
We Reincarnated Together as Siblings?

When Kevin is waiting for his girl on the cold winter night. something unexpected happened. He was betrayed by his own friend! But, then something worse happened Kevin and his best friend got hit by a truck. what they didn't expect was the two of them were reincarnated together! what would be waiting for them in this new world?

virdius · Fantasy
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3 Chs

We lost our memory...

Kevin and Clivewere both shocked, but happy at the same time.

They hurriedly got up and go out from the house, and what greeted them didn't fail to live up to their expectation.

They were in the mountains the scenery was fresh for their eyes as both of them were a city born people.

"Now this is life!" Clive exclaimed.

"Yeah living in the city wasn't as good as this place, The fresh air and the scenery is refreshing" Kevin Agreed.

they both took a moment to look at the scenery.

It makes them feel refreshed.

when they looked around they realize that they were pretty far from anyone, the shack wasn't near a village.

"Hmm, we should go to the village, since we don't know anything about this world." Kevin suggested.

Clive agreed they already know where the nearest village is from looking around. And then they set off immediately.


When they arrived they didn't feel that tired, their body was stronger than before, if it was their old body, they would be exhausted midway.

When they arrived at the village, they were greeted by someone in front of the gate.

"Hey! Yang Xiu and Yang Lu! I don't see you carrying any of your hunts, are you not hunting today?"

Kevin and Clive is shocked, who's that?

But then Kevin whispered to Clive "maybe it's our body name in this world."

Clive nodded because it's the best explanation they have.

Before going to the village Kevin and Clive already made a plan, since they don't know the body well enough, they would do something about it.

"Uhmm, I'm sorry but who are you?" Kevin questioned.

"Don't play around! You might lose your memory for real!" The guy laughed.

"No, I'm serious..."

The guy was shocked.

"For real?"


The guy panicked and told them to come with him.

They were brought to a doctor, The doctor checked their pulse and then told them something.

"I don't know the reason for your memory loss, but more importantly you two are back to mortal! you two were at the body refining stage 5 stage before!" The doctor is shocked, the memory loss was weird enough, but both of their cultivation is gone too!

Clive and Kevin looked at each other.

They knew they must be in a cultivation world, when they heard the doctor said something about Qi they become excited.

They have read many of this kind of novel in their dorm, so they liked it very much.

"Can you at least tell us everything you know?" Clive asked the doctor.

"Yes, since you lost your memory. You must be confused."

Then the doctor explained.

from what the doctor said we are on the Huang Continent in Tuo village, and it seems that Kevin and Clive was a famous hunter in the village that lives in the mountains, it seems like Kevin is Yang Lu and Clive is Yang Xiu

But there is one question that bothering two of them.

"How do we cultivate?" Both of them asked at the same time.

the doctor is confused.

'That's what they want to ask?'

"Well... It's different for everyone, you need a cultivation manual to start again, I can't believe you forgot everything..." The doctor sighed.

Both of them didn't know what to say since it was not really their body.

"Anyway, Nice to meet both of you two again, my name is Ye Wen, you both can Just call me doctor Ye, as for the guy who brings you here his name is Xiang He, now what will you do that you lost your memory?"

"We want to join a sect, is there some sect nearby?" Clive asked the doctor.

both of them are very excited, they can't wait till they can join a sect, this was the starting point they decided.

"Sect? there is the River Sword sect, Mountain Turning Sect, Undying Demon Sect, Alchemy King valley, and Buddha Mercy Sect. but I doubt you want to go to the-"

"Where is this Undying Demon Sect?!" both of them questioned immediately before Doctor Ye can say anything.

"You... really want to go to the Undying Demon Sect? Why?" the doctor was confused.

"Because the name is cool!" Kevin gave a thumbs up to the doctor.

Doctor Ye: ???

"Well, alright then... But you know Why none picked them right?."

"Don't worry we get it!"

'It must be because they only pick the best of the best!' Kevin and Clive thought and then they both smiled.

"Alright then let me tell you the place It's on the Ying mountain, the sect entrance test will open 2 weeks from now on, Prepare yourself."

With that said Kevin and Clive left the doctor and goes to their home, they were preparing to go to the Undying Demon Sect.

After Kevin and Clive left the doctor Ye then realize something amiss.

"They lost their memory... so how the hell do they know why none goes there?" Doctor Ye was confused.

"Alas, I hope they are gonna be okay later..." With that Doctor Ye decided to stop thinking about it.

As for Yang Xiu and Yang Xie, they were excited to go to the Ying Mountain, since they don't have a lot of time left, and Ying Mountain is pretty far from their place, they decided to travel quickly by carriage.

As for money it wasn't a problem because, the owner of the body they used has a lot of saving.