
We fix dragons too

This is a spin-off from Lets fix the multiverse series. It starts at the end of Lets fix the tournament. Harry gets to visit Alageasia, with the wives, all kinds of opportunities will appear, Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, even Urgals. Nothing is safe for the Master of Death. This can be read as a stand-alone... Meh, stand-multi. Harry/Multi, if Eragon behaves, he can have some too. Another book from fvdv123

Jazper_Hemsath · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Every ending can lead to a new beginning

Croaker: "A Veil of Death? How is this possible?" Hermione was looking around and saw the book.

Hermione: "Harry? There is a book here, I think it needs your ring." I opened the book, hey… it is a user's manual, I hope it is not based on those from IKEA.

"Instructions are easy guys, I only need to take my dragon form and mentally order to open it. On the other side is another gate. Those are only one-way portals, the return portal is with the elves in Ellesmera. It does not say where we are heading though. And where the return portal is."

Croaker: "I can tell you where, it is in the ministry of magic, in my department, we call it the Veil of Death. We were studying it for centuries, and using it for executions."

Blooddagger: "I am afraid you need to remove the trunk from Gringotts Lord Peverell, any devices that can be used to enter or leave Gringotts without our knowledge need to be removed from our vaults.

I suggest you take it with you to Potter Mansion."

Luna was already cuddling the egg.

"Let's go home."

We took the trunk and egg and decided to leave the Grimoire behind for now.

Back at the manor, we went over the story as I remember it, then considered our options. We have to deliver the egg to Eragon, which leaves the question, what happened to Aria? Is she taken by the shade? Carrying another egg?

First, we explored the trunk. The manor was huge, everything was on stasis charms, the books were on the elf language, history, and geography it contained maps of the regions with explanations of cultures and religions. The magic that was provided for the trunk came from a magic forest, with some strange creatures, some I did not even read about in the books. A very big lake provided for the ecosystem, the water level was a bit low though.

After making sure there are no dangerous animals in the woods we left the trunk open and transferred water from a nearby waterfall into the trunk.


That afternoon Fleur's mother arrived with a group of elders, representatives from different enclaves.

We discussed the ritual we used to get our dragon animagus shape, and the faults we suspected their ritual had made. As a favor to Fleur's mother, we showed her our copy of the original book. The brains of the family, meaning all of them, started to write a ritual out, deciding the maximum number was twenty-nine, the intersections of the axis lines would be too many if they include more people, and the ingredients would cost too much. Twenty-nine for the prime number, and one matriarch as the focus.

Fleur's mother confirmed she was pregnant with a boy. Her being pregnant was the reason the matriarchs decided to trust us. We worked two days on the ritual, designing one for the spring equinox and one for the fall equinox as the ideal moments to do the ritual. The main goal was to increase the boy-to-girl birth ratio and reduce the natural emitting of the allure.

"Madam Appoline, make certain the ritual polygon is accurate, and the centerpiece is connected to a ley line. We are going to be out of reach for a couple of months doing research. There are always some of my wives in this mansion, they all are experts on this ritual and can aid you. It is possible we will return before your ritual, but it is not set in stone."

Appoline: "That is acceptable for us Harry, We are already grateful for the method to get pregnant with a boy. If the ritual succeeds, then in a few years we will be normal animagi, with a magical animagus bird. Now can you show us your dragon?" One green dragon coming up. Fleur's silver dragon came up next to me rubbing her head at my neck.

The Veela were impressed, one by one the girls changed, except the pregnant ones. Twenty dragons, very big dragons, made a magnificent sight.

A matriarch sighed: "You are right with your decision to make this possible for your children. Ours was becoming a curse, with our young girls being hunted, to be enslaved in whore houses, and treated as beasts. I hope we can change this with the rituals." We changed back to human, Fleur was hugging her mum. They left with high hopes and low expectations.


Daphne: "Love, there are big stretches of land uninhabited, especially the region Eragon moved to at the end. This is maybe a chance to move our people to a land where they can freely use magic."

Hermione: "Another point of interest is that those dragons can live for millennia, is this changed for us too? Our children?" That is a sobering thought. I already felt out of place in two thousand twenty, let alone how I should feel out of place in the year three thousand twenty. Imagining living for two or three thousand years is frightening.

Hannah: "We will find out in a couple of decades. Once that king is removed, that planet would be nice to live on."

Parvati: "Then they better have indoor plumbing." Everyone laughed at that until I shake no with my head.

Fauna: "Don't worry Parvati, you can go outside and do it the dragon way. I like the idea to move there, we can only fly freely in Harry's mindscape, not in the real world."

"We can talk about that when the job is done, better to kill the basilisk first before you sell his skin."

