
32. In The Wells of Silence

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter... I'm only going to say that three more times :)

Note: Thanks to my beta, eilonwy, for all your wonderful help on this chapter! The title comes from "The Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel.


Chapter 32 – In the Wells of Silence

For the third day in a row, Hermione woke up at St. Mungo's, not knowing immediately where she was. She and the entire Weasley family had been given rooms to stay in that had been redecorated to look more like hotel suites than hospital rooms. Harry had the entire floor to himself.

She didn't really want to wake up, not just yet. Since getting the Judge to see Draco and staying his sentence, there was nothing to do but wait for Harry to wake up. The Healers had concluded that the spell he'd been hit with wasn't fatal, or especially malicious; it was simply taking its time running its course.

The entire wizarding world was in a state of hushed excitement. There had been great excitement when the news had been spread that Voldemort had been defeated. Fireworks were set off throughout London, despite the Muggles, and Diagon Alley had been a continuous party, with every shop owner contributing something. Fred and George took turns at their shop, having closed the branch in Hogsmeade for the time being.

Yet everyone was still waiting, still glued to the wireless, still snatching the paper each morning when it was delivered. Waiting for news about Harry.

Ginny hadn't left his room except under extreme need and had refused to stay with her family down the hall. She had a bed set up next to his and held his hand all day, talking softly to him. Her parents had been shocked, to say the least, when Ginny informed them that she and Harry were married. Molly burst into tears when it finally sank in, hugged her daughter, and demanded that she be allowed to throw an enormous party for them. Ron and Hermione spent most of their time together, both worried about Harry and Hermione thinking constantly about Draco.

The rest of the Weasleys took shifts in staying at the hospital during the day, though Molly was a constant presence. Harry would have wanted it that way; Molly was the closest thing to a mother he'd ever had. Hundreds of people stopped by every day, bringing gifts and wishing Harry well. Ron and Hermione had had to make up a list of people who were allowed to visit Harry.

Once Harry woke up, for no one wanted to think about the alternative, the real festivities would begin. All of magical London wanted to honor him with awards, special recognitions, and even a parade right through Diagon Alley. He would be bombarded with requests for interviews, parties, and whatever people could think up as some reason to get Harry Potter's name next to their own.

Hermione knew he would hate it.

The Dark side had quickly fallen apart after Voldemort's demise. Unlike when he'd simply been stripped from his body, there was no doubt this time that he was truly dead. Hermione had worked for months on a plan for the Ministry to put into action that would enable them to round up the remaining Death Eaters, but a few of them made the task a little bit easier.

Only a few hours after Voldemort's fall, the remaining inner circle of Death Eaters decided that they wanted to continue what their Lord had started. They talked of plans, schemes, and a way to bring themselves to light as a dangerous force and something to be feared, something to make people forget about Voldemort. They talked for hours about how they would make this happen, but then someone asked who would be their leader. Each looked at the others with suspicion, and quickly the whole lot turned on one another. Accusations of disloyalty were cast, fingers pointed, blame placed. The confrontation escalated, and when the smoke settled, only one man remained standing. Gregory Goyle's father. Even Bellatrix had succumbed to the deluge of mortal spells.

Goyle senior then took all of the plans they'd made and left the hideout, but was apprehended within the hour. Hermione and Ron laughed for a very long time when they read the article. Goyle was forced to lead the Aurors back to where the coup had taken place. Among the dead were Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan LeStrange, and Crabbe senior.

"Hold on," Hermione had said, tearing through the pages of the newspaper once more, looking for something.

"What is it?" Ron had asked, looking slightly concerned.

"Snape. There's nothing at all about him. Surely he would have been in Voldemort's inner circle. But…" she frowned as she neared the end of the articles about the Death Eaters. "Not a word."

She and Ron had exchanged a look. Of all the Death Eaters, he was the one Harry would most want to know about. Hermione thought back and realized that she hadn't heard a single thing about Snape, save a cursory mention here and there, since the beginning of the War. True, very few of the Death Eaters sought the spotlight – only Lucius on a few occasions – but now, at the end of all things, surely there would be word on Snape.

Explaining things to the Order had been…interesting, to say the least. After Hermione had returned from seeing Draco in Azkaban, Arthur had pulled her aside and demanded, very nicely but sternly, to know what had happened. She'd sighed and suggested she tell everyone all at once to avoid having to repeat herself. He'd agreed and within the hour, the entire Order was gathered in one of the rooms on Harry's floor.

Hermione started from the beginning, with Draco turning himself in to the Ministry and asking to speak to Harry. She was interrupted several times and had to demand that no one interrupt again while she spoke. At the end, she'd take questions.

