies from reaching the top and stepping over those that stepped on him first. *** *** pa-tre-on.com/photosphere. discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

Photosphere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Love Polygon I

Back in New York, Amber's Crib.

"There are three reasons. Three main focus points of information that make me believe that Evanescence is going to break it" Laurent took out her phone and displayed the messages she exchanged with Blackrock's executives.

"First, there are items in the game that can be 'sold' in the guild or exchanged with other players with a potential value of over six figures... and this is just the start. We're talking about millions of dollars in the long term, it all depends on demand and offer".


"Are you telling me that you can sell an item of that game for over a hundred thousand dollars?" Amber couldn't believe it. For her a game was just a game, she couldn't conceive anyone was willing to spend that much money for something that didn't even exist.

Although Carter understood the principle as to why people would be willing to do so, he still felt it was outrageous, 'What can possibly cost a million dollars in Evanescence? A sword? no way'.

"Yes, according to them such games already exist although the transactions are external to the game, this time the transactions take place within the game's ecosystem and Evanescence takes a fee for each transaction… so this is not that surprising. However, what is unique is the number of items that have that characteristic. The price is not decided by the system but by the users, however, the advantage given by those items in the game makes the directive believe that the prices of those items are going to reach the six figures, perhaps more. The in-game funds of the game also allow these transactions to take place; during the meeting, the delegate from OrcgameCO, Yusuff, said that it wouldn't only be equipment... apparently, everything that a player holds in this game can be traded".


"Equipment, achievements, magic, properties, territory, organisations... he even mentioned kingdoms and empires".

"That's ridiculous, can you make a kingdom and then sell it?"


"They must have hyped up that one in order to get a greater loan from Blackrock, there is no way that's possible" Amber was sceptical and for good reasons.

"What mechanism does this game have to produce that much money? It can't just expect players to add funds to it, right?" Carter added with intrigue, 'In order to make such boisterous claims, they must have huge funds and a huge income as well... it can't be just from transaction fees".

"There are many more than that... this is the second reason why I think it is going to be big. Advertisements in games, streaming, tournaments, events… it seems they already thought this through and the growth of the game is going to be done in phases. This Jonah Arcueid seems to be a passionate developer but also an avid gamer… he knows what the community wants and one of his milestones is to promote concerts in-game".


"Yes, like calling a prominent artist to give a concert inside the game. Sell the tickets in-game, it is going to give huge profits" Laurent sighed, even she had to admit the idea was rather compelling.

"That's actually..." Amber started.

"Brilliant..." Carter finished.

"You said it looks realistic?" Amber asked Carter, the only one among them who had actually tried the game.

"The game looks as if you're playing in real life... the body moves the same way, perhaps even better. I can imagine a concert inside the game should feel no different than a concert in real life. Actually... given the fiction factor and the degree of control over reality... I can tell it is going to be even bigger".

"You're making me want to play this game now~" Amber was so thrilled that she took her phone from the table and started looking to book the delivery of her synapse. Carter already playing it was a plus, it meant they could spend more time together even if in the game.

"I'll at least give it a try once I have some time" Laurent wasn't as motivated, although she too promised to get her synapse, for different reasons. Her sharp eye regarded Carter and Amber

'He may meet girls in this game too'.

"Lastly, the piece of information that I believe is going to make this game successful the most. The next synapse update that is to be scheduled in a month or two… apparently it is already finished but hasn't been implemented for legal issues".

"What is it?"

"Neural-labs is planning an update for Synapse's software that is to be launched after the event called 'Crystalia Anthems' is finished. The synapse will be able to create a certain wavelength to influence the brain way deeper into the nervous system. They want players to be able to feel pain and pleasure in-game".

"P-Pain and pleasure… s-so".

"That's right. You could torture someone, feel slight pain while you play, or... you could have s*x in this game".

Silence dawned upon them like an elephant just dropped in the room with both Amber and Laurent glaring daggers at Carter, gauging his reaction. As for the man, he couldn't even have a free reaction because he was afraid his little brother would get sliced.

For bad or worse, when the phrase 's*x in-game' was mentioned, the first person he thought of was the gorgeous saintess Agatha. The second was the wicked yet seductive demoness, Valeria.

He couldn't help but recall how... endowed, they were in certain areas, it made him believe at the start that the game was not for kids and now Laurent just confirmed... it certainly wasn't.

"Are you thinking about something, darling?" Laurent's finger stabbed softly like a poking knife against his lower abdomen.

"Not at all".

"Are you sure, hubby?" Amber's accusatory finger pinched his cheeks.

Both ladies pouted and waited for a suitable response.

"Definitely, hundred per cent I'm not thinking about any saintess or demoness. I have everything I need within my arms already".

"Is that so, then why is this hard then? If you're not thinking about anyone?".

Carter yelped and looked down to see Amber fiercely gripping his little brother down there that was standing with a lot of vitality like nothing ever happened yesterday evening.

'F*ck you, Frank' Carter groaned inwardly, unaware that he just voiced out his frustration, "Just so you know, his actions don't represent me".

His behaviour slanted a few giggles before a second hand gripped the top, making him bite his lips and know that things were going to go south very soon. Unconsciously, his embrace on both Amber and Laurent tightened.

"Is that so? then we may have to punish little Frank, right Laurent?"

"We agree for once, Amber... this impertinent fool needs to know the difference between reality and fiction".

"Wait for a second, I haven't had any shower. I'm dirty" As much as he liked where this was going, it wasn't appropriate. Alas, they weren't about to let him go.

"Is that so, then let's go and wash you up... you don't have any compromises for today, do you?~"

"Actually, I'm supposed to be levelling up my character now".




Carter didn't understand what was the need to laugh so evily. Both ladies discarded their bathrobes and pulled him fiercely into the bathroom.

Punishment was due.