
Weakest God's Blessings

In a world where humans and gods coexist, Alexander, a young human, and Yumito, a god, find themselves ostracized by their peers, When the gods grant the humans a colossal tower to climb in hopes of attaining a wish, each deity chooses a human of their choice to grant powers, now, Alexander and Yumito must climb the tower, and maybe even beyond that, to discover what lies ahead.

MaxiM · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The man seemed calm but on edge, it seems none of the people were brave enough to move in front of his sharp eyes, one of the many people there tried to walk towards the door, in an instant he was killed by the man, the man seemed completely calm even after killing a man, the man then spoke,

"it seems you are the ones the gods talked about, he seemed to be too impatient and impolite, he should have waited for everyone to arrive",

as he said that Dean and another person came out of the forest, the other person was a brown haired man, alexander knew him, a member of the current royal family, the 2nd prince, considered a bookworm by most, but a genius in intellect by the few who know him well, his name, Sebastion Einstrain, then, the blue haired man spoke,

Ijin-"finally, that took long enough, i'm Ijin, a person of this tower I have lived here my whole life, this tower is a anomaly, no one,not even the gods know who created this world, a few years ago the gods came to our world and were suprised that we even existed, now, the gods have entrusted us with the task of testing you, it seems there are exactly 586 of you excluding the one who just died, now that all of are here you can enter through the door to the next floor",

he looks at a lady in the crowd,

Ijin-"Your eyesight seems pretty bad.",

he smirked, he said that and immediately disappeared, Alexander noticed that Sebastion who seemed to be working together with Dean was trying to stop Dean from entering right away, Alexander decided that it would be better for him to wait as well since to him, Sebastion was the smartest person there, he watched, the woman who Ijin pointed out tried to enter through the door, as soon alexander blinked, the woman who was trying to enter was dead, he couldn't see how she died but he looked to sebastion and dean to see what they would do next since he knew they would make the right choice, as he looked back he saw that the two were walking towards the door, slowly, still observant, but confident that they would not die, a few more people tried and failed resulting in their deaths, but this time Alexander was focusing as hard as he could trying to see what had killed them and how he could avoid it, it seems that they were being killed with something the human eye couldn't see,

Alexander-"can you see anything Yumito?",

Yumito answered that he could see something, it was pretty quick but he could see that it was something like a slash that alternated between slashing up and down, Dean and Sebastion went through the door dodging the slashes easily, Alexander followed suit, after that the remaining people started figuring out that you had to look through the gods's eyes to see through the trick a few failed but most made it, the number had been reduced to 540 people, when Alexander went through the door, what he saw on the other side was a town filled with people,houses,shops and everything you have in a normal town. Alexander decided that he would follow Dean and Sebastion for the time being sneaky thinking he wasn't getting noticed, he followed them into a dark alley and they turned around,

Sebastion-"who are you?, why are you following us? And why aren't you even trying to hide your presence?",

Alexander comes out of a corner shocked that they noticed him, he had thought that he was doing a perfect job,

Alexander-"i'm Alexander Aldritch i'm a member of the Aldritch family and i'm following you because I don't know what to do and I was hiding my presence",

Sebastion chuckled at the confidence of Alexander, Dean smiled a bit but tried to hide it,

Sebastion-"alright kid, we'll take you along for a while, if you can't prove you are useful, we'll abandon you right then and there",

Dean wasn't fond of this idea but reluctantly agreed, the three then headed to the nearby mercenary guild to make some money to stay here at an inn until they figure out where to go next, they agreed to reveal that their gods would show themselves when they got a mission and were alone in the forest hunting, with that they opened the door to the mercenary guild....