She told them that Harry had asked her to witness an Unbreakable Vow between himself and Draco, and that she had no idea what they talked about. She only knew that afterwards, Harry trusted Draco completely. As part of their bargain, Draco was sent to Azkaban for a month, and she met with him regularly in order to obtain the information he had promised on all the Death Eaters whose existence he knew about, and ultimately, Voldemort. In exchange, he was promised a full pardon for all the crimes he'd committed. Draco communicated with Harry about his plan to defeat Voldemort, through a code he'd imbedded in the information Hermione collected.

After a month, Draco was released, and Harry took her to meet him. Hermione briefly mentioned the house. Harry and Draco had struck a deal where Draco would train Harry to fight Voldemort, and then help him find and finally confront the evil wizard. They had asked Hermione to join them in order to complete a secondary mission: the Death Eaters. She then explained her task, and discussed the other things she did for them, including training at St. Mungo's in healing.

Harry and Draco started going on missions—to do what, she didn't know—but sometimes Draco would come back injured. She would heal him, and send them off again. Then, a little over a month before, they'd left for the final stage in their plan: to hunt for the last Horcrux and destroy it, and then face Voldemort. Ron and Ginny had stayed with her while the men were gone. Then they'd received an Owl with the hospital's logo on it and had been there ever since.

When she finally finished speaking, everyone in the room was staring at her, most disbelieving, some open-mouthed. The silence lasted less than a minute before everyone started speaking at once. Most of their questions were about Draco, and she answered as best she could. The last question came from Fred Weasley.

"What made Harry trust him?"

Hermione gave him a half-smile and sighed. "I honestly don't know, Fred. Whatever they discussed is between them. I – Draco has told me he will tell me, but he hasn't yet. Harry can't, or he'll die."

"So…Harry just…believed him?" George asked. "Malfoy?"


Silence filled the room like a thick smoke and Hermione felt suffocated by it. The one question they wanted so desperately to know, the thing that would make them understand, she herself didn't know. And more than that, she desperately wanted to know it too.


Hermione was about to try and fall back asleep when the door to her room was thrown wide, slamming into the wall. She bolted up and turned to find Ron standing in the doorway with the goofiest grin on his face she'd ever seen.

"What is your problem, Ron? I was – "

"Harry's awake."


Hermione jumped up and followed Ron, running down the hall to Harry's room. He was sitting up in his bed, Ginny sitting beside him. Hermione was surprised to see a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Harry!" she cried, and ran to give him a hug.

"Hey, Hermione," he said in a calm voice, holding her tight.

"How long have you been up?" she asked Harry as she pulled out of the hug. Ron was standing opposite her on Harry's other side.

Ginny jumped in. "An hour, he said. But he only woke me a few minutes ago."

"I couldn't help it," Harry said, smiling adoringly at her. "You looked so… at peace. I wanted to remember that for the rest of my life." Ginny cuddled impossibly closer to him and he kissed the top of her head.

Then the worry returned to Harry's face. "Hermione," he said, "Where's Draco?"

"Azkaban," said Hermione. Harry's eyed widened. "Harry, relax. It's okay."

"But they'll kill him! Or worse!"

"No," said Ginny, grinning. "Hermione's been very busy."

Harry looked at Hermione, who said, "He was arrested, and sentenced to the Kiss, only I… managed to get that sentence suspended. He still needs your help, but it's not urgent. I'll send for the Interrogator to come talk to you."

Harry shook his head and sat up. "No, you don't understand. He saved my life." Hermione's eyes widened. "That… curse I was hit with when Voldemort died. It should have killed me, but Draco… he did something, and the curse split in two. Half of it hit me, and the other half… did it hit him? Is he okay?" Harry's voice was panicked and Ginny was trying to soothe him.

"Harry, he's fine," Hermione said quickly. "He had a few scrapes and cuts, but he said nothing about being hit with a curse."

"You saw him?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I did. Now will you please calm down?"

Harry sank back into his bed, the worry mostly gone. Ginny looked at Hermione and started to say something, but the door burst open, admitting a stream of redheaded persons and finally a Healer.

"Hermione!" Harry called out over the noise. Everyone quieted. "Hermione, in the desk in my room, there's a white envelope. I need it."

"Okay. I'll go now. Then I'll call for the Interrogator."

Harry nodded, looking relieved, and turned to answer the Healer and the Weasleys.

Hermione made her way down to the Apparation point and with a smile, concentrated on the little house she'd come to think of as home. Once inside, she went to Harry's room to retrieve the envelope. As she was leaving, she glanced in Draco's room, not really sure why she did it. Maybe there would be a half-finished book she could take to him.

She smiled as she looked around the room; it was in perfect order, On the table beside his bed, she saw just what she had hoped to find: a book. She hesitated for a moment, a rush of fear running through her at what he would say if he caught her, then marched to the night table and picked up the book. A piece of paper was sticking out at an odd angle and she frowned at it, puzzled. She realized it was probably the only thing out of place in the whole room. Hermione opened the book and took note of the page number, in case she accidentally lost it. Then she looked at the piece of paper. It was the note she'd left on her door for him one night when she'd been angry with him.

