
We Will Be The Greatest Entertainers.

Thomas and Issac, two strangers that lived past a never-ending rain are reborn as twins. Thomas is an intelligent old man in his late 70s with a love of magic and lightshows, after keeping the survivors happy dies of old age. Issac, seeing the only joy in his dreary world kills himself. Suddenly both find themselves in a new war torn world filled with magic where joy is a rarity. Join the pair as they travel this new world, bringing smiles to unfortunate children while learning the meaning of life as they experience the horrors of war.

GodOfIsekai · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A New World(1)

In a small log cabin the now mother and father gaze upon their newborn children. The mother, Clara Bonobell, gently cradles the twins. Her body is covered in sweat, dirtying her usually clean sunshine blonde hair. Her almond eyes have become puffy, looking more like red walnuts.

She gently presses the twins heads against her slender stomach, making sure her sweat soaked blue dress isn't causing them any discomfort. Daryle Bonobell lovingly watches his wife as the pain of labor has ended for her. Clara and Daryle look at each other, already knowing what names their little angels will have.

"Your name will be Issac. I hope you can grow to be as strong as my father." Clara said while lightly caressing the bald head of the chubbier twin.

"And your name will be Thomas. I hope you grow to be as smart as my mother." Daryle said while gripping a silver pocket watch hanging from his brown overcoats chest pocket. Suddenly, the new father feels a hint of sadness. Looking at white button up shirt, black dress pants, and matching shoes he wonders what his mother would say to her grandchildren.

Seeing her husband like this Clara grips his hand. "Honey."

Daryle smiles in response, hugging his new sons and his lovely wife. "I love you."

While the husband and wife experience the joy of childbirth those two infants are panicking.

Issac, now in the body of a chubby white skinned baby wildly flails his arms around. The hell happened? He thought to himself. Thomas, now in the body of a white skinned infant just silently stares at his new parents. Things will go well this time. He promises himself.

Before they can properly asses their surroundings a wave of exhaustion fills their body as well as their mother's. Within a few seconds the newborn twins and now mother go to sleep.

Soon enough days pass. No matter how hard Issac and Thomas try to stay awake they just can't. Thomas gave up after the first breast feeding, just accepting that he will have to live as a baby for a while.

Thomas, honestly, when he was first breast fead tried so hard to run away. Unfortunately, he could not escape his mothers grasp and was forced to drink her surprisingly sweet but still gross milk.

Issac, of course also tried to resist but just like Thomas he couldn't.

Together they would look around their new home, occasionally glancing at each other. Both wondering why that baby is so weird. After a few days they found out that they have been reborn into a middle class farming family in the rural town of Linden. They live in a small log cabin with only one bedroom and bathroom, the kitchen and living room practically one room.

Their mother and father seem to be residents of a country called Autriach, one of the weaker nations in the world. Their mother will often take care of them, their father spending most of his time managing the crops.

The parents were somewhat worried about their children. They would seldom cry and they knew to cry and point to their stomach or bum if they needed something. They are simply to smart for their age.

A few months pass, Issac and Thomas eventually figuring out that they're both from earth after Issac flipped Thomas the bird for waking him up. Thomas was initially confused but in response he gave Issac a handshake before also flipping him off.

As Thomas and Issac grew closer together their parents started to accept their children's oddness after a few days of panic and confusion.

And so the family began to live a normal life. Issac and Thomas would sleep, crap, and awkwardly drink milk. Occasionally they would try to climb out of their wood crib but their mother would always catch and stop them.

Soon enough a year passed.

On Issac and Thomas's first birthday their mother gifted them small rabbit dolls she made herself using cotton and wool. Their father spent the whole day with the family, leaving the farm to his employees for the day.

Issac had a wonderful time, occasionally saying 'dada' and 'mama' every now and then. Meanwhile Thomas made sure to hug his new mom and dad for several minutes. Sure dad may not be around often but at least he cares. He would think to himself.

After another two months Thomas and Issac began to form simple sentences, though their words were heavily slurred. Their mom was always with them so they couldn't find the opportunity to speak about earth. They are just to afraid to scare her more than they already have.

So occasionally, when their mom was resting or cooking they would talk to each other. One day, while trying to talk Thomas and Issac learned that they knew each other before death.

Thomas turned out to be the old man that brought joy to everyone and Issac turned out to be the dull young man that ended his life. In that moment Issac felt happier than he had been when he first found out he lived. I'm so glad that Thomas managed to live! He screamed in his head.

Both Thomas and Issac spent all their time worrying about their home. About earth. What happened to the survivors? Did the rain stop? Did everybody else also reincarnate? Issac and Thomas were both scared but after meeting each other they found hope.

I really wasn't the only one! They thought to themselves.

And so another year passed.