We did our last preparations, The four pregnant girls would stay, Megan, Hermione, Astoria, and Lavender are staying too, to protect the pregnant girls, Susan and Hanna decided to stay too.

Susan was a certified lawyer now, employed at Tonks firm to handle the Potter fortune and estates.

We send our message Patronus to the parents notifying them that tomorrow we will depart.

The last night together was an emotional one, We talked and made love to the ten girls that would be staying here, deciding on the names of the kids, should things go wrong.

The next morning at breakfast the parents dropped in, we all said our goodbyes, as the last precaution we put the manor trunk in a heavily protected room and cast a fidelius charm on the trunk, and put a decoy in the other corner. We gave all parents the secret and made Susan the secret keeper.


We entered the trunk, went to the portal, changed into my dragon shape, and demanded the portal to open. The portal started to draw on my magic, draining me almost completely before the portal opened.

Tired I changed back to a human, and went through, supported by my wives, holding their wands ready.

I wanted to say it was like Star Trek or SG1, it was just like entering a dark corridor and walking to the light... Nope, no comment.

We came out into a dimly lit hall, there were jewels on shelves at one side and rows of eggs on the other side. Crap and an automated armor that will attack any stranger that comes visiting.

"Eldunari, control your tin man, do not let him attack us, we come in peace." Tin-man got up and drew his sword, but he did not attack. I felt a strange presence trying to link to my mind.

"Sorry Eldunari, trust first. Project your thought to us. I swear on my life and magic we will do no harm to the Eldunari and your eggs. So mote it be." The magic oath stuck, and the pressure lowered.

"Can someone else take control? That portal took a lot out of me." Flora conjured a couch and laid me down on it with a kiss.

Daphne: "Well met Eldunari, we are travelers from another plane, tasked to aid you in your fight with the crazy king. We roughly know your story and the events that are bound to happen. We know the leader here is the Eldunari Umaroth. Dragon of Vrael. Our mate is Harry Potter, we all here, are his wives, my name is Daphne Greengrass." the Eldunari were conversing with each other, while Luna walked to the automate with the blue egg.

Luna: "Hello, my name is Luna Lovegood, can you identify this child?" Luna presented the egg.

Another set of flashes went through the hall.

Umaroth: "Luna Lovegood, in your hands is a lost egg, it got lost when the mad king stole three eggs from us. Two males and one female, this one is the female. It got lost on the trip to the capital. The mad king is still searching the land for it"

Fleur: "Well met Umaroth, my name is Fleur Delacour. The egg was transported to our plane, we don't know how long it has stayed with us, we hope you can tell us how long."

Belladonna: "My name is Belladonna, we are tasked to deliver the egg to her destined rider and aid in his training and fight."

Umaroth: "Then the Grays heard our prayers."

Daphne: "Good, now we have to know what year we are in. Umaroth, you have a connection with Brom?"

Umaroth: "Yes we are monitoring Brom, why do you ask?"

Padma: "My name is Padma Patil, Umaroth, is Brom in Carvahall? We want to know so we can decide our actions.

Umaroth: "Brom is living in Carvahall for ten years."

Milli: "That makes Eragon twelve to fifteen years? My name is Millicent Bulstrode ancient one."

Umaroth: "Eragon? You even know about the boy? He is fourteen years now."

Ginny: "That is good news, we are a year early, we can begin to mess the story up. Ginny Weasley Wise one."

Katie: "We have to wait for Harry to recuperate, we can't go outside because of the radiation, we better set our mansion up, rest for this day, and plan for tomorrow."

Daphne: "This place is under a fidelius charm, so are the eggs and Eldunari. Does this mean we are going to forget about them? We knew of them before."

Flora: "Let us take our husband to bed first, and find a way to share our magic when we open the portal again." That woke the scientist in the girls up. A new project, a beneficial one, had several girls already planning some experiments. Under the watchful eye of the robot armor, we set the manor trunk up.

Umaroth: "That is some powerful magic, I could not sense inside that trunk until you opened it."

Parvati: "Well, Wise one, our magic is different from yours, ours is not bound to the grays language."

We all went into the manor trunk, the automation followed, exploring the grounds, looking sort of amazed at the unicorns. I went to bed, leaving the girls to figure everything out.


Tracey: "Now that we have to stay here for the day, can we develop a way to shield our minds from the magic users and dragons of this world? The mad king is specialized at that, if we can block that, then the battle is half won. Maybe adjust our mindscape?"

Fauna: "Let's ask the Eldunari to aid us in our practice of keeping them out." Belladonna went out to ask them, she came back with the automate who carried thirteen Eldunari, big ones, some of them older than two millennia.

Umaroth: "How can we assist you in your practice?"

