
Weakest God's Blessings

In a world where humans and gods coexist, Alexander, a young human, and Yumito, a god, find themselves ostracized by their peers, When the gods grant the humans a colossal tower to climb in hopes of attaining a wish, each deity chooses a human of their choice to grant powers, now, Alexander and Yumito must climb the tower, and maybe even beyond that, to discover what lies ahead.

MaxiM · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"In this world, there are beings known as gods that rule over us humans and we humans are nothing in comparison to these perfect beings who live and breath kindness and generosity", these are the stories made up by the gods and the gullible humans , i, Alexander Aldritch, am, a human, for a few years now i've been having dreams, dreams of a god being bullied and shunned out by the other gods, I did not know the god or the gods who bullied him but he seemed to be unable to fight back, I was possibly the only human in this world who could see that the gods weren't so different from us, they were scum just as we were, but of course, I could never say this out-loud, I was the son of a noble knight, Dietrich Aldritch, who was considered one of the strongest of the era, I was talent-less with the sword, because of that, I was neglected, but when I started having those dreams I began to regain myself, trying hard, knowing that me and that god were connected somehow, even though i was talentless with a sword i secretly tried every weapon i could and eventually i found that i did have a talent, i could use any ranged weapon proficiently, but this world revolved around swords and their importance, so I couldn't tell anyone I had this talent. I trained and trained and trained, the dreams didn't stop but now the god didn't seem like he was going to give up either, this went on until I was 15, considered an adult now, I was still ignored by my family, until one day, in the middle of the day, the sky started shining bright yellow. In the sky appeared the image of three gods, they announced that, in four days, a tower was going to appear, and some humans chosen by gods would be able to climb it and when they made it to the top they would get anything they wanted, power, fame, wealth, that is, if they can ever get there, the humans hearing this, cheered in excitement, some still in awe over the fact that the beings they could see were gods, Alexander saw this as an opportunity, he didn't want anything right now but he's sure that if he gets chosen his family would force him to dive into the danger, a few days went by, with people getting chosen and praised by everyone, Alexander's oldest brother, Dean Aldritch was one of the first to get chosen, Alexander had never really spoken to Dean, he just knew that Dean was considered a prodigy in swordsmanship, then days passed, the day the tower appeared finally arrived, Alexander had not gotten chosen yet, he thought he had lost his chance already, people started journeying to the tower one by one, some of Alexander's siblings headed out as well, Alexander headed to the tower without a god choosing him as he hoped that the god he saw in his dreams would also feel the connection they had and choose him, Alexander gets to the tower and stands at the entrance, waiting.


I'm Yumito a god with seemingly no powers, I did have an element I was more suited towards, snow, but i couldn't do anything with it, I have suffered my whole life only knowing torture and pain, it was crazy that I was still able to keep going, in fact, even i didn't know what kept me going, I just had this feeling in me that I had a purpose, I would even see visions of a young boy getting bullied for having no talent, he had blue eyes, white hair,slim, he looked like he could break any minute, but the look in eyes made it seem like he was still hanging on, it made me feel a connection with him, this went on for a while, until after almost 20 years of living I finally discovered what I could do, what my power was, it was something I couldn't use on my own, I could turn into a weapon, any weapon, from anywhere, any world to find the most suitable one and add my own snow element to that weapon to make it better, after a few more years the day when the three gods of gods of olympus announced the tower and the fact that gods would choose humans to partner with, for the four days before the tower appeared in the human realm I had no intentions of picking anyone but then on the day the tower appeared, i remembered something, someone, the boy i had seen in my visions, i could choose him, I tried to find the boy as fast as i could, after i finally found him, i saw that he was standing in front of tower, waiting for something, Yumito didn't hesitate to choose him assuming that Alexander had also felt this connection.

"Hello there, I'm the one who chose you, Yumito.",

Alexander looks around to see, a small boy with white hair, white eyes and pale skin,

"Alexander Aldritch, I have been dreaming about you for a while now, it was creepy at first, but I've gotten used to it.", he says, Smiling.

Yumito-"Yes, me too, my memory of you is a lot more fuzzy though.",

Alexander-"I see, well, should we go in?"

Yumito-"Yes!", he smiles,

As they walk into the entrance, a bright light blinds them, they get dropped onto the top of a big hill, Yumito jumps into alexander's hands while transforming into a weapon, he turns into something called a sniper? Alexander is shocked to see that Yumito has turned into an object he doesn't recognise, Yumito explains his power to Alexander and what a sniper is and how to use it, after that Alexander slides down the hill with Yumito on his back, Alexander stops mid way down to look around through Yumito's scope in case of danger, he sees a goblin down below and lines up a shot, not sure if he should shoot, yumito reassures him that the goblin has killed most of the people that came before him, after that, alexander shoots the goblin in the head instantly, it surprisingly dies in one shot, they both lvl up and unlock a skill called "snow bullets". They both are suprised and alexander asks yumito if he knows what these "levels" and "skills" are, yumito says that even he doesn't know what these mean but he guesses that they get stronger the more they level since he feels he is stronger than before, he thinks the skills are magic, abilities they can unlock as they get stronger, he says we can know if we try it on something, they both go further down the mountain and into the forest, while roaming around the forest trying to find something to test their skill on, they see around 50 goblins in a opening in the forest, as they climb onto a tree and get ready to shoot at one of them, they see someone running towards the goblins, Alexander recognises the man as his eldest brother, Dean Aldritch, Yumito recognises the god beside the man as veles, a god of earth you could say, as Dean gets closer to the goblins the ground begins to rumble, the tree alexander was standing on begins to shake violently, alexander jumps off the tree as while he is falling, he sees a giant spike come out from the ground instantly killing all the goblins, Dean glances at Alexander but ignores him and continues into the forest, the two knew they were out-matched even though it had only been a difference of one day from when alexander and Dean entered the tower Dean had already gotten way stronger than he was outside of the tower, the two walked, deciding that they should train in the forest for a few days before advancing out of the forest to the other side, they train in the forest and discover that the "skill" they acquired allowed them to combine the sniper's bullets with yumito's snow element, meaning it dealt more lethal damage and if it didn't kill them in one shot it could freeze them for a bit, they levelled up a few times now being level 6 but they didn't get new skills, alexander thought that skills must be unlocked at certain levels but there was no way to figure out what those levels may be, they continued training for a few more days until day 6, when they finally decided to leave the forest, levelling up only once to level 7, they thought that levelling up here now is meaningless since it is too slow now, in a few hours they made it out of the forest, after making it out what they saw was a ton of people numbering in the 100s, Alexander didn't recognise most of them and the gods had hidden themselves as to keep their identities a secret, Alexander looked around for Dean but he couldn't seem to find him in this big crowd of people, as Alexander moved through the crowd he saw a massive door presumably leading to the 2nd floor of the tower but there was someone standing in front of the door, it was someone who was lean, blue haired, he looked to be in his 20s but looked wise nonetheless, sharp yellow eyes, with a calm look on his face...