
Chapter 118

" How long have you guys been dating?" 

I hang my head and looked away, I hadn't told him everything, there were no exact details shared. For instance, there was no way I'd have told him about the drugs, I just lightly mentioned his temper and that he had a lot of personal issues that were affecting us. And he didn't even seem surprised, it was as if in his head, Austin was that type of person.

" A couple of months?" He asked and I shook my head. Then I told him it had just been some weeks, almost a month but not officially. 

" Wait, seriously? "

" Yeah. "

He seemed to be thinking. Then he started to say something but stopped himself, I didn't ask him what it was since it was clear he still had intentions of asking me again. He was just trying to find a way to do so, and he did. 

" Has he ever....I mean, he clearly gets angry easily. Has he ever been violent with you?"

I immediately sat up and shook my head. 

" No! He's not like that with me. I swear he's not...he'd never. "

" Good. I just wanted to make sure. But considering that you've only been together a few weeks, your relationship seems too intense. From his end especially. "

" That's because we've been best friends since we were nine. "

" Oh. That makes more sense. "

I failed to mention the five years apart because there was no need. As long as he got the point, which was that Austin and I had been a part of each other's lives for a pretty long time. 

" And I'm guessing you decided to give dating a try coz you both felt the same way about each other? "

" Yeah, I suppose that's one way to put it. "

" And it's not going how you thought it would. "

" Not entirely. I mean, I knew he wasn't the easiest person to deal with, but it's just harder than I expected it to be. "

" If it's upsetting you so much then why not just let go?" 

I blinked a few times before turning to him. I hadn't expected him to say something of that sort, let alone as directly as he had said it. He finally took a sip of his coffee, then he waited for me to talk because he had already said his piece. 

" I can't do that. "

" And why not?" 

How was I supposed to explain it to him? How could I tell him that Austin was everything to me, with all his flaws. And how would I be able to admit that I already felt guilty and regretted having asked for space because I missed him so damn much?! And I was sure it made me sound weak because it hadn't even been three hours yet. I knew I had to be all strong and to hold out, but I doubted I could accomplish that. 

" I just can't. "

" Tell me something then, are you guys even sure about how you feel or did you just mistake deep friendship for romance? It's not unheard of you know. "

" That's not the case with us. "

" How certain are you though? I don't have any formal highschool experience but I know how these things go. I read and sing about them all the time Kyle. "

" What's your point? That we don't actually love each other? Coz we do. He's everything to me. "

" And you? Are you everything to him?" 

It had nothing to do with pride, but I assured Reign that I was. It was the truth and I knew it. Austin loved me greatly and that was a fact I was well aware of. Nothing anyone said would be enough to change my mind.

" I don't know what to tell you, it's pretty obvious that no matter what I'll say you'll still go back to him. Soooo..." he shrugged, then he chuckled and told me not to worry since he trusted my choice. 

" I won't lie, the guy seemed like bad news and I don't think he deserves you, but do whatever feels right. "

Not exactly what I wanted to hear. I had called him since I thought he'd enable me to figure out whether what I had done was okay, but he was basically telling me to follow my heart. My heart wanted me to go and find Austin wherever he was, then apologize and kiss him for as long as I could. 

Nope, my heart was not to be trusted. I had to use my head. But I still thanked him either way and said I'd think about it some more.

" But hey, if he ever dares to hurt you in any way...make sure you call me. "

" I've told you he -"

" I know, and I heard you. But still, just promise. "

He was insisting so much I just decided to do as he pleased so that he'd let it go. There was no way Austin would ever go that far. Reign was judging him simply by the one time he had seen him, and maybe because of the little actions Austin had done that had definitely moulded how Reign perceived him. 

" He made you miss school, wanna study together? If I recall correctly, I still owe you a song. "

" Nah it's cool, I'm pretty sure you have things to do. Plus the piano is at the store and I'm not gonna be there till today evening. "

He scoffed and gestured towards the coffee I was yet to drink, then without saying a word, he pushed over the cake to me and crossed his arms on the table's surface,his expression urging me to atleast take a bite. In all earnesty,I wasn't blind. Or stupid for that matter. 

Austin had been right about Reign's actual intentions and I could see it clearly. But I could also see that he was trying his best to be as casual and respectful as he could. He never actually made any move on me and I doubted he'd do so. And as long as he kept it that way then I had no problem with him. And Austin didn't have to find out. But even if he did, he ought to trust me entirely because he knew there was no way I'd betray him in that sense. 

" Is it good?" Reign asked after I took a couple of bites. I nodded and smiled then I pushed over the plate back to him since it was actually his to begin with.

" The recording studio isn't that far from here, we could go there. And you'll have a chance to study as well. "

I quickly started to think things over in my mind, I wouldn't have even been thinking anything over were it not for the fact that I really wanted to hear Reign sing. That was just too tempting of an offer for me to turn down, but somehow I did. Because I also didn't want to start up any unnecessary drama. I had enough of that as it was. 

" Don't tell me you're scared? "

" What would I be scared of?" 

" I don't know? Could be your boyfriend...could be me, "

I went to speak but didn't. No way was I going to follow through with that conversation. If I asked him why I'd be scared of him then I would be indirectly opening up a portal for him to say something else that would make me uncomfortable. It was better to just ignore it altogether. 

" I didn't bring any books with me, and I actually had some chores I wanted to do at home. "

He smiled to himself in that knowing way again. Because he too wasn't dumb, he could very well tell that those were just excuses. 

" So he still thinks I'm a threat, huh?" 

" It's nothing like that, "

" Of course it is, why would he go to all the trouble of blocking my socials if the didn't. But it's cool, I understand, "

I felt very disappointed, but it was all for the best I suppose. 

Rein and I ended up staying at the coffee shop for a while longer. I couldn't tell whether he was trying to distract or if he was that naturally easy to talk to and confide in. Like, there was just an aspect of him that made it feel like I had known him my entire life. I admired his honesty and really liked our conversations. If only Austin could realize that I could have other friends and it wouldn't affect my relationship with him whatsoever. I mean, a great part of our issues would be fixed if that happened. 

And two hours later, when I finally got back home, I got a text from Austin. 

" Have you really broken up with me? Just like that?" 

Space and breaking up were two different things. And I tried to make him understand that, but according to him, the two were more or less the same. That if he couldn't get to see or be with me just as before, then it was most definitely a break up. I realized there were extremely high chances of him not going to school the following day simply because of that. I couldn't let that happen.

" You'll be in school tomorrow, right?'"

If he dared say no...

" If you'll be there then so will I. "

" I'll be there. "

" And will you talk to me or not?" 

That wasn't how it worked! I mean, it was in a way blackmail. But I was going to stand my ground concerning my decision no matter what. 

" We can talk. Just don't miss school. "

He didn't reply after that, but I didn't need him to.