
25. Storm in a Shadowbox

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter...

Note: Title taken from a (big surprise) Dar Williams song called "I Love, I Love (Traveling II)". Thanks, as always, to the incredible Eilonwy for betaing this.


Chapter 25 - Storm in a Shadowbox

The next morning, Hermione avoided Draco, who spent the whole day with Harry planning their next few moves. Hermione's only interaction with either of them was when she'd bring Draco his potion. She would smile grandly at Harry, making small talk, and glare at Draco. She prepared them food and left it out for them to eat, choosing to eat alone

She'd intended to really think about everything that was going on with her – specifically the annoying, pestering feelings for Malfoy, but most of the day she spent staring into space, allowing her mind to go where it wished.

It ended up going to her parents most of the time. The two-year anniversary of their death was the next day. She doubted Harry remembered; he was so preoccupied, now and then, that it wouldn't have made an impression. And she knew for certain Draco wouldn't remember.

She wasn't even angry at him anymore, just terribly sad. Those things she'd yelled at him had been the weight of the approaching anniversary of their deaths, not any harbored resentment toward him. She thought he knew that, but couldn't be sure; she hoped so, because she wasn't sure if she could apologize, not with what was going on in her mind. It was too heavy. She would end up crying, and crying twice in two days in front of him was not acceptable.

After dinner, Hermione found Harry and Draco still poring over papers in the dining room.

"Malfoy," she said.

He looked up at her.

"I need to check to make sure your wound is healed."

"Okay… what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to lie down and let me see your stomach."

Draco didn't like that idea much. "Where?"

"I don't really care."

"The sofa in the sitting room."

"Okay." Neither of them moved.

"Now?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm going to bed."

"So early, Hermione?" asked Harry.

"I'm tired," she said, and left the room. Draco reluctantly followed Hermione into the sitting room. She folded her arms across her chest and watched as he lay down.

Her impatient manner was getting on Draco's nerves, and making him nervous. Which was really quite silly. He looked at Hermione, waiting for her to cross the room and examine him. He saw her frown, and realized that she was just as nervous as he was, if not more. She wasn't impatient, she was nervous about what she had to do. The last time she'd looked at his injuries, he'd been unconscious.

Knowing that gave him all he needed to get past his own nervousness.

"Uhm, stomach," she said, still from the doorway.

"Oh, right," he said. He sat up and took his shirt off. He heard her take a sharp breath and he smirked.

The last time Hermione had seen so much of Draco, he'd been covered with nasty looking bruises. She half-expected them to still be there, even though she'd completely healed him. When his skin appeared perfectly flawless, save the slashed scar from sixth year, she felt immense relief.

"Today, Granger," he said, impatiently.

"Oh, hush," she snapped. She crossed the room and stood by the sofa. She gulped and heard him chuckle. That made her angry, and part of her, a large part, was tempted to poke him with her wand, and hard; he'd never know it wasn't what she was supposed to do.

Instead, she passed her wand over where his spleen was located and muttered a spell. There was a blue flash.

"Congratulations, it's a boy," she said, then left the room, leaving Draco to stare after her, highly puzzled. "You're fine," she finally called, and Draco heard her climb the stairs to her room and shut the door.


When Hermione woke up the next morning, she knew something was wrong. She felt awful, as though she were full of lead. Slowly she opened her eyes and glanced around her room. Nothing appeared out of place, or upset in any way. The heaviness sat on her heart and her mind, and she tried to lift her head, but found that for some reason, she couldn't move. She panicked, her eyes racing around the room, finally landing on her wand, just out of reach on her nightstand. Sitting next to her wand was a small, monthly calendar that had pictures of famous potions and how to make them. Her eyes were drawn to a box that had no special markings, no words, only a very blank, white space.

Two years ago today, Draco had killed her parents. The weight seemed to increased, and she curled into a ball, tears springing into her eyes. She cried off and on for a while, fading in and out of sleep until she finally returned to an uneasy, semi-deep sleep.