Bugger off, Malfoy.

With a twist of longing in her heart, she replaced the note in the book and sighed. She wasn't ready to quit the room, wanting to remain surrounded by things that were him for as long as she could.

A harsh thought occurred to her and she sat down heavily on his bed. She missed him. But what was going to happen? What if he got out? What if he didn't? Would there ever be anything between them? She knew, or at least she thought she knew, that there was something there, evidenced by their kiss. But it was Draco Malfoy. It could have been nothing to him. She was struck by how little she thought she knew him. Maybe he just hadn't been kissed in a long time and that was all it was.

Draco meant a great deal to her, and she didn't want to lose him. Not that she 'had' him, but the idea of him riding off into the sunset was frighteningly plausible. And what could she offer him? She'd only hold him down, and she felt certain he wouldn't accept it. He would fly.

Hermione lay down on his bed, and was hit with a strong smell – his smell. It was in his sheets, his pillow. She'd awoken to that smell for so many months that it wrenched her heart again and filled her head and brain and heart with him. And then she cried. She cried because after all that had happened, all she'd been though, with him, she was scared she would lose him. And she didn't want to; she wanted a second chance. And it hurt.

She must have fallen asleep, because when she opened her eyes, the shadows were longer. She jumped up, grabbed the envelope, and returned to the hospital

When she arrived in Harry's room, everyone started talking at once.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"It's been hours!"

"Is it Malfoy?"

Hermione shook her head. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Here, Harry," she said, handing him the envelope. "I'll call for the Interrogator now."

He came to the hospital right away and talked to Harry for nearly as long as he'd talked with Draco. After Harry told him the same story Draco had, minus the part about that hour in his office, he pulled out the white envelope.

"Sir, Draco is sorry for what he did. And he deserves to pay his debt to society. But he's also done more for the whole world than just about anyone. More than me, that's for sure. It was his plan, his knowledge of Voldemort, his initiative and drive that led him to seek me out and enlist me to bring Voldemort down. He gave the world the fight of peace, or freedom from fear. Surely that can cancel out the wrongs he did.

Stephens smiled. "That is a good argument, Mr. Potter. But You-Know-Who would have been defeated, eventually."

"Maybe so, Sir, but when? Five years? Ten years? He was nearly unstoppable before. And maybe he wouldn't have been defeated. I have lived with the knowledge that I might, for whatever reason, be the only one to stop him for long enough to have imagined what would happen if I failed. And that vision was growing more and more real. So when Draco offered me a shot, I jumped on it. Because Voldemort had to be defeated. The world would have been crushed by him. And the sooner it was done, the fewer lives would be ruined. The Death Eaters were making gains every day. Draco saved far more people than he killed, probably more than he's ever wronged."

"You seem as adamant, if not more so, than Miss Granger."

"She didn't spend every day with him. She didn't put her life in his hands and have to trust that she'd still be alive at the end of it. I did. I watched as countless times he took shots, spells, punches, torture for me, so I could keep fighting, so I'd have just a little more time. He was beaten to a bloody pulp numerous times so that I wouldn't get a scratch. It's because of him that the world is free from Voldemort. I just shot the winning goal."

The Interrogator thought hard about everything Harry said. They were good points, well thought out and argued. "But Mr. Potter, it comes back to the fact that I would be setting him free."

Harry pulled a piece of parchment from the white envelope. "It's the right thing, Sir. Look at this," he said, handing the parchment to him.

Stephens looked over the document in disbelief. "Full pardon?"

"For the Unforgiveable crimes listed there."

"You made a deal with Mr. Malfoy in July wherein he promised you Voldemort in return for a full pardon?"


"Surely you didn't have the authority to make such a deal."

"Alastor Moody signed it."

Stephens' eyes glanced at the bottom of the page, where he indeed saw the old Auror's signature.

"Full pardon."

"It's a binding magical contract. He fulfilled his half; now it's our turn."

"There is no mention of a cessation of hostility from him. What makes you think he didn't do all this in order to replace Voldemort?"

Harry was stunned. That thought had never occurred to him. But he didn't spend any time thinking about it now. "Malfoy was near to death on more than one occasion. He would have given his life to our cause. Someone like that wouldn't plot to secretly rise to power once it was all said and done."

"You must understand me. I would be held responsible if he were to suddenly have another change of heart."

"Then I give you my word that he is a changed man."

"One tiny infraction of the law and he'll be right back where he is now."

"Just give him a chance. He'll agree to whatever terms you impose."

The older man sighed heavily. "I have much to think about. Thank you, Mr. Potter."

"Of course. Oh, and one more thing, Sir," Harry said.


