
We Run In the Shadows

Amaya Blair only wanted two things, to get through her junior year of high school and to stay away from the supernatural. And despite knowing about werewolves, hunters, and all the other strange creatures that call Beacon Hills home, she had managed to avoid the supernatural so far. Being a witch with the ability to see the auras of others made that easy. But everything changed the night she ran into the Alpha and his pack and found herself being thrown into a fight. Now with her powers no longer a secret and lives at stake, Amaya finds herself facing the supernatural world and all its dangers. But even with the danger, will she be able to finally find a place where she belongs? Teen wolf fanfiction, but it still can be read even if you haven't watched teen wolf and just like werewolf stories.

AnnaleeaS · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: The Bonfire

The next day I got a couple of texts from Stiles late in the evening. Apparently, Lydia thought that maybe her grandmother could be the Benefactor, and someone had attacked Jordan. He and Scott were going to fill in Derek, and Scott had given Jordan you're supernatural being speech.

I sat on my bed as I read through the messages, a sigh escaping my lips. It seemed like everything just got more and more complicated. And there was something else that started to bother me as I read the messages. Stiles said that another deputy attacked Jordan, not an assassin, just some random guy.

I sat up, my heart beating quickly in my chest, this means that just anyone could get ahold of the list now. But how? Suddenly, I heard a tap on my window, and I shot up instinctively, my Berserker dagger flying to my hand. But as I walked over to the window, I saw a familiar face. "Liam, what the hell are you doing here? It's almost midnight," I whispered as I opened the window and the boy hopped in. "Sorry," he stuttered. I could tell something had happened, my eyes wandered his face, hoping for some sign of what had happened, and then I looked down and saw the paper in his hand.

"What happened?" I asked softly. "It just started coming out of my printer and it wouldn't stop until I unplugged it," he answered handing me the paper. It was a copy of the Deadpool. But it had been altered slightly. Derek's name was no longer on the list, and Liam was worth more now.

I let out a sigh as I went over and sat on my bed. "It's different. And it's being sent out to everyone now. Not just assassins, and contract killers," I stated before I sat the list down on my bed and ran my hands over my face. "Is it always like this?" Liam asked as he sat down next to me. "Terrifying? I don't know," I sighed. I looked over at Liam, I could tell there was something else bothering him, it wasn't just the list.

"Tell me what's really up, with you. Because as terrifying as the idea of just anyone being able to hunt us is. That's not what's bothering you," I told him. "It's nothing," Liam insisted, standing up and walking back to the window. "Liam, you need to talk to someone," I said standing up and walking over to him. "No, I don't," he replied more forcefully. "Liam," I muttered. "I said I'm fine!" he barked, flashing his golden eyes at me.

"Fine! Don't tell me," I hissed angrily. Everything flooded my mind at once, I was angry that I hadn't been able to beat the Berserker in the hospital. I was angry that we were so far behind the Benefactor, and people were still getting hurt. And I was angry that my friend was terrified and wouldn't even let me help. And I was terrified that something was going to happen to them. That not all of us would make it out of this alive.

I looked up at Liam my eyes glowing silver, I had felt this feeling before, and I needed him to leave. "Go home Liam," I said coldly as I turned around hiding my hands that had begun to glow. A moment later I heard him slip out the window and I collapsed on the ground as my chest felt like it was going to explode. My hands began to glow brighter and brighter, and finally, I let go. And the fear and anger consumed me. Tears ran down my face as I slammed both my fists down and silver energy burst forward.

Slowly the tingling in my body stopped and my eyes faded back to their normal color, I looked around at the damaged I had done, the stack of books on my floor was scattered across the ground and the pictures I had hanging had been knocked off the wall. And a crack ran up my wall where the brunt of the blast had hit.

"God, I hate that," I muttered as I pulled myself up and wiped the tears from my eyes. After a moment I began to restack my books and hang back up my pictures. Something like this hadn't happened in a long time. But I had figured it was inevitable with everything going on eventually something would break, and I would lose control. It seemed that the only time I could summon power like this was when I was emotional. Part of me wished that I could do it whenever I wanted, and control it. But that had never been the case.

