
We Know Our Past Lives!

(Let me tell you a story. This story is about a boy Who rei........) "Clara!!!, Fuck You!! I told you, I was going to narrate my story...." (A Young boy shouted! Interrupting the Narrator...) "Would you please give it a rest? It's my story. I wanna narrate it." Clara sighed....and replied without breaking a sweat. "Is that So? Then, Go Fuck Yourself. What's taking you so long to even start your goddamn novel." The Young boy was unable to answer her question. And Clara continued..... (Ahem! This is the story about a young boy who still shits on his pants.) "What the fuck are you writing??" The young boy shouted at her after seeing that line. "Well, Fuck You! I'm the writer here...So, I'll write whatever shit I want." She replied. "Yaa! Fuck You! I'm not gonna let you do that!!!" He said. She said, "Fuck You!" He replied, "Fuck You!!" And...... Then They Fucked!! (This is the Story about Two Lovers who got their memories from their past lives. And then realising that they had been lovers in every life. As they now know everything about each other. Each One is trying to write down what they know about the other, in a novel.)

Sokomon · Fantasy
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Let's Introduce Ourselves

Hi!, I'm Clara. And the person with a rude voice whom you'll see later in this novel...would be John.

We are Childhood Friends/ Neighbours/ Couple to be!/ Future Spouse/ Whatever....I'm not getting any more words!

This is my first time writing a novel.

So, The theme of this novel would be.....

"Past Lives".


We are like those guys whom you might have seen in the Hollywood Movie, "Hancock".

We remember our past lives. And both of us were lovers in every timeline.

The only difference between us and them is.....'We don't get weak if we stay as a couple, and we don't have superpowers.' That's all. The rest is the same.


The thing is I did not know about John and My relationship till I reached eighteen. He's two years older than me by the way. When I reached adulthood, My life completely changed. It felt like I had known him for aeons.


I still remember the day...

After recalling my past lives with him, I rushed towards his house..!

And When he realised that I remember everything now... This shithead started crying.

I hugged him. And here we are. It feels like I can even tell you guys about his body count. Something like that....


I still am unsure about What body count means...? Is it the amount of people you killed? Or the number of times you had sex? I don't know. But, I sure am confident that I can tell you guys about his these both things accurately.


So, The thing is We will be writing chapters in our novel one by one...telling you guys about our lives. The way we want to live or die or shits. So, Stay tuned! (BYY! FROM CLARA.)


Hello. My name is John. I was here the whole time she was writing the quarter of the chapter(Clara:What do you mean by Quarter? It's nearly half.)

Yaa! Nearly half of the chapter (pfft! roughly 300 words.)


So, What she said is true. We, do remember our past lives. And I don't know if I can say all of them, But yeah, Almost all of them. And I do remember her being with me in each one of them. I'll share a secret with you guys, at the end of this novel! Which I think, even she doesn't know.


So, This chapter is just an introduction about ourselves and the things here and there. And, yes! We do love each other more than anything in the world. If you guys have any questions regarding anything at all...Feel free to reach out. In the comment section, or the review section, or wherever...you can suggest where!



So, There was this incident where she said that I cried, right?

The thing is....I also got my memories when I crossed Eighteen years of age. And, I was in shock, that the friend I cherished as my best friend, turned out to be my Match made in Heaven/Hell/Earth/I don't know where....

So, I was kinda dumbfounded for around one or two months. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to approach her now. So, I just reacted like how I was before. Then, After a year later, I realised that she might also get her memories when she turns into an adult. It was a gamble because if this didn't happen, I didn't know what to do with my life, in this timeline....


Then, When I went to her Eighteenth birthday party, It was just Us and our families. I checked many times to see if she was behaving any differently...But, Nothing happened, and the party ended. We went to our home. And that's it.

I was shocked. I don't remember what was it that I was even thinking back then. I was ready to wait for another life, I guess. But, I would not die for this sole reason, as it would make everyone I love Unhappy for the rest of their lives. So, I was planning to live like a normal guy, and of course, get her love in a normal way...and love her like any other normal person would do. I hoped that someday, She'll remember me. Or something like that... I don't know.


So, Yeah! That's it. I guess. After one or two hours, I think? She came to my house and entered my room with a BANG! Possessing the same look I had when I first recalled my memories.


So, Damn! That was the reason I did that shameful thing. Ofc, anyone would cry.... When, What you love most in the world, loves you back the same.


Shit! That was the best moment in my life!!!!!



{Hello! It's Me! The God of their Universe! I see everything and shit! So, Yeah! I'll interrupt from time to time, like a narrator or something. I'll say what they are doing in real-time while writing their own story! And, Don't you dare tell them that they are being watched by a self-proclaimed god who is peeping on their every part of life? Don't worry, I love them more than anything in this world. So, I won't do them or let them go in the harm's way. And, ofc, I won't interfere with their decisions as well. I'LL BE NARRATING IN THE SEMI COLUMNS {} OKAY! See Yaa Soon!}



So, The main thing is...WE'LL WRITE EACH CHAPTER WITH THE STORY OF ONE LIFE IN IT. I know, it's not possible to add everything in one chapter. But, We have thousands of lives left to write! So, a compromise is needed here.

Ofc, Some Special lives(Good/Bad) will take more than one chapter. But, That's for later.




And, don't worry god. We know that you are there, reading this, and narrating your own story. We don't mind. As you are the one who chose us to love each other for eternity we are grateful for that. Of course, we don't know what you are doing as stuff. But, yeah! We have this feeling that you are there! So, Good Luck!




Yeah! I think that's it for today. This chapter was basically an introduction to the novel we wish to write. So, Enjoy!!! I guess.

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