
The Girl in the Gray Hoodie

Julian Fletcher was seven years old when a little girl stood in front of him, her hands outstretched. He was crying that day and couldn't stop hiccuping. Meanwhile, the girl was smiling brightly at him as she grabbed his hands and pulled him up. Her strength wasn't enough, but he managed to stand up.

"Tha-thank you," he mumbled.

The little girl shook her head then pointed at the fountain in the park as she pulled him. Julian followed, rubbing his eye with his free hand. When they arrived in front of the fountain, the girl took a handful of water then offered it to him. Julian tilted his head, confused.

"I am going to drink it?"

The girl shook her head no.

"Then what should I do?"

"... wash your face with water… it helps…."

Julian smiled awkwardly, but he complied. He splashed water on his face and it was cold. He became somewhat refreshed, but when he turned around to thank the girl, she was gone. He searched the park until the sun was setting.

"Julian! Why are you still here?!"

Julian turned to see his mother holding grocery bags with a mad look in her eyes. He smiled then ran to his mother.

"Mama! Have you seen a girl this small and… ah… I forgot to properly look at her face, but she is pretty! And uh… she was wearing a gray jacket… wait, it sounds weird since it's summer. Isn't she feeling hot? And uhm… she was also wearing pajamas!"

"... what kind of friend did you just make?"

"I'm still not her friend! Yet! And and and her hair is neatly combed!"

"Just come home," Julian's mother sighed then took her son's hand. Julian looked back as his eyes continued searching for the little girl he encountered. That time, he resolved to go back here tomorrow to look for her.

Tomorrow came and Julian still couldn't see even a small sign that she was here. He got bored waiting and sat on the bench. He sighed then looked up, and there, he saw a figure of a little girl in a gray jacket and pajama standing at the edge of the roof.

He abruptly stood up then called, "HEY!!!"

The little girl was startled when she looked down and saw the same boy yesterday. She smiled brightly then waved her hand happily.


The little girl rested her index finger on her lips then looked down fearlessly, wondering. Julian's eyes went wide then wildly waved his arms. He screamed, "NO! GO DOWN THE STAIRS!!!"

The little girl nodded then disappeared into the building. Moments later, Julian was already waiting in the front door. Then, the little girl came out with a smile, approaching him.

"Why are you up there?!"

"... I was just playing..."

"Playing on the roof? Isn't that dangerous?! My mother always says that do not risk our lives for fun. So, you shouldn't either. Our lives are precious after all!"

"... precious…?"

"Yes, precious. So, you have to treasure your life! Got that?!"

The little girl smiled then nodded.

"I want to hear you say it!"

"... life is precious. I shouldn't waste my life."

"Very good!" Julian raised his chin as he rested his hands on his hips. However, the little girl could only smile as she watched how the boy before her became proud of what he said.

"Then let's be friends!"


"What? You don't want to be my friend? Am I that bad?"

The girl shook her head no then pulled him towards the park. They arrived in the swing and the girl urged Julian to sit on it.


The girl smiled then lightly pushed the swing. She continued until Julian was laughing in joy. However, moments later, he couldn't feel her hands pushing his back anymore. He turned to look back, but he couldn't see the girl anymore. She disappeared again just like yesterday. He was crestfallen, but! He now knew where to expect the girl. Tomorrow came and he waited in front of the neighboring building.

"Hmm…," he wondered as he pressed the doorbell.

"Hello?" The machine answered for him.

"Hello! I am Julian Fletcher and I am looking for a small girl that always wears sweaters and pajamas. Her hair is black and short!"

"Ah…," the voice seemed to be disgusted by the mere mention of her. "Sorry, kid, go look somewhere else."


"All I can tell you is that that girl is a walking misfortune. If you are with her, you'll only lose your life," then the line went dead.

"I am going to die? I will not permit that she will make me die!"

He searched for her in the neighboring buildings, but he failed. So, he stopped for the day, forlorn.

♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢

Julian was eating dinner with his mother and father when there were sirens outside. His mind was constantly on the girl he met twice. There was something wrong… surely. He wanted to meet her again and talk to her. They finished dinner and Julian was helping his mother dry the dishes when the news came in. It was the death of a person. Moreover, it was in their neighborhood. He suddenly stopped what he was doing then ran to the television. He couldn't believe his eyes. He saw the girl in the crowd! Moreover, she had a backpack on her back. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to meet the girl again.

"Mama, I will go out!"

"No, Julian! It's dangerous outside!"

"But, mama!"

"Stay, you brat! You are not going anywhere!"

Julian's expression fell as he bit his lower lip. He glared at the television, very likely to know where the little girl was. However, she was already gone.

"She… disappeared again. Always leaving me behind!" Julian cried.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Julian rushed to the door, hoping that it would be her.

"Don't go!" His mother exclaimed in fright.

When Julian abruptly opened the door, there was a note on the floor. He quickly picked it up and read the content.

"Thank you. I will treasure my life. I hope that we will meet again."

Julian immediately looked down from the 3rd floor apartment and saw a little girl in a gray jacket and a backpack walking leisurely down the street.


Before he ran out, his mother caught him in her arms then carried him inside their home.

"No! Wait! I! I still haven't heard if she wants to be my friend!"

"Who are you talking about, Julian?! Just obediently come inside, you brat!"


"Julian," his father called.


"It's dangerous outside. There was just a crime that happened and the murderer might still be lurking in the neighborhood. You do know that we treasure you, our son. So, please, listen to your mother."

"Papa! There was a girl that I just knew and she is on the streets alone. It is more dangerous for her!"

"Is it the girl in a gray jacket?"

"...how did you know?"

"She's a strong and independent girl. I am also worried, but she told me she has parents that she wanted to see."

"Eh? She's not with her parents?"

"Nope. She was living with her aunt, is what I heard."


"If you are still worried, we can go check her apartment tomorrow."

Julian's eyes brightened for a moment before fading.

"But… the neighbors don't really want to talk about her. I tried asking around, but they don't want to get involved…."

"That's only natural, but the police will definitely notice something."

"The… the police? Why is the police involved?"

His father smiled weakly then patted Julian's head affectionately.

"We'll know once we get there. Be patient, okay?"

♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢

Julian immediately got up from his comfortable bed and washed his face while standing on a small chair to reach the sink. He dried his face then went to his bedroom once again for a change of clothes. He entered the kitchen and saw his mother cooking and his father sitting down on the chair with a newspaper in his hands.

"Good morning, ma, pa," Julian said excitedly.

"Good morning, son."

"Good morning, Julian. Go sit now. Breakfast will be ready."

They enjoyed breakfast and Julian hurried his father to go to the place where the girl in a gray jacket would be. When they arrived in the vicinity, they heard people talking.

"Poor woman… she took a girl that she shouldn't have."

"Indeed. She should have known that the existence of the girl will kill her off someday, yet she took her in. Now, she got killed and the girl disappeared."

"Isn't that good? The girl is nowhere to be seen now."

Julian knew that the only girl that disappeared was that girl in a gray jacket. He stiffened when he saw his father smile weakly at him. Was this what his father wanted him to hear?

"Son, I am not glad that the girl disappeared. I am more worried than glad."


"We should go back home now. We shouldn't get more involved in this matter. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, papa."

Then they returned home with a sad Julian in tow.