
Weak: Lady Andromeda

Lady Andromeda is ill and has become a burden on her father. At least that is how he believes. When no one is visiting, she is nothing more than a servant. Lord Sabri decides to hold a banquet for the Imperial army. before they leave to defend the eastern boarder.

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The carriage stopped bouncing around as much and Lady Andromeda was able to look out the window. She could see the farms growing closer together. She knew that they were close to a city. She knelt on the cot to have a closer look out the window. She turned to see high walls coming into view. Outside she heard one of her guards yell, "Open the gates!" She realized they had arrived at the city, her city. The carriage slowed as the entered the gateway of the city.Thousands of people began to gather on the streets. They cheered and cheered. The sound of the people was overwhelming. She felt happy but still apprehensive. She feared wiping the smiles from their faces because she fails them. Andromeda looked past the people and looked at the buildings. The buildings were large, tall, and made of stone. They had flat roofs, arched doorways, and windows. They were tall, beautiful, and intricate. Each building seemed to be made of different colors. They were built close together and the buildings shared walls and roofs. The people had work to do but they were still able to enjoy the beauty of the city.The streets were made of stone and were wide.

They wound through the streets and soon came upon the castle. A large castle stood in the center of the city. It was made of stone, had a large keep, and was tall. It had battlements, crenellation, and a roof. Lady Andromeda looked up at the roof and could see the flags of the city flying. It was made of stone. It had a high, thick wall around it. The walls were tall and impenetrable. The gate was rounded and made of wood. The carriage came to a stop and the gates opened. The carriage entered the castle grounds and came to a stop before the grand entrance. The doors opened and the carriage was assisted out of the carriage and into the castle. The guards opened the carriage doors and assisted the women from their seats.

Lady Andromeda looked up at the castle, it was larger than the manor house she had grown up in. She stood before the massive wooden doors and looked up at the grand entry. The entry was large and made of stone. It had a rounded archway, columns, and a wide, wooden door. The door opened to reveal the inside of her new home. Lady Andromeda stepped into the grand entry of her new home. It was a massive rectangular entrance that gave the castle a gloomy look. The entrance was dark and foreboding. The castle looked like it was carved out of the darkest of stone. It felt a little sad. Maid Corrine saw the disappointment on her mistress's face. "M'Lady, remember what Sir Rahael told you? This is your home now. Make any changes that make you feel like you are home. Lady Andromeda gave a little smile and nodded. An older man and a middle aged woman approached the new Lady and bowed. "Lady Andromeda Welcome to Castle Lemia. We are honored to have a new Lady of the house. There has not been a lady since Sir Rahael's mother graced these halls nearly twenty years ago." the man said. "I am your butler, Grimhail. And this is the head housekeeper, Madame Rorish." He added and indicated the middle aged woman with blonde hair. "It is nice to meet you both." Lady Andromeda smiled. "I have to say that we were quite surprised when Sir Rahael sent a message that he had found a bride. We really thought that he was married to the battlefield. We feared we would not see a Lady of the house again. I am pleased that he found such a lovely bride." Madame Rorish stated. "Does Sir Rahael relish battle that much?" Lady Andromeda questioned. "I would not say that he relishes battle. I would say that he is a strong, loyal soldier. He was born on the battlefield and was raised by his warrior father. It is all he has known. He never showed interest in women. I will tell you that now that he has married you, he will remain loyal to only you and will protect you with his life." Grimhail responded. "Oh" Lady Andromeda responded. "Worry not, M'Lady. I am sure Sir Rahael loves you, he wouldn't have married you if he didn't. Would you like to see the rest of the castle?" Madame Rorish questioned. Lady Andromeda nodded in agreement.

Grimhail and Madame Rorish turned and led Lady Andromeda and her maids through the entryway towards the rear of the castle. They turned right and went through an arch. "This is the receiving room." Grimhail stated as they walked through a large room with a stone fireplace and throne. The walls were lined with books. There were two large windows on either side of the fireplace. One was boarded, the other was open so that fresh air could enter the room.

They walked through another archway into what looked like a study. The room was lined with bookshelves and had two large tables. At one table were two men: one older and one younger. The older one was reading while the younger was writing. They both looked up at Lady Andromeda and her maids' arrival. "These are Lord Rahael's historians, Sir Cadmus and his scribe Page Florian." Grimhail introduced. The men abandoned their work to stand and bow to Lady Andromeda. Lady Andromeda smiled at both of them as the group walk passed. The group turned left and continued until they reached an archway. There were two guards standing beside it. One nodded for them to pass. They walked through the arch and down a long corridor.

The corridor was lined with paintings and tapestries. At the far end of the corridor was a set of double doors that were slightly ajar. Lady Andromeda could hear voices coming from behind the doors. The group stopped beside the doors and waited for the guards to open them. A large room with many people. Lady Andromeda peeked her head in and caught sight of the staff: a blond woman and a man wearing a chef's hat. A woman looked up and greeted Lady Andromeda. She was a woman with blond hair, slender build, and a pretty face.

A large room with many people. Lady Andromeda peeked her head in and caught sight of the staff: a blond woman and a man wearing a chef's hat. A woman looked up and greeted Lady Andromeda. She was a woman with blond hair, slender build, and a pretty face. The blonde woman greets Lady Andromeda. She walks over and extends her hand for Lady Andromeda to shake. "It is a pleasure to meet you, M'Lady. I am Delia, Delia the chef." "It's nice to meet you, Delia." Lady Andromeda smiled. "If there is any food that you want, let me know." Chef Delia said. "I will, thank you." Lady Andromeda responded. The group was led from the room to another corridor. A short castle corridor, lined with tapestries depicting battles from the wars of Sir Rahaels's victories. This corridor led to a set of stairs. The group ascended the stairs. When the group reached the top of the stairs, they turned right and passed through another set of double doors. The group was led to a large room with a window that overlooked the courtyard. It was a room fit for a queen. The walls were lined with tapestries of battles and hunting scenes. "These are your Chambers, M'Lady." Madame Rorish announced. "If you want to change anything please let me know." she added. "Thank you, Madame Rorish. I will." Lady Andromeda responded. "We will leave you to settle. The evening meal will be prepared shortly. Would you like to eat in the dining hall or would you prefer to eat in your chambers?" Grimhail inquired. "For this evening I will take my meal here." Lady Andromeda responded. Grimhail and Madame Rorish bowed and left the room.