Fleur: "We need to find a way to shield our minds from the mad king, to practice this, can you try to invade our mind? Start slowly, so we can recognize the attack and find a way to block it. One Eldunari for each person, switch after five minutes to another girl, so we have different magics to adjust to." The session started, the girls were contentiously under attack, switching every five minutes to another dragon, slowly recognizing the common magic and the personal one. Four hours later, Harry woke up.


Daphne: "Harry, can you pull us into your mindscape to share?" Dammed, I just woke up and I already have to work… Who am I kidding… I love to have them in my mindscape. After everyone was in, we shared, combined, and received our practices. The different kinds of views and approaches helped us to develop a way to block any attack on our mind, by receiving the attack, locking onto it, and guide to a vortex that will drag the magic into a void, keeping it there. As long as we held onto the magic, we could drain our attacker. We could store it there to use at a later date or as a counterattack.

Once back out, we tried our defense with the Eldunari. Ginny volunteered for the job. One of the old ones, Fundor, started the attack and immediately got sucked into the void, he felt his magic being grabbed and sucked in, faster and faster, out of control he could only yell to stop it before he lost all his magic.

His Eldunari lost his glow, Ginny felt sorry for him and reversed the flow to Fundor, restoring him to full strength.

Fundor: "That was an impressive defense, I would have lost my life if you did not stop. I lost total control over my power. The question is now: how much can you take in? The mad king has many Eldunari, and you have to drain them all before the mad king is defeated."

Katie: "We can take all Eldunari in tenfold. The void we created is as big as the galaxy we are in today. Endless."

"They will be dragged into space, where there is no air or earth to hold on to. Floating in a space where the next solid object is thousands of years traveling away, we will have total control." Luna smiled, it was her idea, borrowed from the other universe.


Now that Ginny discovered the method of giving magic back, she tried it on me, slow at first then a big wave came in, one I had to stop because she was pumping everything into me.

"Ginny stop it! You are giving away too much."

Ginny: "Sorry love, but it is hard to control how much magic has to go through. Stopping the flow is difficult too."

Tracey: "We work on that tonight in bed. We have to find a way to shield us from the radiation here at Vroengard, and learn to speak the Grays language, knowing the words from books is not enough."

Pansy: "How about we learn from the Eldunari? We can pull some into Harry's mindscape and share the knowledge?"

"Getting someone in my mind is a very personal and invasive feeling Pansy, there is always an echo that remains in me, having something from my wives in me is the best there is, I am not certain I want some strange dragons into my head."

Milli: "How about only female dragons? The younger ones, not one older than five hundred years?"

We explained to Umaroth how my mindscape worked, he talked it over with the other Eldunari.

Umaroth: "This may be a blessing, some young ones perished without getting the chance to lay their first clutch of eggs, they are losing the will to live, maybe you can help them regain it."

He introduced us to three Eldunari, Miramar, Ophelia, and Lenora. A brown, light blue, and pale green. We explained how our mindscape works to the Eldunari and invited them in to look for themselves.


I entered my mindscape and created a big field, stretching out for miles. I pulled my wives in, leaving Luna out to guide the three Eldunari inside.

Starting with the brown one, I enveloped the Eldunari with my magic, inviting the dragon in. Hesitating she responded to my call and allowed herself to be pulled in. She appeared on the field as a magnificent brown dragon, almost three times bigger than my wives. Curious she looked around until she realized she was in dragon form. With an almighty roar, she took to the sky.

Meanwhile, I pulled Lenora in, she heard Miramar roaring in the sky, looked at herself, and joined her companion in the sky too. Last was Ophelia, she heard her sisters in the sky, looked at me, and asked me: §How?§ I merely smiled, while I pulled Luna in.

§Magic, Miss Ophelia. You are now in my mindscape. This is a world I created to mislead anyone that would invade my mind. I learned to pull my wives in here, and we discovered several uses for it. Time flows faster in here than outside, so first enjoy a flight with your sisters.§ She took off and joined the others.

"We let them enjoy themselves for a while. I have been thinking, I feel we should stick to using our kind of magic. Using the Grays language will give the mad king power and control over us. If we use magic he does not recognize, will give us the edge we need. Remember that he has, or will have the true name of the language, so he has control over the magic from it as well.

Now that we are discussing this, are we speaking English here? Or does transporting us here, enabled us to speak and understand the local language? The odds of ending up in an English-speaking universe are even more insanely high than the odds of an alternative universe."

Fleur: "My guess is that those grays adjusted our brains to recognize this language as English, I have the same translation issues as with English at home. So focus on the current problems."

Luna: "Wards, runes, enchants and potions are our best options then."

Fauna: "From the memories of the books he will deceive the elves next year by hiding his plans from them. Maybe he already has."

