
Let's hope we live

'...' Silence prevailed for a few seconds before the six came back to their senses.

"Get her out!" Sai shouted as he looked around for something sharp to penetrate the plant.

The group scrambled around to find something to cut the plant open. All of them tried to penetrate the plant's outer layer and cut it open with some sharp sticks lying around here and there, except Leo.

Leo looked as if he was searching for something on the grassy ground. His mouth widened as he spotted a trail and immediately followed it.

"Clint! Come here now!"

"Pull this out for me, it's lodged in too deep into the ground for me to pluck it out." Leo pointed towards a material lodged into the ground which seemed more like a root of a plant.

The monster plant immediately opened up, displaying an unharmed Erina who was drenched in the plant's juices. She was curled up like a ball.

"What just happened?" A perplexed Ian who was in a ridiculous pose asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look closely, the root Clint pulled was connected to that monster plant. So, I assumed that the plant would die out if we pulled it." Leo was pretty calm from the very beginning of teleportation and still remained cool which made the others slowly understand how calm and intelligent the man in front of them was.

"Nicely done, Leo!" Clint gives a small slap on Leo's back as a sign of respect to him, but it was enough to make Leo almost fall down on the ground. That made it clear to the group that Leo was a mentally strong, but physically weak person.

"Get Erina out first." Aiko reminded the rest as she slowly approached a curled up Erina along with Reeva. The two girls gently pulled up Erina who was drenched in slimy juices but was still holding the little mushroom.


"I was only looking for something we could eat, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Erina sobbed, making her intentions clear to them. Everyone knew her intentions were good but she was too naive and carefree, thinking that the earth and this unknown world would be the same.

"We understand what you are saying but this isn't our world. That mushroom might even be edible. Sai, hand your blanket to the girls. Use the blanket to dry her as best as you can." Leo looked at Sai as he said those words and slowly diverted his gaze towards the girls, who replied with a nod.

As the girls were drying Erina, the boys came together to talk about the future. They had no idea what to do next and where to go.

"I want to listen to your opinion, Leo. I am a muscle head and not much of an intelligent guy. I will go with whatever you say cause my primitive instincts are telling me to." Clint stood without moving a muscle, his hands folded as he said those words sincerely, head tilted slightly towards Leo.

"I agree with him, I will go with your opinion as well." Next was Sai, who had the same image of Leo and Ian nodded in acceptance of the fact as well.

"We agree as well, we need someone to lead us in a direction and I think Leo is pretty capable. So, what now, Leo?" Aiko spoke up for all the three girls from a distance as they walked towards the group of men.


Leo let out a sigh seeing that he had no say in the matter. He looked around surveying the wild monster plant and the forest that covered the small grassy area they were currently on.

"First things first, don't touch or pluck anything suspicious."

"Second, We don't know anything about this world. We don't know if this world has any living creature that resembles humans or at least has creatures with similar intelligence to that of humans."

"So, for now, we have to find out if any sort of civilization is nearby or we might not live past even one day. We have to find something useful within a few hours if we don't wish to move around with a grumbling stomach and zero energy." As Leo completed his analysis, everyone in the group were grinning as if they took the right decision to follow him except Erina who was flashing a warm smile as usual.

"So, which direction should we go now?" Clint was kind of excited as he could feel the start of an adventure.

"This grassy plain and forest might look levelled but is a bit tilted towards our right. We might find a source of water flowing between a V-shape terrain if we follow the direction. If we are lucky enough, we might even find a civilization residing in this plain. So, let's go in that direction. Look up and remember those stars, even if our sense of direction gets lost, we can always find the direction looking at them." Leo said calmly as he turned his head slightly to the right and then proceeded to point his right index finger to a constellation in the sky, which looked like the letter 'M'.

"If we all agree on it, let's go with his plan." Ian stepped forward as he shouted looking at the rest of the groups who nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's start moving before we lose our energy to move on. Erina, stay in the middle of the group, I don't want you to wander around, please understand." Leo led the group as Clint followed him closely like a bodyguard while the girls were in middle and the other two guys were in the back of the group.

"I hope we find a civilization at least as advanced as that of the medieval age of our earth." Ian voiced his opinion from the group's rear as he looked around.

"You are hoping for a medieval age Ian, but I am wishing for humans or at least species that resemble humans." Leo mumbled to himself as he led the group while following the stars.

This will be the usual time for an update from today. I will try my best to update every day, so I hope you guys follow the novel and enjoy it.

Hope you guys liked the chap.

Deep_Divercreators' thoughts