"He saved my life. I had Hermione look it up for me. It's a very difficult, Dark piece of magic – the Bifidus countercurse. When Voldemort died, something from inside of him shot toward me. Draco must have anticipated it, because he cast the Bifidus, splitting whatever spell had been directed at me into two parts. One part still hit me, but the other must have missed Draco and hit something inanimate. I'm nearly certain that had the full curse from Voldemort hit me, I would have died."

Very slowly the Interrogator nodded. "I see. So he cast a Dark spell to save your life."

Harry caught the way the Stephens had said Dark. "Yes. No one was injured by it, nothing bad happened because of it. Since knowing him, I've learned that Dark magic isn't always wrong in and of itself. Of all things, don't hold that against him. Please."

Stephens sighed. "Yes, yes, of course. Well, you should have my answer by the weekend."

"Thank you."

Stephens nodded and left the room.


The Daily Prophet had put out a special edition as soon as they'd found out that Harry was okay. He'd refused all attempts by their staff, or anyone else, to get an interview with him.

He spent the entire day with Hermione and the Weasleys, especially Ginny. A few of the Order – Remus, Tonks, Shacklebolt, Moody – and McGonagall and Hagrid were admitted as well, and the hospital had provided them with a glorious feast for the evening meal, complete with a three-course pudding.

The next day, however, Harry demanded to be allowed to leave the hospital. All the Healers wanted to keep him for observation, as they had never really discovered what Harry had been hit with. But he refused.

"I have something very important to do," he told the Healers, and everyone else who was trying to convince him to stay inside in the peace and quiet for just one more day before he had to face the world.

To which Harry replied, "And Draco has to sit in Azkaban?"

Hermione, Ron and Ginny looked at each other, all knowing full well that when Harry had that particular look on his face, there was no convincing him otherwise.

Harry didn't wait for an answer from the Healers. He marched out of the room. Hermione was so in shock that it took her a few seconds to process that Harry was actually going to Azkaban. To see Draco. She jumped out of her seat and hurried to catch up with him.

"What took you so long?" Harry asked when they reached the lift.

"I—I didn't—"

"It's okay. I'm glad you're coming. I knew you'd probably want to see him, and I don't think I can do this alone."

"Do what, Harry?" she asked, just as the lift slowed to the ground level.

The doors slid open. "This," he said.

The entire lobby was packed with people. As soon as the crowd took full notice of who had just arrived, they started shoving each other to get to the front. And cameras were going off like fireworks, people shouting to be heard.

"I don't have time for this," Harry mumbled, pulling out his wand. He shot a large spark into the air that exploded with a bang. Everything hushed. "Listen up. I need to get to the Apparation point. I have someone to go see, and I'm not taking questions at this time. I do, however, think it's important that you know whom I'm going to see.

"I'm going to Azkaban, to visit a very good friend of mine, someone who not only helped me defeat Voldemort, but also saved my life on more than one occasion. Draco Malfoy – "

The crowd went ballistic and everyone started talking at once, drowning out Harry's next words. Harry sent up another exploding spark and again everyone quieted. "As I was saying, I'm going to see Draco Malfoy. I expect you'll be hearing all about him very soon and everything he has done for the wizarding world. For now, it is enough that you know that he is my friend, and I will do everything I can do see him released. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a path, please."

The crowd parted, whispers among the people so loud they sounded like pieces of sandpaper being rubbed together. Cameras flashed nearly nonstop until they reached the Apparation point. Then Harry turned around and the whispers stopped.

"A lovely day to you all. See you at the Ministry, I suspect."

With that, Harry linked arms with Hermione and Disapparated them both.


A loud banging woke Draco from a fitful sleep.

"Maggot! Get up! Visitors!"

Draco slowly sat up, his back aching from sleeping on the hard metal. He rubbed his eyes and watched warily as the door opened. He hadn't been touched since the Interrogator had him moved, but he still didn't trust any of the guards. If he did one thing out of line, they could beat him and say he'd provoked them.

The large guard entered the room and sneered. "Get up."

"I'm up," said Draco, standing to his full height.

"Come on. Visitors."

Draco didn't reply, only shuffled along in front of the guard, who poked him harder than was necessary whenever they had to make a turn. Finally, they reached a room Draco didn't recognize, where a stuffy-looking man stood waiting for them.

"Thank you," he said in a nasal tone, and the guard left. "This way, Mr. Malfoy," he said, indicating a small room that looked very much like the Apparation station by which he'd arrived. He looked at the unknown man, puzzled. "Just get in, please."

He had no choice but to comply. Soon he arrived in a similar station, and another person, this time a nervous-looking witch, was waiting for him. "Mr. Malfoy, please step down and follow me," she said.

