
My first dream

My name is anuu I live in A small town in the Horn of Africa, especially in Somalia, I also live a good life with my family.Except for my dad because he didn't live with us and he never lived with us

I have always loved living with my parents

But my father was not close to us as a father and as a guardian

But my mother is the most powerful and talented woman I have ever seen in my life Because she learned good manners, humanity and respect for others as well as social and business dealings.

My father had many children, some older and some younger than me

Knowing that many responsibilities fall on my father

But I wanted a little bit of a fatherly love and a little bit of a sense of belonging

Is that a problem or a fatherhood game?

I dreamed of becoming the queen of my father

Because when we hear the stories of the girls they are

the queens of their fathers

I dreamed of becoming a queen

But I do not know that dreaming is the most beautiful hope in human beings and yet it is the worst hope that anyone can have

Now I am only the queen of dreams

Also my family is just in my dream together

I would like to make my dream come true in the role of some dreams in a timely manner

Dreams are free🥺