
The cursed one

Somehow I was no longer surrounded by Elijah or Liam. Instead, I was in the middle of a circle made by a bunch of young ladies who were chanting in a language that I had never heard in my entire life. They were all wearing white dresses covered with blood except for one of them. She was wearing a black dress. She was the only one who wasn't chanting … As she held a dagger in her hands, all of them got quiet and started watching her while moving in my way.

Too weak, I was to stand for myself that I gave up without even trying to fight …..


The girl in black made her way toward me while holding a dagger that she used to cut one of her hands, then used the same dagger to cut one of my hands open.

As she did she started enchanting me in a language that I've never heard before. She then takes both of my hands and hers and put them together until both our blood were mixed while repeating something I can't understand.

As she stopped, I started feeling pain, it was as if the fire was burning me alive from my inside. I started screaming, not being able to hold the pain anymore.

Just by then, they all started cheering and rejoicing my pain … After a while, they all started to chant again

Par la lune et par la nuit, que la maudite perde sa vie … (By the moon, by the night the cursed one shall die)

Par la lune et par la nuit, que la maudite perde sa vie … (By the moon, by the night the cursed one shall die)

Par la lune et par la nuit, que la maudite perde sa vie… (By the moon, by the night the cursed one shall die)

Par la lune et par la nuit, que la maudite perde sa vie… (By the moon, by the night the cursed one shall die)

Too exhausted, I was that I fell into a deep sleep, not caring about what will happen to me anymore.

When I woke up I found myself in my room, by my side was standing both Elijah and Liam.

Liam's point of view:

When I woke up this morning I felt that My Lycan was restless, not that we weren't at this period. But today we were more than normal.

Things are suck for us, we lost our mate … I mean last time we saw her she rejected us, but we did declaim the rejection.

Well, that's not all… the rebellious are getting so strong and special that my unknown brother is leading them. It's not just that … It's also rumored that he had the vampires having his back - meaning that the moment he'll have the throne for himself, vampires will offer peace to werewolves and Lycans.

While thinking, I felt that I was no longer wanting to stay home, so I decided to go out. I let my feet lead me to somewhere I didn't know anything about until I was in front of her … My mat, she was here in Rome – and Logan didn't tell me a shit about it which got me a bit furious about him.

For the first time in a while, the luck was by my side, as I was about to go to her. Logan stands in my way.

As he was about to move toward me, Logan jumps in between us while trying to protect me.

"Leave! " I ordered him to use my alpha tone, and as strong as he was, he would never be able to define me, Logan found himself forced to leave.

My mate was standing there, looking beautiful like an angel. A fallen angel. I couldn't help but to throw myself on her, and hold her in my embers.

It seemed that she did not like my move since she screamed while pulling away from me.

"Get me off you creepy creep!"

"Elisab…" I was trying to call my name, but she stopped me «Don't you dare … I'm not here to have anything to do with you. I'm not the one who would create any sort of discussion with the enemy."

Though it's hard to hate your mate, mine seems to hate that she prefers to call me enemy rather than second half or soulmate as we supposed to do.

"The enemy? Is that what I am to you?" I asked her, and she didn't need too much to confirm that to me. "Exactly! You're nothing to me but an enemy."

The more we talk, the more my Lycan tried more to take control over me, and I can't let that happen since I don't want her to get more hurt because of me.

While watching how restless she was by my presence, the picture I received from her and Elijah got me out of control.

"So … you're saying that I am an enemy while spreading romance to the bastard - Elijah!" I screamed at her face not liking how things are going between us. Yet, she didn't say a thing, instead of taking her action as a lead to change the subject – I decided to go further with it.

"What? You're out of words now!" I smirked while talking to her.

"Not at all … It's just that I'm not the type of girls that kiss and tell. Simply... I don't kiss and tell."

The hell she said, shall that mean that she kissed him... My struggles to keep my Lycan at control seemed not to be working for too long.

Then she spoke to make things even word "What? Or were thinking that I was keeping myself with you while you were your time with Selena."

How should I explain myself to her right now since her words hit my nerves? All I could've to say or do was to apologize.

"I'm regretting not choosing from the begging, I'm regretting wasting time away from you, I am also regretting all the pain I caused you …"

She shouts causing me to stop talking. "Stop … I don't want to hear a word from you. If I'm regretting anything it would be meeting you … "

As I stepped a step toward her, she stepped another one step away.

"Elisabeth … My love. Just listen to me only once in your life. We still have time to fix everything, Selena and I are no longer together, and we can't be anymore after what happened at the coronation ceremony … Also, I'm losing my throne, I can't lose you too."

My words did not seem to make things better, It only made her angrier than before.

"You only want me to be with you because you lost Selena, and you're losing your throne? Am I right …?" She asked, but didn't wait for him to answer, " Then tell … Let's say that I agreed to give you the chance you're looking for … What will happen to me if it all came back … The throne, Selena, the power..?" She wondered, but her worries were for nothing, I mean no one would make the same mistake more than once no matter what. I tried to explain things to her

" Nothing bad will happen to you, I promise … You'll be able to leave a happy life with me …" was explaining to her, and again she was cutting my talk while that she didn't like it.

"I'll be living a happy life with you! Like your mistresses or your personal maid? Ha …! Tell me …" She shouted at me. And I found myself explaining how things need to be: "As my mate, my queen, and my love." He told me.

She rolled her eyes while talking to me. "I'm not your plan 'B', I never was, and I will never be."

She was never a plan B. I just was to dump to see that. I shoved her to me, trying to stop her from leaving" You can't leave me!". Just by then, I was pushed away by Elijah.

"Get your bloody hands away from her. As you've heard she doesn't want you by her side" Was he seriously asking me a such a thing, it's impossible that I would let my mate to him.

In no time we were both on each other, each one of was damaging the other as much as possible. Blood was flying on everywhere.

Lost on trying to kill each other, my mate started to scream in a horrifying way until she lost consciousness. I tried to help them in my house, but Elijah stopped.

On a different occasion, I would've been trying to smash his skull - but it's not about me now, it's about my mate. And helping her is my priority, even if it means to walk side with my number one enemy.

Three days passed in what seemed to be her room, yet she never woke up. I used these three days to use the contacts I am having to search for Baba Yaga, the strongest witch in the entire world. To my luck, I could finally find her.