Shaking his head, not bothering to be frustrated about not being told what was happening, and followed. Eventually, they stopped outside a nondescript door. "You are to knock three times when you are finished."

"Okay," he said, shaking his head.

The witch looked at him hard for a second, then opened the door and indicated he should enter. He sighed and went in.

The first thing Draco saw was Harry. His broke into the biggest smile he could ever remember smiling and it took all of his restraint not to rush him. Harry was grinning too.

"Malfoy," he said with a nod.

"Potter. Good to see that you're… okay."

"You too. You got a shiner, though," Harry said, pointing.

"Yeah. Guards don't much like me."

"Well, have a seat," Harry said, indicating one of the chairs. Then Draco noticed the large, wooden table in the room, with three cushioned chairs set around it. The rest of the room was done in deep, rich colors of gold and blue. Not exactly standard prison issue.

Draco sat. "Where are we?"

"Oh, we're at the Ministry. There's an entire slew of reporters outside." Draco's eyes widened and he looked instinctively toward the door behind him that would lead to his escape. Harry laughed. "Relax, I'm not going to let them in. I… had to make a bit of a show coming to see you."

"You had to."

"I figured people had to get used to the idea, and the sooner the better."

"Without talking to me."

"Oh, right, sorry I forgot to mention it yesterday at tea," Harry said sarcastically. "I haven't exactly had the chance to, you know."

"I know. It's okay."

Harry shook his head. "You're still the same, aren't you?"

Draco cocked an eyebrow. "Did you expect me to be otherwise?"

"No, no, not at all. I just – I feel so much different now. Lighter. I thought some of that might show through in you too."

"I see. No, I don't believe so."

"No?" Harry asked, frowning. "Not even a little bit? I mean, I know you're in prison…"

"Yeah. That doesn't help." Draco sighed and ran a hand through his too-long hair; he needed a cut. "Look, Potter. You – you've just destroyed your long-time nemesis, defeated the evil in the world. Your life is all up from here. Me…" he trailed off. He'd lost his father, was in prison with only a small hope he'd get out, and even if he did, he'd forever be looking over his shoulder, either for a former Death Eater to come looking for revenge or an angry mother whose child he'd killed.

"Yeah, well, you should still be feeling something good, despite all that right? I mean… Hermione…"

"Potter, how's Ginny?" Draco asked in a no nonsense tone. He wasn't ready to entertain such thoughts, about what was possible now. He was still in prison; no point, really.

Harry took the hint. "She's good, really good."

"I'm glad. No… problems, then? Have you told anyone?"

The door opened, and Draco looked up at the noise. His eyes widened when he glimpsed the crowd outside. A few flashes went off before the door finally shut, admitting Hermione. She hurried toward them carrying a small tray.

"Sorry, Harry, it took me forever to get through that mob." Draco watched as she set the tray on the table and looked anywhere but at him. "Tea, Harry?" she asked, picking up the pot and pouring a cup of water.

"Yes, please," he said, accepting the cup and choosing a flavor from amongst the assorted teabags. "Thank you."

Then she finally looked at Draco. "Tea?" He nodded and she handed him another cup of water and the plate of bags.

"Biscuits," she said finally, setting down a small plate. Draco decided he'd never seen anything look so perfect as those biscuits. "Would you like one?" Hermione asked him.

"Yes, please. They don't exactly serve high tea here, if you can believe it. So, Harry," he continued, returning his attention to his friend. "As I was saying. Have you told anyone yet?" Harry's eyes widened and Draco thought he looked ready to leap over the table at him. He smirked.

"Malfoy," Harry said warningly.

"Told anyone what?" Hermione asked, looking from Harry to Draco and back to Harry.

"Nothing," Harry muttered through clenched teeth.

Draco chuckled. "I was just asking Harry here about Ginny." He waited, and watched as comprehension dawned on Hermione's face.

Her jaw dropped and she looked at her friend. "Harry Potter!"

Harry was glaring daggers at Draco.

"Harry, what's this about? Tell me right now, I demand it!" Hermione said.

"Come on, Potter. It's not like you wouldn't have told her first, anyway. You said you would," Draco teased.

"Yes, Malfoy, I said that I would tell her. And after I'd talked to Ginny."

Hermione threw her arms around Harry and squealed, causing Harry to relent in his anger. He hugged her back. "Congratulations!" she said into his shoulder.

Then she pulled back. "Wait, Ginny is pregnant, right?"

"Yes, Hermione."

She squealed again. "Oh, goodness! Since when? How far along is she? When did this happen?"

Draco chuckled.

"Well, she's… three months along, so that would mean Christmas. I mean, that's the only time I have seen her."

"Oh, I'm so excited!"

Harry looked at Draco. "We were going to wait to tell everyone until everything cleared up…"

"I'm so glad I know, though," Hermione said, finally settling down. "Aren't you happy, Harry?"