On their second birthday Issac and Thomas learned to speak fluently. Their parents were truly surprised. The local language is strikingly similar to american english so the twins never had any real trouble learning the language.

And so Thomas and Issac began to crawl all around the house, talking to their parents every now and then.Of course, making sure to sound childish. Whenever they were board they would play a game of rock paper scissors or tag.

Sometimes their mom would join them.

"Hehe, mommy is going to get you!" She screamed on an especially warm summer day.

"No you won't!" Issac and Thomas responded while sticking their tongues out.

As the three run around the small house their father silently watches while sitting one of the dining room seats. Issac and Thomas, despite being uncomfortable with having to act still feel full of joy as they play with their mother.

After a little over five minutes the twins get tired. Instantly the mother grabs the twins and begins to aggressively kiss their cheeks. "Who couldn't catch who again?" Clara said with a slight smirk while caressing the twins golden hair.

Thomas smiled. "I don't know?" He said.

Issac giggled. "Us!" He screamed.

And so the family continued to spend their days playing and learning. One year passes. The another. Then another. Then the twins turned five years old. Finally they could walk. Finally they could explore their new home.

One day, Clara, just before she was going to go shopping she asked the twins if they wanted to join. Issac and Thomas immediately agreed.

Stepping out of their house, the first thing they notice is the cool wind. Thomas and Issac both move to the verdant green grass that fills their vision. Yes their parents would occasionally take them outside to sit in the grass or enjoy the sun but they have never been able to do what they want without restriction.

As Issac roll on the grass, staring at the white clouds and yellow sun they feel true happiness. Occasionally it will rain, reminding them that the fear of their past will always be there. Finally the rain has ended. The sun is out and the clouds are no longer always gray. Finally, it's over.

After playing for a few minutes Clara and the twins begin walking. Issac and Thomas try to follow their mom but they're just too short. In the end, despite the boys protest Clara picks up the twins and puts them on her shoulders.

Within an hour the three find themselves in the outskirts of a small town. Immediately Issac and Thomas ask to go down.

"Mom can I walk?" Issac said while wondering what the towns of this world look like.

"Mom can I walk?" Thomas said while wondering what he should eat now that he's allowed to drink soups and eat soft foods.

Clara smiles and puts the twins down. Issac and Thomas immediately begin walking next to each other. They really want to explore but they know that as kids they should be more careful.

"Hey Isa what should we eat?" Thomas said while looking at the early victorian style buildings. Issac, while looking at the hotels and street stalls they pass decides on a stall selling stuffed soft bread.

"Are you fine with stuffed donuts tom?" Issac said while looking at the stall selling what looks like paste filled donuts.

Clara looks at them confused, wondering what they think a donut is. Thomas, seeing this points at the stall. "Hey mom can we eat donuts?" He said.

She thinks for a bit, wondering if the kids will be able to handle that much sugar. Initially she thinks she shouldn't but after seeing Issac staring at the Stuffed Moon Bun stand she decides that they can share one.

And so the three move to the stall getting in the back off the line. As they wait an elderly woman stops to wait. She looks at Thomas and Issac and smiles. "Those clothes are rather cute. Did you make them yourself?" She said while looking at the twins.

Clare smiles at the woman and looks at the brown overalls as well as the red and blue shirts she made so she knows which kid is which with pride. "Yes I did." She said with a wide smile. The elderly woman smiles in response.

Suddenly one of the three people ahead of them moves forward. Thomas and Clara move forward but Issac stays still. "You can go ahead of me." He said while trying to sound as polite as possible.

Seeing this small child with messy blond hair and chubby cheeks trying so hard to look serious she giggles to herself, her wrinkled cheeks forming a crescent. She looks to Clara. In response Clara looks to Thomas, as if asking for permission. He nods in response.

"Go ahead miss." Clara said.

The elderly woman smiles and accepts their offer. After waiting a few minutes the elderly woman is at the counter. Before she orders she looks to Issac. "What bun would you like?" She said.

Immediately Clara panics. "Thank you for the offer but please don't." She said.

The elderly woman frowns in response. "Why? Can't you just let this weak old lady thank this kind young man with a sweet?" She said.

Clara looks to Issac while Thomas gives Issac a death glare. I swear to god you better say no, he thinks. Issac just ignores the both of them and nods. "I want a sweet one!" He said, wondering what flavors this world has to offer.

The old lady buys three buns for 3 copper coll's.

"Here you go young man. Ma'am you've raised your kids well. If you ever need help just ask for Eliza at the town Library." The elderly woman said.

Issac's eyes immediately loose all light while Thomas's eyes show intense curiosity.

I wonder what books I can find in this world. He thought to himself.

And so the three bought a single Lian tea flavored bun for Thomas and Clara to share. In that moment the boys are truly happy that they no longer have to eat mashed bread porridge and other dull soups.