Once everything was cleaned up I flopped down on my bed. I felt bad about how I had just told Liam to leave like that. But I didn't want to accidentally hurt him, and I knew that if I was mad at him, it was likely that I would.

I kept my head down at school the next day. Malia was the only one I saw, and all she did was ask me if I was going to the bond fire. I thought it was nice that even though she wasn't talking to Scott or Stiles she still talked to me. I think it was mostly because she knew that I had no idea about her being Peter's daughter, at least not until Stiles told me that night on the way home.

"I actually en remember that was tonight," I told her as we stood outside the school. "Well, I've never been to a bonfire before. And I thought it sounded fun," Malia replied. "Maybe we can go together?" she added. "Are you asking me to come with you just to annoy Stiles and Scott?" I questioned. "Maybe I am," she shrugged. "At least you didn't lie to me, right?" she asked. "I would have told you if I had seen the list. But I don't think you should be so hard on Scott and Stiles, they had their reasons," I replied. "Yeah well, no amount of reasons is good enough to explain why they broke my trust," Malia responded. "Fair enough," I muttered.

"So have you talked to Peter yet?" I questioned. "Why? Are you going to tell me not to?" Malia asked in response. "No. I mean I barely know the guy. I mean sure, I know he was a bit murdery there for a while. Biting Scott almost killing Lydia. Oh, and actually killing Derek's sister. But he got over that," I replied. "I think it's important for you to talk to him. He is your father. Just be careful, he's also an extremely intelligent narcissist," I added. "Thanks, I think," Malia said with a smile before the bell rang. "Pick me up at 8?" she asked as we both headed back into the school. "Sure," I smiled.

I picked Malia up a little later than I was supposed to, and when we arrive, the bonfire had just been lit. The music blared and voices echoed through the crowd. Malia went straight to dancing and drinking, dragging me along with her, we danced together, but I was distracted, I had noticed Liam and his friend Mason sitting at a table. And Liam was drinking what I figured was an entire bottle of whisky.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around and saw Scott walking up to Malia and me. "Getting drunk," Malia said as she threw her arm over my shoulder. I shot Scott a weak smile. "What are you doing?" Malia asked him. "Trying to make sure no one gets hurt," Scott answered. "That sounds fun too," Malia remarked before taking another swig out of her flask.

"Hey, I don't want to ruin your night or anything, but we kind of can't get drunk," Scott told her. "What?" Malia and I asked. "I think it has something to do with our healing. But trust me I've tried. You're not going to feel anything," he explained. "Maybe you should tell him that," I remarked pointing over at Liam. Scott looked over at the Beta in concern, and then looked at me.

"I'll go check on him," I mumbled. I could tell Scott wanted to talk to Malia about Peter, and I didn't need to be there for that. I made my way through the crowd and walked over to where Liam had been sitting.

"He went to get more drinks," his friend Mason said to me as I walked up to the table. "Ah," I sighed. "It's Amaya, right?" he asked after a moment. "Yeah, and your Mason," I replied with a smile. "So, do you know what's going on with him?" Mason asked blatantly. "Last time I asked he got pissed at me, so sorry no," I replied as I sat on the table. Mason nodded at me understandingly.

I watched as Liam staggered back toward us, his eyes landed on me, and he smirked. He was definitely drunk, which was weird because Scott had just said that werewolves couldn't get drunk. "What are you doing here?" Liam slurred before he stumbled, I shot up, catching him before he fell, and then setting him down. "Liam, are you okay?" I asked as I looked at him. He nodded weakly, "Somethings wrong," I said looking over at Mason.