He finally smiled. "Yes, I am."

"That's so incredible!"

Draco realized he'd been staring at Hermione. The smile that had lit her face at the news of the expected baby was the most carefree and light he'd ever seen on her. He looked at his tea cup and took a drink.

"Draco, I need to ask you something," said Harry.

"Go on."

"That… spell you cast, just when Voldemort died. Why did you?"

Draco sat straight in his seat. "I spent a good deal of time researching Horcruxes before coming to you. One thing I learned about them is that once they're made, they like to stay made. They are difficult to completely destroy. All the others went more easily than the final one because they weren't the last. This one, the piece that remained inside the Dark Lord, was the last piece. I knew that when you killed him, that piece would try to assume a new host. You were the closest thing. I'd prepared myself to cast the Splitting spell. With a lot of luck, I timed it right."

"So… I was hit with a part of his soul?"

"Yes. But unlike when a soul is split to create a Horcrux, this wasn't a viable piece. The other half went into a rock, which I then completely destroyed."

"Oh, but what if you hadn't been there?" Hermione asked in barely a whisper.

He looked at her and Merlin help him, he just wanted to take her in his arms and hold her forever. "Let's… just be glad we don't have to think about that, shall we?"

She nodded. "I guess you knew more about Horcruxes than you let on."

"Yes. And I appreciated your attempts to learn ways to…circumvent the killing of the host, but such a thing isn't possible. At least, it's never been attempted."

"You could have said."

"It wouldn't have changed anything."

"I suppose not."

Draco signed. "So what happens next?"

"I spoke to the Interrogator yesterday. He said we'd hear something by the weekend."

Draco shook his head, disbelief, relief and a hint of fear running through him, and looked at Harry. "How is everyone?"

He shrugged. "I've only been awake for about two hours; Hermione would know better than I."

Draco looked at her and felt all kinds of things happen inside him when their eyes met. He knew he loved her, and he knew she cared about him, but he sensed an odd reluctance from her. She'd been…distant. When she'd seen him earlier, she'd been exactly her. Now, though, it felt as though something had wedged itself between them and he had no idea what it was.

She smiled. "Ron is good, Ginny is good. The Order…" she looked at Harry. "Has a lot of questions— foremost, why you trusted Draco."

Harry nodded and looked at Draco, who then addressed Hermione. "If I get out, and after… I do a few things, I can let Harry out of the Vow. He'll be free to tell anyone he wishes what we talked about."

Hermione inhaled sharply and something in her chest tightened.

"No, Draco, I wouldn't," said Harry. "No one needs to know that; people will just have to accept that I trusted you and that I had my reasons."

Draco felt the lightness Harry must have been talking about earlier. He smiled, amazed that though he'd started out expecting nothing, he'd gained a friend. Or two. He looked at Hermione.

"How are you doing?" he asked her pointedly, surprised at how sure he sounded, that he sounded like he knew what he was doing when really he felt a little small at the moment.

She blushed slightly. "I – I'm fine."

Harry's eyes widened and he looked from Draco to Hermione, then back to Draco. He raised his eyebrows, silently asking Draco if he wanted him to leave. Draco shook his head and looked back to Hermione. "How are you really doing?" he asked.

She looked at him, a myriad emotions passing over her face, among them relief and even more fear than he'd ever seen in her before. He frowned.

The door opened and a nervous-looking wizard entered. "M-Mr. Potter, Sir, your time with the prisoner is over."

Harry nodded and stood; Hermione did too. "Thank you."

Draco could see through the slightly open door that the crowd was still waiting, still hoping for a glimpse inside. Flashes were again going off almost nonstop.

"So, Draco, guess this is it for awhile. Hopefully we'll hear something soon. He extended his hand; Draco gave him a questioning look. "Everyone is watching," Harry said. "This moment will shape the future."

Draco nodded, understanding, and clasped Harry's hand. If he thought the cameras had been constant before, they were now so brilliant he couldn't see for a few moments after the door closed behind Harry and Hermione.


Two days later, just before dawn, there was another knock on Draco's door. He sat up and waited for the knocker to enter.

"You ready?" came the gruff and annoyed voice of a guard.

"Yes," Draco replied. The door swung wide and he walked through it. The guard led him through the bowels of Azkaban to the security desk outside the Apparation point that led back to the Ministry. The guard pushed him toward the desk, and with one final malicious sneer, turned back into the prison.

"Draco Malfoy," said the security guard. "Here are your belongings: one wand, one set robes, one pair pants, one shirt, one pair shoes. And an additional set of clean clothes, dropped off earlier this morning. Please change."

He did as he was told, still worried that at any moment, someone would burst through the door and shout that there had been a mistake, that he wasn't free to leave after all. But nothing happened, and he quietly entered the small Apparation station, and in a few moments, found himself at the Ministry of Magic. One person was in the room waiting for him.