When she awoke, Hermione could see the sun poking through the cracks in her drapes, and judging by the angle the line of sunlight made with the wall, it was around lunchtime. Fresh, hot tears filled her eyes, but as she looked around the room, she noticed something new; a green card was standing propped up on her dresser. She frowned and forced herself to get out of bed to see what it was.

The card was a deep, emerald green with a silver "M" on the front. Hermione took a deep breath to steady herself and picked it up.

"I'm still sorry" was all it said. Once again, the tears started to fall and she leaned against the dresser for support. These were different tears from the first ones. They were tears of release instead of filled with grief. As she cried, she felt slightly better. A quiet knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

"Granger," came a soft voice; it was Malfoy.

She wiped her eyes with a tissue and crossed to the door and cracked it. Draco was standing there alone, dressed in his traveling cloak.

"We're leaving," he said.

Hermione's heart fell, and she let the tears fall unashamed, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Draco opened the door the rest of the way and pulled her into his arms; he held her tightly as if he would never let her go, as if he could push all the hurt away. She could feel his heart beating and its constant rhythm soothed her, as did the steady rise and fall of his chest. Gradually her sobs slowed, then stopped. She pulled away from him, wiping her eyes.

"Do you want us to stay?" he asked quietly. She shook her head, and he tilted her chin so their gaze met. "Hermione, will you be okay today? Tell me the truth. I hate that we're leaving you alone today."

She looked into his eyes and saw deep concern and worry. "Yes," she said weakly. "Thank you."

Draco wrapped her in his arms again, then released her and leaned down and kissed her forehead. "See you soon." He turned and left her standing there before he lost the ability and the resolve to leave.

Hermione was left leaning against the doorframe; the touch of his lips still had her reeling. For the rest of the day, Hermione thought about her parents, but she didn't cry again. Whenever she was about to, she thought of Draco holding her, or his card, or the kindness in his voice, and she smiled. He actually had remembered. She found that she was actually sad that he wasn't able to be there that day. The relatively small effort he'd made for her sent her mind whirling with hope, and she found she very much wanted to be around him more.

She didn't cry again that day.


Hermione received an owl from Seamus telling her he'd managed to get her a visit with Narcissa three days after Harry and Draco had left. The morning of her appointment, Hermione rose early and mentally prepared herself.

She had no idea what to expect, and she was slightly afraid. Would Narcissa be able to tell that she'd been around Draco? Would she call her names and put her down? Would she even talk to her?

When she arrived at the Ministry, she went directly to meet Seamus on the lowest level of the building where they would walk the long, underground tunnels to Apparate to Azkaban.

"Thanks for coming," Seamus said with a grim smile. "We've had absolutely no luck with her, which is why Taylor agreed to let you try. You were the only one Andromeda would talk to; maybe Narcissa will be the same.

Hermione nodded, and they started walking. She couldn't help but wonder why Andromeda had been open with her and no one else. Was Draco right? Had she been able to sense that they were working together regularly, and therefore trusted Hermione? Again, her fears and questions about meeting Draco's mother flooded her mind, and Seamus had to call her name three times before she heard him.

"We're here," he said, indicating the small control room where they would be manually Apparated to Azkaban.

Hermione was led to the same room where she'd met with Draco in August. Narcissa was already there, sitting with her back board-straight, staring straight ahead. Her hair was perfectly straight, not a strand out of place, and the grey prison wear still managed to look good on her.

Hermione sat down across from her. Narcissa was staring at a point somewhere over Hermione's shoulder.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Malfoy."

Narcissa made no reply and gave no indication that she'd heard her.

Hermione took a deep breath. "My name is Hermione Granger."

Narcissa slowly brought her gaze to meet Hermione's and when their eyes met, she cocked an eyebrow. "The Mudblood?"

Hermione clenched her jaw but refused to let the word get to her. "Yes," she said finally.

Narcissa blinked. "Well? Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"And you're doing an excellent job. Please continue."

