
The warmth of the child's hand

"So what do you wanna eat lil guy? " ask Derek


"No, you just have it yesterday"

"But mommy...."

"No means no."

"It's okay lil guy, how about KFC? "

"Sure Uncle Derek, you're the best! "

Little Dumpling turn and make a 😝 face to his mom and run to Derek to hold his hand.

Derek was shocked but he feels warm. So he just give Little Dumpling a smile, and continue holding his hand. "So how old are you lil guy? "

"Erm, wait, let me count. 1..2..3..4..5. I'm 5."

"Wow you're so old little guy older than me! "

"Yerr Uncle Derek why you like that one? "(=3=)

While Emma took out her phone from her pocket and take a picture of them from the back quietly.