Draco grinned. "Potter."

"Thought you might want this," Harry said, handing Draco a Muggle ball cap. "Help cover up all that shiny hair. Just in case even this was leaked somehow."

"Thanks," he replied, putting the cap on. Together they walked in silence through the Ministry toward the front entrance. There was no crowd—no reporters, no cameras flashing. Draco had specifically requested, in his most demanding tone, that a date and time be set for his release, but that he be actually freed the day before. He wanted no attention whatsoever.

When they reached the giant fountain, Harry stopped. "Listen, Draco. I… was wondering if you'd come with me to Grimmauld Place."

Draco looked at him askance. "Why?"

Harry glanced up at the centaur and smiled. "You just planned on running off, then?"

Draco frowned. "I… thought I'd go home, get some real sleep for a change. I hadn't planned on running off anywhere."

"Look, Draco. We're… friends now. I'd like it to stay that way."

He wasn't sure what to say. "What's at Grimmauld Place? If you expect me to walk into some sort of… celebration, or party, or…some such thing, you can forget it."

"No, no," said Harry with a wave. "It's just me, and the others. Ron, Hermione, Ginny. I promise."


Harry grinned. "Excellent. And oh, the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix are at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place."

Draco looked at him questioningly.

"Secret Keeper," Harry said. "See you there."

The house was quiet when they arrived. Harry led Draco to the kitchen, where the others were sitting quietly. Draco felt very awkward walking into the room, but as soon as he saw Hermione, he relaxed. She smiled at him and got up from her seat.

"You hungry?" she asked, heading toward the stove.

He smiled back. "Yeah."

"The usual?"

"Sounds perfect."

Draco sat at the end of the table and Harry sat by Ginny.

"So, Malfoy," said Ron. "Tell us about the terms of your release. We're all really interested."

"Oh, well, okay. I have a week to get a few things in order from the Manor. The Ministry is going to take it. And good riddance. I never want to set foot there again. Though I must, as I have to make arrangements for a place for my mother to live. Nothing major, simply move her things to one of the other houses."

Ron's jaw dropped and Ginny kicked him, eliciting an "Ow!"

"After that week, I begin a sixth-month period wherein I'm not allowed to do magic."

"What?" said Harry. "Really? No magic at all?"

"No. I'm to turn in my wand. Some rubbish about teaching me that magic is a privilege or whatnot. I don't think my life will be vastly affected. Following this period, I'll have an additional six months of probation, but I will get my wand back. I've been tagged with a tracer so the Ministry will know my whereabouts at all times. For a year. Let's see, what else… oh yes, donate graciously to whatever causes the Ministry wishes, allow them to have full control over everything in the Manor minus a few personal affects, and Potter, we have to give an interview."

"Oh. Well, I figured," Harry said with a shrug.

"I agreed to do one, and one only. With you. You may decide who will give it."


"So that's it?" Ron asked.

Draco smirked, remembering that Ron had hoped he would get what he deserved. "That's it, Weasley. Sorry to disappoint you."

"No, no, it's not that," Ron said hurriedly. "I was just checking."

Hermione set a plate of eggs in front of Draco and took the seat beside Ron. "I've had a very busy last couple of days," she said, looking at Draco. "I spent the day before last going over the plans I came up with for the Death Eater round up with Seamus and then his boss. Yesterday I presented the plans to the entire office of Aurors. They're going to start on it immediately."

"Good," said Draco.

"And about your mother," Hermione continued.

"What about her?"

"They've all agreed she can go free. She was in prison during the end phase, she'd had no firm evidence against her, and she's cooperated completely with the Ministry since her arrest."

Draco nodded. "As soon as I'm able, I plan to collect her and take her to the Edge. While Azkaban would be a safe place for her to remain, she'd be more comfortable in my house." He paused and smiled slightly. "Though it will be far less than she's used to. They said her release would be arranged during this week." He didn't want to say any more, not in front of the others, but he felt a great sense of relief that his mother would be okay and not sentenced to life in prison.

"I can't believe it's over," said Ginny after no one had spoken for several minutes.

Harry squeezed her hand and looked at everyone at the table in turn. "Me either."


As the day wore on, more and more people congregated at Grimmauld Place. First the Weasleys arrived, just before lunch, and then after tea, the Order trickled in. Before Draco knew what had happened, it was in fact a full-blown celebration, complete with fireworks (courtesy of Fred and George), a most delicious dinner (prepared by Molly), cakes and puddings of all kinds donated to Harry from various shops around England, and more butterbeer and firewhiskey than The Leaky Cauldron could claim.