"I spoke with your sister when she was first brought in, and I had a few questions for you."

"Ah, I see. So you really wanted to converse with me, not talk to me." The older woman smirked. "Honestly, you should words that convey your intentions more precisely. It makes the communication process run ever so much more smoothly."

"You're right, of course," admitted Hermione grudgingly.

"I fail to see why my sister would talk to you, and not to anyone else."

"She said it was because of the way I said your name."

Narcissa studied her for a moment, then waved her hand. "Ask your questions."

"Andromeda was brought in under suspicion of participating in Dark Arts with you. She maintained that it was nothing of the sort. What is the truth?"

"Miss Granger. My sister has never, in any way, been involved with the Dark Arts. Such an idea is quite ridiculous."

"I am aware of that, which is why I'm very curious as to the true reason behind the sudden resumption of your relationship. I have reason to doubt the explanation Andromeda gave."

"What makes you think I would tell you the truth? I could just as easily lie the way she did."

"She told me it was because of your son."

Narcissa stiffened immediately at the mention of Draco, looking at Hermione with such intensity that she felt transparent. She felt as though Narcissa were trying to peer into her brain, but she felt no effects of magic. Then Narcissa relaxed, as though she'd figured something out.

"Pray, tell me what else my sister told you."

"She said you requested her presence because you were worried about your son. That you needed someone you could confide in about your fears. Lucius wouldn't hear it, and your other sister wouldn't care. So you called on her."

Narcissa took a deep breath. "What she told you is the truth."

Silently, Hermione cheered; she'd been right when she'd told Draco his mother truly cared about him. "Mrs. Malfoy. I have always been under the impression that you and your son are not close."

"No, we are not close. But I am still his mother. And I observe my son. I have been observing him since he was very small. I know much about him from the way he carries himself, the way he walks into a room, the way he greets Lucius and myself. Two years ago, something happened to change him."

Hermione sucked in her breath. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, exactly. Draco was sent on a mission, and he did not complete it. But after that mission, he was changed. It started out small, but it has grown. The last time I saw him was in the middle of July and his eyes – his eyes – were wholly unlike I'd ever seen them before, and their change started after that mission.

"Before it, there was no life behind them. In fact, up to that night, I feared for his life, that he would do something rash and end up paying with his life. The morning after the partially failed mission however, I saw the fog had lifted, just a little. But it was enough that I could see it.

"Over the past two years, I watched as his eyes became clearer and more focused, as he sat taller when he came to tea with me, as the confident stride returned to his step. I was thrilled to see that something had happened to restore him to life, but I was afraid of what it might mean."

"Why? What did you think it meant?"

Narcissa looked very carefully at Hermione before continuing. "I believe that Draco looked in the mirror and finally hated what he saw. And that he made a decision to change his circumstances."

It couldn't be coincidence that the two-year anniversary of her parents' death fell at the same time as Draco's sudden but subtle change. Her heart was pounding as she realized, once again but more forcefully this time, that there must be a link between the two things.

"Go on, please," Hermione said. "Explain to me why you were afraid."

"If he had, indeed, gone through a change of heart, so to speak, he would be in grave danger from the Dark Lord. I haven't heard from him since I last saw him, and Lucius tells me he's in India, or some such place, but I can't help but think he's been hurt. Or – or killed, even."

"Surely someone would have told you if he'd been killed."

Narcissa shook her head. "I've been under too much suspicion from Lucius and Bellatrix. They believe I have only cooperated with the Dark Lord because of Draco. They would keep his death from me so that I wouldn't rebel against my master and be killed."

Narcissa's eyes were shimmering with tears. "I am truly worried for him."

Hermione looked away for a moment. "I believe you," she said. "But what does that have to do with Andromeda?"

"Meda was the only one I could talk to. And she tried to catch wind of him through her own connections, but she had no luck at all."

"Andromeda was released the same day you were arrested. Don't you find that at all odd?"

Narcissa had already recovered from nearly crying and her face was hard once again. "Not really, no."