I saw Scott headed towards us with Malia. "What's going on?" I asked him as he sat Malia down next to Liam. "I don't know," he replied before handing Malia a bottle of water. "How much has he had to drink?" Scott asked Mason. "Not enough to get him like this," Mason replied. "Amaya's right something's happening. We need to get them out of here," Scott told him. "I think we're going to have to um," Scott began but then he stuttered. I watched as he wobbled looking at his hands, "How much did you drink?" Mason questioned. "Nothing. Not even a sip," Scott replied.

If Scott was feeling the effects, then it wasn't something in the alcohol, it was something else, maybe the bonfire, but there wasn't much smoke so that probably wasn't it. I looked around at the crowd trying to see if I could spot anything, the music blaring loudly into my ears. The music, I thought.

"It's not the drinks, it's the music," I exclaimed as I looked over at Scott. "The frequency of the music, it's messing with their heads," I explained, and Scott nodded. "I have to turn off the music. Don't let them out of your sight," Scott slurred. "Scott," I called after him, but he was already staggering through the crowd.

"This isn't good," I mumbled, then all of a sudden two security guards appeared. They grabbed Malia and Liam, "Hey what are you doing these are my friends," Mason told them. "Your friends are overly intoxicated. They need to be escorted out," one of the guards said putting his hand on Mason's chest. "Okay, we'll go with them," he said looking over at me. "That won't be necessary," the guard replied. "I said they're my friends!" Mason yelled, but the guard pushed him over and dragged Liam and Malia away. I rushed over and helped Mason up.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled him up. "Yeah. But what is with those guys?" Mason asked. I scanned the crowd catching a glimpse of one of the guards going into the school. I turned to Mason "Listen, Mason. I know you have no idea what's going on, but I need you to turn off the music. I'm going after those guards," I told him before I started towards the school.

I ran into the school my hands and eyes glowing silver. I was pissed. And right now, that was a very good thing. I marched through the halls, and as I turned the corner where the lockers were, I saw a man with a lighter standing over Scott, and two men behind him. Liam and Malia were laying passed out beside him. "Time to light you up," the man hissed. "Yeah, I don't think so!" I yelled grabbing his attention.

My hand shot forward and the man flew backward into the door along with his lighter, knocking him out. I heard the music stop and I saw Scott's eyes begin to glow red letting me know he was okay. I turned around and saw three other men behind me as the two in front of me moved in closer.

Then suddenly Derek and another girl burst through the door, immediately going after the three guys behind me, allowing me to turn my attention back to the two in front of me. I quickly took the two men down, breaking one of the men's arms before bringing the other to his knees with a well place kick to his liver. Before I threw both men against the ground with my magic knocking them out.

When I looked over at Derek and the girl, I saw that they had taken out the other three guys. "What happened to the gun?" Scott asked Derek. "You're covered in gasoline," Derek replied before helping him up. I walked over and helped Liam and Malia up. "I didn't know you knew how to fight like that," Liam said looking at me in awe. "Eh, my dad taught me," I replied before turning my attention back to Derek, I looked past him at the girl standing behind him. "Ah, Amaya, this is Braeden," Derek said, noticing I was looking at the girl behind him. "We know each other," Braeden and I both said at the same time.

Derek looked surprised, and so did everyone else. "Nice scar," I said motioning to her neck. She looked at me annoyed, "You too," she said taking a step closer to me and pointing at the faded scar across my arm. It was a scar she had given me, a long time ago. "How's you dad?" she asked. "Haven't seen him," I replied coldly. "Yeah, I haven't either," she said softer. We both turned to look at everyone who was staring at us intensely.

"We should deal with these guys," I muttered pointing at the security guards laying on the floor. "You guys go, we'll take care of it," Derek told us. "Are you sure?" Scott asked. "Go home, get cleaned up. We'll handle it," Braeden answered.

I nodded and followed Scott and the others outside, Scott took Liam to his house, and then, I took Malia home. As I drove myself home, I couldn't stop thinking about the dark-haired girl I had just seen. I had known Braeden was in town for a while, or at least I had a feeling, but actually seeing her brought up a lot of memories I had tried to ignore for a long time.