
Wealth of Dreams

In an alternate version of Earth, Rio finds himself in a world where certain industries have been stunted. Fueled by his ambition and desire for power, he discovers the remarkable Wealth System, a tool that grants him unprecedented abilities and knowledge. With his eyes set on becoming the richest and most influential person on the planet, Rio embarks on a thrilling journey. Hello, everyone! I'm new to writing, and I'll do my best to ensure my grammar is as close to perfect as possible with the help of Grammarly. If there are any plot holes or other issues you notice, please feel free to criticize i will try my best into improving those areas. SEE YA!

Awiener · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 27

As Rio entered the conference room, he found three individuals seated opposite each other, awaiting the meeting. There was Benjamin Williams, the HR Manager, Amelia Grant, the Financial Controller, and Sarah Johnson, the District Manager.

Benjamin Williams, the HR Manager, exuded a commanding presence and an air of professionalism. Standing tall at 6 feet with a well-built physique, he conveyed confidence in his every movement. His neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper hair added a touch of distinction, and his bright blue eyes reflected both warmth and discernment. Benjamin's welcoming smile and charismatic demeanor put people at ease, and his attentive listening skills fostered trust and open communication.

Amelia Grant, the Financial Controller, embodied professionalism and confidence. She exuded a refined beauty, complemented by her poised demeanor and sharp intellect. With sleek waves of dark brown hair cascading just below her shoulders, Amelia carried herself with grace and purpose. Her hazel eyes displayed warmth and a keen analytical focus, showcasing her astute financial acumen. Amelia's well-defined features and a hint of a smile on her lips made her approachable and trustworthy.

Finally, Sarah Johnson, the District Manager, emanated professionalism and confidence. With her slim, athletic build and an average height, she projected an active and determined aura. Sarah's shoulder-length, chestnut brown hair was often styled in a sleek and professional manner, framing her face elegantly. Her piercing blue eyes, accentuated by well-defined eyebrows, conveyed a focused and determined gaze. Sarah's fair and radiant complexion, enhanced by subtle makeup, highlighted her natural features. Her warm and engaging smile instantly put people at ease, making her a natural fit for her role as a manager and leader.

Once Rio took his seat at the table, the meeting commenced. The agenda for the day centered around the expansion of both the bubble tea store and the Bluiz Cafe branch in Sakura Mall. Rio assigned the task of finding suitable locations for the stores to Sarah, while Benjamin was responsible for recruiting and training the new employees. The goal was to get the stores up and running as soon as possible, considering the high demand and the willingness of customers to travel long distances to experience their offerings.

Amelia's role was to contact Elizabeth Morgan, the head of the architect team, to discuss future collaborations. Rio expressed his satisfaction with their work thus far and expressed his desire to continue working together on upcoming projects. With the assignments delegated and the meeting concluded, Rio left his office at 6 pm, feeling a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the future.

After a long and fulfilling day, Rio sought comfort in the sanctuary of his home. Upon arrival, he indulged in a relaxing bath, using a fragrant soap bomb that added a touch of luxury to his bathing experience. As the water enveloped him, Rio's mind wandered to the rewards he had received upon leveling up.

The first reward was $10,000,000, a substantial sum that would greatly contribute to his future endeavors. Rio imagined the possibilities this capital infusion could bring, from expanding his business ventures to exploring new opportunities.

The second reward was the Charm Aura, a unique ability granted by the system. This aura made Rio more approachable and likable, allowing him to easily win the favor of others. Not only would this benefit his interpersonal relationships, but it would also help him command authority and influence over his subordinates.

Lastly, Rio received the Cola recipe (Health), a valuable addition to his repertoire of beverages. The system assured Rio that any recipe it provided would be protected, ensuring that no one could replicate its exact taste or quality. With the cola recipe, Rio saw an opportunity to introduce a popular and health-conscious beverage option to the market, setting his establishment apart from competitors.

As Rio pondered the rewards he had received upon leveling up, he couldn't help but think about the significance of the exclusive cola recipe (Health) he now possessed. The system had mentioned that renowned recipes like the cola would come with a hefty price tag if purchased directly from the system shop.

Rio recalled that the system's price for the cola recipe alone would have amounted to a staggering $100,000,000. Such a high price emphasized the rarity and value of this sought-after recipe in the culinary world. The fact that he had obtained it as a reward filled Rio with a sense of gratitude and excitement. It was a remarkable opportunity to offer a unique and health-conscious beverage to his customers, setting his establishment apart from the competition.

With the recipe in his possession, Rio envisioned the endless possibilities it held for his business. He saw it as a chance to not only satisfy his customers' cravings but also promote a healthier lifestyle through his carefully crafted cola. As he drifted off to sleep, Rio's dreams were filled with visions of success, innovation, and the tantalizing aroma of his signature cola tantalizing the taste buds of customers far and wide.


[Name: Rio Esgrus

Level: 3

Level Benefit: $10,000,000, Charm Aura, Cola Recipe

Experience: 166,180/1,000,000 (Host must earn money to accumulate experience)

Shop: Open

Balance: $16,667,603.00

Accumulated Profits: $166,180]