"Your sister was being held because they wanted her to disclose information about you or Lucius that would aid in their efforts against the Dark Side. Don't you worry that she did turn against you?"

Narcissa smirked. "No. Andromeda gave them exactly what I told her to give."

Hermione gasped. "I – I don't understand."

"Meda gave them just enough to get herself released and me imprisoned."

"But why would you want that?"

Narcissa looked nearly on the verge of tears again, and her hand trembled as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.



When Hermione was lying in bed that night, she couldn't help but think over what Narcissa had said. She could only come to one conclusion when she coupled it with what Harry had told her. She dreaded telling Draco, but she knew she had to. And soon. He still didn't even know she'd been arrested, and Hermione felt terrible about it. She would tell him soon, but the timing had to be right. He had to be in a good mood. Because what she had to tell him would quickly put him in a bad one.


They returned after lunch on the seventh day after they left. Hermione was finishing her lunch when she heard them come in.

They sounded like they were in high spirits, laughing as they closed the door.

"Hey, Hermione!" said Harry brightly. He gave her a big, friendly hug. "How have you been?"

"Just fine. Although a few days ago I hit a dead end in my task," she said, grinning. Draco was looking at her almost shyly. "I was so bored I seriously thought about using Draco's broom."

Harry's eyes widened in amused shock.

"Using it for what?" asked Draco.

"To fly," she said.

Draco looked from Hermione, to Harry, then back to Hermione. "So…"

"So, I hate flying. I knew it would be a rush – a scary one, I know – but it was starting to sound appealing."

"Well, I'm glad we've returned and can help relieve your boredom," Harry said.

"You took a break?" Draco asked.

"Yes," she said, "but I needed a break. I tried to find other things to do, but without being able to leave," she gave Draco a significant, playfully annoyed glance, "I didn't have a whole lot of options."

"Well, it should please you to know that we're nearly at the end of our work," said Harry.

She inhaled sharply. "You've figured out the Horcrux?" She looked at Draco, who didn't seem overly concerned. She couldn't tell him now, they'd just returned from a long mission, and he deserved time to relax. Soon though.

"Almost," said Harry. "We're getting closer to Voldemort's demise."

"And your inevitable battle, which could be terrible," she said.

"We've been working for six and a half months now to try and ensure that the outcome is, in fact, favorable," said Draco.

"I know that," she said, "But can you really be prepared for something like that?"

Draco shrugged. "You can certainly be unprepared, which Harry will not be."

"I thought you were going to kill him, Malfoy."

"Nope. Swore off killing, remember?"

Hermione frowned, and looked at Harry. "But Bellatrix – "

"It's okay, Hermione," said Harry. "She'll get what she deserves. I'm okay with Draco's decision."

Hermione now became quite afraid. Harry was going to face Voldemort after all. That terrified her, but at the same time, she was relieved that it wouldn't be Draco. When that realization hit her, she felt awful. Harry was one of her dearest friends, and Draco was just – well, he was just- not. But he was something to her.

Harry sat down and took her hand. "Hermione," he started. She looked into his eyes. "We've known this since fifth year. I have come to terms with what is required of me – I have to try. I can't just – not try."

Hermione looked into her lap, fighting back tears. "I know, Harry, I do." She looked up at him, determination written on her face. "And you know I'll do anything in the world to help. Even – " she gulped. " – even let you go."

Harry's eyes moistened and he hugged her. "I love you, Hermione. Thank you."

"I love you too, Harry." They held each other tightly for a few minutes. When they pulled apart, Draco was gone.

Harry handed Hermione a tissue for her eyes. "Just so you know, Hermione. I feel, more than ever, like I have a shot at this. Thanks to Malfoy. He's – not the same person, you know. He's not that monster he once was."

"I know," she said, nodding.

"I actually trust him. Can you believe it?" He chuckled. "I, Harry Potter, trust Draco Malfoy. Sometimes it still baffles me."

