
We have all the space treasury in hand, so mere exile is nothing.

[Travel through books + space + confiscation of homes and exile + farming + sweet pets...] Good news: Ye Qingran has passed through books! Bad news: Exile at the start! Not afraid, she used space to take over the palace. Robbers and assassinations swarm on the road to exile. Are there difficulties and dangers? Impossible. On her way to exile, she was as safe and comfortable as traveling! Don't panic when you arrive in the North, grow food, build cities, and build a paradise step by step. But what happened to the man who kept coming up to her? Don’t you know that this girl just wants to be beautiful alone? !

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 87 Finally endured it

When they left Lianhua Village, most of the villagers came out to watch.

  It's not that I regret that they left, but I feel happy and grateful that they left.

  "We're finally gone. If it weren't for you, we could still do the work we did before. If we sell them, we won't have to worry about food and drink this year. It's better now. We can't do the work we used to do, and we can't do the work we do now. Our livelihood has been blocked by them. Break it!"

  "That's right. Now that they're gone, we're left here to suffer. I really want to kill them all."

  The villagers' words became more and more vicious. Ran clenched his fists, feeling angry in his heart, but he finally held it back.

  After all, they are leaving here. No matter what the attitude of these villagers is towards them, they will never see them again.

  Moreover, he has already told the county magistrate that if the villagers of Lianhua Village continue to traffic in humans, they will all be arrested, so they will have to do legitimate things on their own if they want to live in the future.

  Ye Guodong said: "Sure enough, people have ulterior motives. These people were thinking of us when they were making money. Now that they can no longer benefit from us, they began to abuse and blame us, and even wanted to kill us."

  Mrs. Jiang also nodded . Head: "Fortunately, we don't trust others gullibly, and we won't see each other again in the future. Let them do whatever they want."

  Ye Qingran sighed and said, "Human nature is like this, chasing fame and fortune. When there is profit, they will They will swarm up and hold you in their hands; when there is no profit, they will trample you under their feet, hoping to squeeze out the last bit of your value before they give up."

  After she said this, Chu Qingyun's expression changed. Getting a little weird.

  But he just looked at her and didn't speak.

  "Let's go. If it's later, we won't be able to find a place to stay." Ye Qingran spoke again.

  Everyone nodded and followed her footsteps, leaving Lotus Village all the way.

  When they were resting in the woods at noon, it suddenly started raining.

  Ye Qingran had checked the weather in advance and brought an umbrella knowing it would rain today.

  But the road in the mountain is a bit muddy and not easy to walk.

  "Why don't I go find you a place to shelter from the rain first? I'm good at Qinggong and can go back and forth quickly. I'll come back to you when I find a safe place."

  Ye Qingran was about to stop him, but saw that he had already flown away. .

  She felt a little strange. Even if she went to find shelter from the rain, it would take a lot of time to go back and forth. It was better to walk in the same direction together. It was close to the village and there would be a place to stay. It stands to reason that Chu Qingyun would not know this, but he turned around and left without knowing what kind of plan he had in mind.

  They held their luggage in their arms, held their umbrellas and continued walking.

  Suddenly, Ye Qingran saw a running hare. He picked up a branch from the ground and threw it. He hit the hare with one hit and knocked the hare to the ground.

  "Okay, now we have lunch, we just need to find a place to live. The rain is too heavy."

  They walked in the rain for another moment or so, and Chu Qingyun came back. He said: "I found We found a ruined temple where we can take shelter from the rain. I've seen it and it's safe there. There's no danger."

  He shook off the rainwater on his body. "It's getting late now. You must be hungry. ? When we get to the ruined temple, we will start to light a fire and make some food. After we eat, we will have the strength to go on the road. "

  His body was stained with a lot of mud, especially the uppers of his shoes and the legs of his trousers were completely muddy.

  Seeing this, Ms. Jiang immediately took out her handkerchief, bent down to wipe the dirt for him, and said, "Silly boy, the journey back and forth is not easy. Although you are good at Qinggong, you are still wet. "Little. Let's go quickly and get you some fire to keep you warm."     She spoke very gently, as if she had already acquiesced that Chu Qingyun was her future son-in-law, and regarded him as her own child.

  Chu Qingyun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I'm in good health and won't get sick. Don't worry."

  He led everyone towards the ruined temple. This road was relatively narrow. Fortunately, there were no hills along the way, so there was no need to worry about slipping. fall.

  Halfway there, there were more gravels on the road. She was walking well at first, but suddenly Jiang accidentally twisted her foot and screamed, causing everyone to look back.

  "Mom, what's wrong with you?" Ye Qingran supported her.

  "It's okay, it's just that my feet are sprained, don't worry about it."

  Ye Guodong was a little worried: "Looking at you, it should be serious, so don't be brave and let Zhuo Yu help you walk."

  Jiang shook her head: "Where is it so expensive? It's just a sprained foot, so just walk slower. Why don't you go there first? You don't have to accompany me here to get wet in the rain."

  Ye Qingran sighed: "There is no way to do this, just leave if you want. Let's go together. It's not safe in the mountains. I don't worry about leaving you here alone."

  "It's okay, Auntie, I'll carry you there."

  When he said this, everyone was a little surprised and looked at Chu Qingyun.

  After all, when Chu Qingyun came to help at home in the past, he was very measured most of the time. This was the first time he had such an intimate move.

  Ye Qingran asked: "Would it be inconvenient for you to carry my mother on your back?"

  Chu Qingyun shook his head: "It doesn't matter. With my foot strength, it is no problem to carry someone on my back, and it will not affect the speed. I just want to trouble one of you to help. Hold the umbrella, I'm worried that my aunt will get caught in the rain."

  Ye Guodong frowned slightly: "I'm afraid this is not very etiquette. Let's go slowly."

  Ye Qingran thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter if he carries it. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and I'm afraid I won't be able to see the road clearly anymore. It's better to arrive at the ruined temple as early as possible."

  After hearing what Ye Qingran said, Ye Guodong stopped stopping him and said to Chu Qingyun. : "Then I'll trouble you."

  Chu Qingyun smiled: "It's no trouble, it's all my duty. I'm walking with you just because I'm worried about your safety on the road. Now there's something I can do to help you." Happy."

  I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ye Qingran always felt that Chu Qingyun was a little different. He seemed to be much more enthusiastic than before, and he no longer felt the alienation he had before.

  But time was tight, so he didn't think much and rushed straight to the ruined temple along the way.

  The location of the ruined temple is indeed a bit remote, and it was thanks to Chu Qingyun that he was able to find this place.

  By the time they entered the ruined temple, they were basically soaked.

  Ye Qingran handed over the food and fire making matters to Ye Zhuoyu and Chu Qingyun, while he knelt down to help Jiang look at her sprained foot.

  "Fortunately, it's not serious. I just shouldn't work too hard these days and need to take a good rest."