Draco didn't mind the growing party, as most of the focus was placed on Harry. He'd somewhat enjoyed watching the Weasleys interact, and they approached him cautiously to offer their congratulations and thanks. The Order was even more reserved, sending him nods from across the room. Some of them outright stared at him, making him slightly uneasy, but his cousin, Tonks, welcomed him openly. She even mussed his hair, to his annoyance, and told him he had to stop by for a visit sometime. He'd quickly agreed to get her away from his hair.

Once the party was in full swing, he hung back, away from the crowd, staying out of the spotlight as much as possible. Instead, he sipped on butterbeer and watched Hermione. He'd stuck around because Harry had threatened to regale the group with stories of their efforts, focused on Draco, if he tried to leave. However, the festivities showed no end in sight, and by eleven that evening, he was exhausted and quite ready for a bit of peace and quiet.

From across the room, Draco nodded to Harry, who quickly made his way over. "I'm leaving."

"So soon?" Harry asked with a frown.

"Soon? I've been here since six this morning. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since…before we left on the mission."

Harry laughed. "Okay, okay. You can go."

Draco rolled his eyes and pushed away from the wall against which he'd been leaning. "Thanks. See you around."

"You mean it?"

"Yes, Harry."

"Okay. Goodnight, then."

Draco nodded and watched as Harry returned to his wife. He smiled to himself, then his eyes met Hermione's. She smiled and he started toward her, but Molly crossed his path before he got to her. He thanked her for dinner, and the lovely evening, and when she moved on, Hermione was standing in her place.

"Hey," she said, shoving her hands in her pockets.

He thought she looked very adorable and very nervous, and he knew it was because of him, but he had no other choice. Things had to happen in a certain order before they could continue the conversation they'd started the night before he left.

"Hey. Um, well, goodnight."

She blinked. "You're leaving?"

"Yes. I'm…beat," he replied running a hand through his hair.


"Look, like I'd said earlier, I have a few things to take care of."

She nodded.

"After that's done, there's the matter of the island."

"And the chocolate cake."

He smiled. "Yes. But I need a few days. I'll Owl you when I'm ready, okay?"

She bit her lip and frowned, and looked away.

"What?" he asked.

She shook her head, still not looking at her.

Draco took hold of her shoulders and she looked back at him. "What is it?"

"That's it?"

"What's it?"

"You'll Owl me?"

She was hurt. By him. Again. The last thing on earth he wanted to do was hurt her, but things were only going to get worse before they could get better. "Yes. You'll understand everything, I promise. I told you I would tell you everything and I fully intend to keep that promise."

"But… I mean, you're not… well…"

"What, Hermione?"

A small smile stole onto her lips and it sent his insides roiling. He almost pulled her to him the rest of the way and kissed her, in the middle of the room, in front of all those people. Almost.

"I…" her voice dropped to a whisper. "You've barely spoken to me all day. Aren't you glad to see me?"

His chest tightened and he squeezed her shoulders. "Yes. Of course. And I'm sorry, but… you'll understand. Soon. Okay?"

She nodded and made to move closer, but stopped herself and pulled out of his grasp. "Okay. You'll Owl me."

"I will," he said earnestly. "Soon."

Hermione nodded and sighed. "Goodnight, then."

"Goodnight, Hermione."

Another nod and sigh and she started to move away from him. Bugger, why did there have to be so many people around? In an instant, he reached out and grabbed her hand. Draco thought he might implode at the contact as waves of energy surged through his arm.

She stopped, looked down at their joined hands, then up at him. He held her gaze and gave her hand a small squeeze, hoping she'd understand to follow him. Then he released her hand and made his way through the room. She followed him into the foyer and through the front door onto the stoop.

As soon as the door had shut behind them, he turned around and took her face in his hands and kissed her. Kissed her as though his next breath depended on it. She returned it immediately, and his hands were in her hair and hers were around his neck and it was the most perfect thing he'd ever felt in his life. It was full of longing, passion, and desperate need. Then he broke the kiss and hugged her to him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, forgive me," he whispered over and over, feeling his lungs constrict and his throat tighten and tears prick his eyes. She held him tighter. He never wanted to let her go, never wanted to lose her. The thought that she might hate him again in the course of the next week was too much for him to bear.

Hermione only held on and rubbed his back, saying, "It's okay, shh, I do, I do. It's okay."

He shook his head against her hair but he couldn't speak, too overcome. He had everything to lose now and he was terrified.

"Draco…" she said and that was all he could take.

He pulled back and shook his head. "Just – just know that I'm sorry, okay? And… and that this is the most important thing I've ever done."

She nodded, obviously confused and now getting upset. "Draco – "

"Goodnight," he said, cutting her off, and he turned around and took a few steps, then Disapparated.


A/N: Sigh. Only three more chapters to go! I'm really starting to miss this story already, and it's not even finished! I know you're all going to be wonderful and help me from being too depressed when the time finally comes. I really hoped you liked this chapter! Until next week!