"Harry, how far do you really trust him? I mean, how much?"

"I trust him with my life. I already have." He looked at her intently. "I trust him with you."


"It's true." He stood up. "If something happens to me, I know you'll be taken care of, and that means a lot to me. But don't worry, I haven't said anything to him. I don't want his head to swell any bigger than it already is. He's more subdued now than he was, but he's still a little full of himself."

She smiled. "Yeah, sometimes it shows."

"Well, we've got some work to do."

"Okay. I'm going to visit Ginny tonight."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yeah. Just for the evening. You two are on your own for dinner."

"Why?" said Draco, re-entering the room.

"I'm going out."

"With whom?" he asked, stiffly.

She looked at him and quirked an eyebrow. "Ginny, and I'm just going to the Burrow."

Draco resisted the urge to protest. He really didn't want Hermione to leave, but couldn't come up with a good enough reason to keep her there. "Fine, you can go," he said.

She smiled at him. "I wasn't asking. Lunch," she said, pointing to the sandwich materials on the counter and went up to her room.

Hermione came back down after a few minutes wearing simple Muggle clothes – jeans and a t-shirt. Draco couldn't help but smile a little.

"Bye, guys! See you later tonight!"

"Bye, Hermione. I'm completely jealous that you're going to spend the evening with my wife!" said Harry, seeing her out the door.

"I know. I'll try and get her to talk about you a little." Hermione winked and left.

Harry returned to the kitchen where Draco was fixing a sandwich.

"Why won't she just stay put?" he grumbled, applying butter to his bread.

"Because she's Hermione. You wouldn't like her if she were any different. She's bored, and she lives currently with two males. And do you know what tomorrow is?"

Draco frowned. "No… Sunday?"

"The infamous, unbearable, red and pink holiday."

"What? Oh – ugh. Really? Tomorrow?"

"Afraid so."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"No matter what's going on in the world – this War, our work here, petrol shortages – all girls everywhere pay some sort of homage to this holiday, either with their significant others, or other single girls. Poor nutrition and bad romance movies reign, at least in the Muggle world. In the wizarding world, I imagine there's still a good bit of poor nutrition, but perhaps girls burn pictures of boys they wish they were with instead of only being friends."

Draco looked like he'd just been given a blast-ended skrewt for a pet.

"Oh, and Malfoy, I'm spending tomorrow with Ginny. It's a bit of a requirement."


Harry looked hard at Draco. "You know, it'll just be you and Hermione tomorrow."

Draco glared at him. "And you point is what, exactly?"

"Just – go easy on her. Try to give her a break."

"Me?? She is just as antagonistic as I am, if not more."

"Still. She'll be emotional, so don't bait her."

"Potter, I'll do you one better. I won't even see her tomorrow. I will stay away from her, and she won't even have to set eyes on me. How's that?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "That's a bit extreme, don't you think?"

"No, not if you want a guarantee that we won't get into a row."

"That's not exactly what I had in mind."

"Oh no? Then what?"

Harry looked at him, thoughtful. He decided against sharing his opinion with Draco. "Never mind."

"No, unacceptable. What?"

Harry sighed. "It might be nice for you to do something, well, nice for her."

Realization hit Draco. "Oh! You were hoping I'd buy her flowers? Or sweets? Confess my undying love?" he asked sarcastically.

"Something. Not quite as extreme as undying love, but something," Harry muttered.

"Well, you can forget that. It's not going to happen. Haven't we discussed this already?"

"No, you refuse to discuss it."

"Because there's nothing to discuss!" Draco was starting to get angry. "I'm done with this. We have work to do."


That evening, as Draco lay in bed reading, waiting for Hermione to get home, he was nervous. He'd heard that on days like tomorrow, strange things could happen, things that wouldn't happen on any other day. So Draco determined he really would avoid Hermione. Just to be safe.


A/N: Well? How was that? A little something, right? Do tell me what you thought! Up next: Valentine's Day! And how funny that the posting will fall very close to February 14!