Flora: "Then the shade already has the Urgals under his control."

Padma: "The twins at the dwarves are turned into traitors too, remember Brom's friend in Theirm started losing his ships to piracy because of their betrayal."

Parvati: "Don't forget the Ra'zac, those nasty creatures are immune to magic, and those crazy worshipers at that Helgrind need to be dealt with too. We need physical protection from them, like armor."

"We will have to plan, set our actions in a sequence. It depends on what season Carvahall is in. we can't arrive in the middle of winter when all passes are snowed in. Are we going to call those three down or go up? Are we going to keep our animagus a secret for now, or tell them all?"

Daphne: "We can tell them we can take the dragon shape in here by having them inside your mindscape. Harry, can we get as big as they are in here?"

"Try it, I'll help, one by one, please. Daphne first, she is blue like Ophelia." Daphne changed, her color blue was deeper than the ocean., I doubled her size, more would be too difficult, She took off, and joined the Eldunari in their flight. The Eldunari noticed the girls changing into dragons and came closer to observe.

Ophelia: §How are you doing this? It should not be possible.§

Daphne: §You are in the mindscape of our husband. Here he can make everything real.§ One by one the girls changed and joined the flock. The last one was me, I managed to almost reach the Eldunari's size. Lenora had her eyes fixed on me, her instinct was taking over. She roared and tried to move to me. The wives blocked her and tried to reason with her. Miramar and Ophelia joined in to calm Lenora.

Miramar: §Lenora, this is not real. He is not a real dragon, even when you mate with him, it doesn't end with you laying eggs.§

Lenora: §I will at least have got a mating flight. I never had one, all the other dragons were over a thousand years old and didn't want me.§

Tracey: §Lenora, you never had a mate? Never a mating flight?§

Lenora: §My rider was a grandson of our master. Our master had secluded himself in solitude, we were tasked to serve him for two hundred years. The only dragons visiting us were old ones. I gave my rider my Eldunari, so I could visit the world, to look for the wild dragons.

Those males didn't want a tamed, domesticated mate, shared with an elf or human. Wild male dragons don't share their mates.

Then the traitor happened, he started to kill all solitary riders, my rider was visiting his family in Ellesmera, while I kept our master's company. He killed us, and my chance to ever have a mate.§

Miramar: §I had two mating flights, but we do not get eggs fast, it sometimes takes years to get them. It is a natural solution to prevent overpopulation. The longer a species live, the harder it is to get children. If we could have a clutch of eggs each year, we would die out from lack of food.§

Ophelia: §Same here, I had some mating flights but ended up with nothing. This is also the main reason the wild males don't want us. They expect us to stay with them for years until we lay their offspring. Although I would not mind another mating flight, your male is a good-looking dragon.§

Lenora: §Now we are nothing more than glowing rocks with bad memories. I thank you to let me feel alive again, feel the wind under my wings, even if it is for a few moments. I want to leave now.§

Ginny: §Stay please, we will work something out. Harry, we could get an animagus dragon shape, can they get an animagus human shape? Can you change them into humans here? And then maybe outside too?§

Ophelia: §What is an animagus?§

Pansy: §This is our animal shape, some wizards and witches can take the shape of an animal. Most animals reflect the character of their human. A magical animagus is extremely rare. Our husband has the dragon as an animal shape, we as his wives had the opportunity to have it too. We did a ritual, so our children will have a dragon shape too.§

Belladonna: §Maybe we can adjust the ritual so that the Eldunari can take a human shape too.§

Luna: §But first, our husband has to help our sister out. My love, shadow clones please, and give our sisters something to live for.§

Tracey: §I agree, and master, you are looking yummy.§ Several girls were calling yummy in agreement. Curious the three saw me land, transform back into a human, then split into sixteen shadow clones, who turned back to big dragons. The girls spread out with their personal hubby and began a mating orgy.

Ophelia: §Is this real? Are you real? Or is this just a dream?§

§I often wonder myself, now, we don't have to do this, we can just as well talk or do a tour around the mindscape.§ Lenora and another clone passed us by in a mating frenzy, soaring high up into the sky.

Ophelia: §No, I won't let this opportunity pass me by, Harry from another world, I want to feel the mating again, losing myself in emotions and lust.§

Soon all sixteen couples were roaring, fucking the dragon way, high up in the sky. Lenora couldn't get enough of it. Luna nudged her Harry to help out, so now Lenora was tag teamed by two dragons, slowly sating her. She was making up for several centuries of loneliness.


Several hours later everyone was back on the ground. After changing back to humans we took a seat on couches, the three dragons curled up on the ground in front of us, humming happy, satisfied.

Fleur: "Now the only thing left to do is the elf language, do we exchange it in dragon form or do we change them into humans?"